

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 7 av 20

Interaktionskvalitet - hur mäts det?

Den tekniska utvecklingen har lett till att massiva mängder av information sänds, i höga hastigheter. Detta flöde måste vi lära oss att hantera. För att maximera nyttan av de nya teknikerna och undkomma de problem som detta enorma informationsflöde bär med sig, bör interaktionskvalitet studeras. Vi måste anpassa gränssnitt efter användaren eftersom denne inte har möjlighet att anpassa sig till, och sortera i för stora informationsmängder. Vi måste utveckla system som gör människan mer effektiv vid användande av gränssnitt. För att anpassa gränssnitten efter användarens behov och begränsningar krävs kunskaper om den mänskliga kognitionen.

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet

Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the care of the patient and in his/her experience of life. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse perspective. Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book, "Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse who also worked as a teacher in Norway. The book describes how quality of life is experienced from the patients and staffs view. Results The text analysis showed that out of the ordinary descriptions of quality of life, the author found four new themes. These themes where; the meaning of solidarity, confidence, activity and meaningfulness in the existence. Conclusion Quality of life is an important word, which means different to different kind of people.

Identifiering av upplevelse av smärta hos patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie

One third of all Swedish people will suffer in cancer. Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients. The pain is subjective and includes several dimensions. The dimensions of pain are the physical, psychological, social and spiritual. This is a literature review and the aim with this study was to identify the pain experience in patients with cancer receiving palliative care.

Dagkirurgiska patienters upplevelser av postoperativ smärta vid ortopedi-och bukkirurgi med beaktande av kön och ålder

The aim of this study was to elucidate day surgery patients´ subjective experiences of postoperative pain after orthopedic and abdominal surgery and if there was any difference in the experience according to sex and age.Selection was not random and the study included 87 patients. Data were collected from patient questionnaires. VAS method was applied in the questionnaire to measure patients´ pain.The outcomes of the study show that there was no significant difference between women´s and men´s experiences of pain during days 1-7.It was found that patients undergoing orthopedic surgery had significantly more pain on day 7 compared to those patients who underwent abdominal surgery.There was a significant negative correlation between age and perceived pain on day 7.Patients in day surgery group had significantly less pain on day 7 compared with day 1.The patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery and younger patients had more pain on day 7 while the patients in day surgery group had a pain level decreased gradually and on day 7 was the lowest.It appears that pain relief on day 7 of younger patients and patients who have undergone orthopedic surgery is an area that can be improved..

Lindsberg : en kvalitativ undersökning av platsbunden entitetkontinuitet

This essay is an analysis of a three-day participant observation with sensitive people in a house with entity continuity. The purpose was to investigate the possible experiences participants had during their stay. The method used was modified based theory with Jungian application. The investigation showed that the core category was a peculiar atmosphere which the participants related to a different world than the physical. The place? atmosphere influenced the participants and led to transcendent experiences related to a spirit realm.

Värdet av en Virtuell Relation : Aktivitet i förhållande till kontext ? Spotify ur ett praktikperspektiv

The increased interest in relationship marketing and the potential of the Internet as a platform for relationship building activities have given rise to new ways for companies to interact with their customers, such as services based on a freemium pricing model. Based on the premise that relationships are processes consisting of interactive moments of value-creating activities, value is considered subjective, relative and dependent on the context in which the activity takes place. Value is therefore variable given its context and cannot be pre-defined without nuances being lost. Despite the Internet's given role in societal development, our understanding of what contributes to customers' intentions to build relationships with online services is yet to mature.As the music industry is well established on the Internet, alongside the change in how music is consumed, it is thus appropriate to examine activities in accordance with a freemium based service that distributes music online, since it still lacks in academic understanding.This study aims to provide insights about virtual relations and how online services that provide cultural content should relate to there users as well as contributing to the ongoing academic discussion regarding value and how it is manifested by highlighting contextual impact on relational activities. For a rapprochement of relations to online services in cultural industries, this study assumed a practice perspective.

Betydelsen av verbal uppmuntran vid utförande av handstyrketest

The purpose of this study was to evaluate if verbal encouragement had any influence on handstrength measurements. Twenty subjects participated in the study, all women between the age of 20 and 62 years. A standardisation of testing conditions and verbal encouragement were designed. Three measurements were conducted during two days using T.K.K 5401 Grip D. First there was a trial set, and then Test 1 (without verbal encouragement) and Test 2 (with verbal encouragement) were conducted.

Attributionsstil och priming-effekt: En experimentell studie om välmående

The aim of this study was to examine differences between happy and unhappy people, with respect to individuals interpretations, their attributonal style and in what way the priming effect is related to their attributional style and well-being. The participants were 74 senior high school and 21 undergraduate college students. Participants were asked to read a short story, some words were in bold type, and thereafter for their subjective perception of the words in bold type loading and memory of them in a recognition list. Attributional style was operationalized with an own constructed instrument. The results show that happy individuals interpreted more words as positive than negative in comparission with unhappy individuals.

Låt oss inte glömma Lady Macbeth! : En komparativ studie av Lady Macbeth i Shakespeares tragedi samt i tre moderna TV- och filmadaptioner.

The work of Shakespeare has been popular to make film adaptations of from the birth of cinema. Macbeth, one of his most often played tragedies, is no exception. But how did Shakespeare portray Lady Macbeth in his play, and how do directors in the 21th century choose to portray her for a modern audience? I will try to find the answer to these questions by analyzing Shakespeare´s play as well as three modern adaptations. I will begin the thesis by looking at scholars´ view in questions regarding gender, free will, adaptations and genre before analyzing the play and the three movies.

Fria och öppna programvaror inom kommunal verksamhet : Vägen mot öppna standarder?

This report deals with the attitudes within municipalities of open source software and open standards and if open source software may be an option to gain open standards. The aim has been to find out if open source software and open standards would be able to solve the lock-in problems that municipalities have against proprietary software. The study is conducted as an exploratory, inductive and qualitative study with depth interviews of subjectively selected informants as data collection method. A literature review has also been implemented by the relevant books and articles. Some economic determinants of municipalities to make use of open source software have not been considered in this study.

I dig finner jag mig : Väninnor som narrativ motor i tre 2000-tals romaner

By reading three 21st century books am I trying to see how the female friendship is described in literature of our days. The books are Rebell med frusna fötter by Johanna Nilsson, Lutherska badet by Unni Drougge and I närheten av solen by Hanna Wallsten. They are all written by Swedish authors and taking place in Stockholm in the early years of 2000. I am doing a critical reading against the roles of ?heteronormativitet? as the word is described by Tiina Rosenberg and Fanny Ambjörnsson trying to see how the characters are following or breaking these roles.

Stegintegrering- billigt och bra? : Hur stegintegrering i Moderna språk på gymnasieskolan påverkar inlärningen och undervisningen ur ett lärar- och elevperspektiv

This essay discusses the subjective observations and opinions on the Swedish concept of stegintegrering, a form of mixed grade education in the subject modern languages at upper secondary level. I interviewed two headmasters, four teachers and conducted an online survey with 39 pupils in order to find out what effects the concept of stegintegrering has on teaching and learning from a teacher and pupil perspective. Due to the extent of this essay no general conclusions can be made but certain connections could be found. For once there was a connection between group size and the possibility of teaching each group separately during one lesson per week and the attitude of the concerned teachers and pupils towards stegintegrering. While both headmasters and teachers claimed that the cooperation between pupils across all levels was the main purpose of stegintegrering as it helps their learning and understanding, my study showed that many pupils did not really want to cooperate and that teachers often find it hard to construct tasks that stimulate every group.

IMAGE: Om tolkning av dagsaktuella bilder

This paper emphasizes that the analyzing and the intepretation of images, involves anholistic view, including intention, content, message, and the influence on the observer.The paper focuses on daily produced images. The starting point of this paper is ´image´in the concept of ´the written image´. The theory- and method textcritical perspective.used in this paper is close connected to Paul Feyerabends, Against Method, and toRobert Farrells work Feyerabend and Scientific Values. This papers specific ques-tionsare, 1) is analyzing and intepretation of images, subjective ?, 2) needs the subjectivityto be handled to limit arbitrariness and distortion ?, 3) is it appropriate to use a filterof awarerness as an aid to handle the subjectivity ? The answear to the threequestions, is short and clear: ?Yes?.

Strömkarlen och "Hvad tjenar konsten till?" : Programförklaring i två delar, av Ernst Josephson

The purpose of this essay is to investigate modern influence in the painting Strömkarlen, by Ernst Josephson. Strömkarlen was painted 1884 in Norway. First the essay performed an investigation of earlier researchers statements to establish a ?common truth? that puts the painting in a realistic/naturalistic-romantic context. With the help of Yve-Alain Bois? model, where he sees art from the painters point of wiew, it was possible to use two articles, written by Ernst Josephson in the fall of 1884, where he debates the conditions for art and artists in Sweden.

Vetenskapligt skrivande i gymnasieskolan : Hur gymnasieelever närmar sig vetenskapliga textgenrer

The aim of this study was to examine ways in which High School Students approach academic writing. Both discursive and critical-analytical levels in 21 PM-texts and 14 investigating literary essays were analyzed through a genre theoretical and sociocultural framework in order to widen the understanding of students? usage of explicit textual and interpersonal markers as well as their techniques of writing abstracts. The results showed that nearly 25 percent of the putative abstracts consisted of sampled and reshaped text sequences. The majority of these were on the other hand results of a creative process in which the students reshaped utterances from different sources.

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