

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 46 av 179

Elevers tankar om klimatförändringar

This work examines the students´ thoughts on climate change with a focus on carbondioxid through photosynthesis and the carbon emissions from cars. The study is based on two subject areas, one with a focus on enhanced greenhouse effect, and the other focusing on photosythesis. The survey was conducted by means of qualitative interviews with students in grades four and six. The results describe that student´s understanding for photosynthesis and the carbondioxids function for photosynthesis doesn´t change significantly from grade four to grade six. I have divided the students inte three levels based on their understandingof the various fields, and their use of adequate concepts.

Retorik som verktyg vid talängslan : En presentation av Södertörns Högskolas och Uppsala Universitets arbete med talängsliga

The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative study of first a pedagogical/rhetorical and then a therapeutic method, to help students overcome their speech anxiety. My choice stayed at focusing on the academic world and the benefits offered to mainly students. I have chosen two institutions with long experience of work with speech anxiety: Instutionen of Swedish, rhetoric and journalism at Södertörns Högskola and Student Health at Uppsala University. I want to find the advantages and disadvantages of the two universities and in no way define what is more favorable..

Intersport & Skiljebo SK : Ett vinnande samarbete?

SammanfattningSeminariedatum: 2008-06-04Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 HögskolepoängHandledare: Claes JonssonFörfattare: Per Bodlund 1983 Roderik Elfström 1981pbd04002@student.mdh.se rem03001@student.mdh.se Västerås VästeråsNyckelord: Relationsmarknadsföring, engagemang, förtroende, kommunikation, relationer, lojalitet.Titel: Intersport & Skiljebo SK. Ett vinnande samarbete?Problem: Sponsring är en viktig marknadsföringskanal för näringslivet och en viktig inkomstkälla för det svenska föreningslivet. Det är därför viktigt att relationen mellan sponsor och sponsortagare fungerar och att sponsorerna får ut vad de förväntar sig av samarbetet. Intersport och Skiljebo SK (SSK) har sedan många år tillbaka ett sponsrings- och samarbetsavtal.

Förutsättningar för mellankommunal översiktsplanering Örnsköldsvik?Umeå : En tematisk dokumentanalys

The aim of this study is to investigate a specific form of Special Interest Tourism (SIT), namely health- and fitnesstravels. This kind of travelling is studied from a Swedish perspective and includes aspects like gender and age in active tourism. It also includes which travel motivations that lies beyond the choice of an active vacation.The study is based on a survey that was sent in an e-mail to the health tourism company InShapeTravel´s customers. The answers to the survey has been analyzed and related to earlier research about active tourism.The result shows that more women than men participate in the kind of healthy travels that InShapeTravel offers. A majority of the respondents are between 41-60 years old and the most common travel motivation was ?Better physic/psychic wellbeing?. .

The Sims : En studie om skapandet av karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv

Todays gaming habits between women and men depends on the age range. Both sexes are playing but how do they create a character when they have free hands? Are there any differences from a gender perspective? The main purpose is to answer the question: How does women and men create characters in the computergame The Sims? By looking at the result of four women and four mens created character and then interviewing them for profound information, we have received data to answer those questions for our study. Data has shown that the men were less personal when they created a character, used more imagination and took less time to create the character. The majority of the women created themselfs or part of themselfs and took more time on details..

Ena dagen student nästa dag nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska

Background: Every year about 4600 nurses are examined in Sweden. The work as a nurse is responsible and she is often working under time pressure. Aim: To describe nurse?s understandings about her professional role during her first year after the examination. Method: Systematic literature review, where 10 scientific articles were examined.

Hungrig systemtekniker sökes : En studie om relationen mellan sändare och mottagare i platsannonser

English title: "Motivated system technician wanted" A study of the relationship between two parts in job advertisements". The purpose of this study is to describe the linguistics of job advertisements. The focus is on discursive practice and how the relation between employer and the proposed employee is created through the process of communication in job advertisements. The method concists of two parts: A critical discourse analysis using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough and a text analysis inspired by Hellspong & Ledin. 40 job advertisements were examined and the analysis revealed that the majority belongs to the category traditional job advertisement and a minority uses more than one discourse.

Integrationen av etniska minoriteter i de tre Baltiska staterna

This essay is a comparative empirical study of ethnic integration mainly of the Russian-speaking minorities in the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) in a post-communism setting. As Lithuania has a Polish minority that is as large as the Russian-speaking, they too shall be included in the study but not as thoroughly as the Russian-speaking minority. Thus the problem is: to what degree are the ethnic minorities integrated with the titular nations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? In order to study ethnic integration I have set up a theoretical framework largely based on Weiner?s theory of integration. The theoretical framework focuses on three dimensions: Citizenship, Identity and Segregation.

Blågult ? två lag på lika villkor? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av den journalistiska bevakningen i svensk kvällspress av de svenska herroch damlandslagen i fotboll

This essay examines if there is any difference how the two biggest tabloids in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen is portraying the Swedish national football team for both woman and men. The purpose is to compare and see if there is any difference regarding what gender you have. We have also examined what gender the authors for the articles have. We have used a quantitative content analysis to get our results. In conclusion, there is a big difference in medial space regarding what gender you have.

Funktionell och aerob träning för U16 ishockeyspelare

The aim of this study was to examine if it was possible to improve fitness and strength in young ice hockey players with help of a training programme based on functional training and aerobic training. The training programme was performed on Halmstad Hockey U-16 team where 17 boys participated in the study. We performed the training in a period of sex weeks with three training occasions each week. These consisted of two functional training sessions and one fitness session. In the beginning we emphasized the importance of a correct performance and technique.

Att konstruera en frack : En kvalitativ studie om studentfrackens upplevda gränser

This explorative study focuses on young, university attending males (22-27 years) and their understanding and pratice of the classic tail coat. It is based on five qvalitatively interpreted interwievs with a total of six participants, and through open questions regarding individuality and identicalness, limits and possibilities and inclusion and exclusion, a masculininty of a less contemporary hue takes shape. These conversations have revealed the tail coats potential of respresenting a male stereotype that can set a foundational and minimal standard for inclusion. Above this layer these males can then manifest and negotiate their masculine position in a homosocial hierarchy which decides the amount of passage, privilieges and confirmation of self- worth received for the wearer. These negotiation is performed by value bearing symbols (such as medallions, cordons and the like) allowed by the wearer and by the actions that systematically ensure that the lines of the tail coat are watched and unbroken.

Hur används historia? : en historiebruksanalys av gymnasiets läroplan i historia 1970-2011

A new curriculum, entailing news for teachers as well as students, was implemented in 2011. Among other things History has been given a more prominent position in that every student will now study the subject. Can this decision lead to history being used more in the future?The aim of this thesis is to study the new curriculum, Gy11, as well the Lpf94 and Lgy70, based on Klas-Göran Karlsson´s typology where the use of history is divided into seven different categories. I will analyze the curricula, looking at what different uses of history that can be discerned as well as what changes have been made over time.

PÅVERKAS DEN KOMMUNALA SKATTESATSEN AV POLITISKTSTYRE? : En strukturell analys av faktorer som avgör skatten i svenska kommuner

The aim of this report was to investigate which factors determine municipal taxes in Sweden.The aim was also to find out whether and how the forms of political rule are significant covariates. A multiple regression analysis was performed using data from 289 municipalities. The analysis resulted in five dierent models, of which a model based on municipal grouping was found to be most satisfactory. In all of the models, there are effects from the form of political rule. The results indicate that socialist municipalities have higher tax rates than non-socialist.

Smittsamma hudsjukdomar hos hund :

This student report is about canine infectious skin diseases. It is primarily directed at veterinary assistans. The report includes a description of the skin?s structure and immunologic defences. The four types of allergic reactions are described. Different diagnostic techniques are also accounted for. The skin diseases included in the report are: fleas, lice, Sarcoptes scabiei, ringworm, Cheyletiella and leishmaniosis.

Vad skapar arbetstillfredsställelse på ett lager? : Nio extraarbetande studenters upplevelser.

Arbetstillfredsställelse kan definieras som ?en positiv (eller negativ) evaluerande värdering av arbetet eller arbetssituationen? (Kaufmann, G.,  & Kaufmann, A.  2005 s. 269). Denna studie fokuserar på delaktighet,  arbetsinriktning, fysiska betingelser, lön, ledarskap och sociala betingelser som delar i arbetstillfredsställelse. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur extraarbetande högskolestudenter på lager uppfattade sin arbetstillfredsställelse, därför intervjuades nio studenter varav tre kvinnor i åldern 21-33.

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