
Smittsamma hudsjukdomar hos hund

This student report is about canine infectious skin diseases. It is primarily directed at veterinary assistans. The report includes a description of the skin?s structure and immunologic defences. The four types of allergic reactions are described. Different diagnostic techniques are also accounted for. The skin diseases included in the report are: fleas, lice, Sarcoptes scabiei, ringworm, Cheyletiella and leishmaniosis. Symptom, diagnosis and treatment for the diseases are presented in the report. The diagnosis is confirmed by using different methods. The treatments are varied for the different diseases. It can be antiparasitic and antimycotic shampoos, spot-on treatment and treatment with cortisone in the case of an allergic reaction. Environmental cleaning and other preventative measurements are described when needed.


Jenny Schacht

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Animal Environment and Health


Detta är ett examensarbete.

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