598 Uppsatser om Strategic - Sida 33 av 40
Hierarkisk position och motivation i relation till belöningssystem -En kvantitativ studie om hur individer på olika hierarkiska positioner motiveras av olika belöningsformer
Rapportens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka relationen mellan motivation och hierarkisk position, och huruvida anställda på högre hierarkiska positioner motiveras av annat än anställda på lägre positioner. Vidare är syftet att ta reda på vilka typer av belöningar som tjänstemän respektive arbetare bäst anser motivera dem i sitt arbete, både vilka de anser motivera bland de belöningar de har vid undersökningstillfället och vilka belöningar de anser skulle motivera i framtiden.Tidigare forskning som använts är Harald Gatus skrift Belöna räcker inte, sambandet mellan belöning, arbetsorganisation och företagsstrategi, Igalens och Roussels studie A study of the relationships between compensation package, work motivation and job satisfaction, Kommes och Lundmarks rapport Relationen mellan monetära belöningar, motivation och prestation - En kvantitativ studie av tillverkande- ochtjänsteföretag och Boyd och Salamins studie Strategic reward systems: A contingency model of pay system design. Inledningsvis i teoriavsnittet redogörs det för trevälkända motivationsteorier för att förstå vad som driver människor att handla och efter det behandlas teori om hur belöningssystem ofta utformas och för vanliga inslag i dessa. Undersökningen byggde på en enkätundersökning som genomfördes med totalt 97 anställda på företaget, 72 yrkesarbetare och 25 tjänstemän. Yrkesarbetarnasom ombads att delta i undersökningen valdes ut genom ett icke-sannolikhetsurval.
Utbyte eller utveckling? En studie av fastighetsmäklares strategier för framtiden
This essay reviews the situation for real estate agencies within the Stockholm area. In this essay we assume that costumer loyalty is a requirement for survival on the competitive estate market. Two actors have been compared; A well known national Internet-based agency, Skandia Mäklarna, and a smaller local traditional agent Mäklarfirman Grönberg. These actors have been analyzed up on theories on loyalty, relationship marketing, service marketing, quality and involvement .The conclusion of the essay is that it is possible for small estate agencies to compeed with larger Internet based agencies by building loyal relationships with their customers. This can be achieved if the right Strategic decisions are made.
Beslutsfattande inom Produktutveckling : Kartläggning, analysering & vidareutveckling av PPM process på ett medtech företag
The number of ideas at innovative companies usually exceeds the amount of available human ormaterial recourses, this include ideas for development of new products. Since they are not able to doeverything they want to do they have to choose between ideas to develop new products. This includesthe decision on when to start, stop or kill a project as well as the thought process of prioritizing betweenongoing and potential projects.Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is an organizational process, with the purpose of systematicallyorganizing and running the activities that aim to evaluate, select and prioritize ideas and projects fordeveloping new products. PPM include four major goals to be fulfilled; Maximizing Value of thePortfolio, Achieving a Balanced Portfolio, Achieving a Strategic Alignment and Running the RightNumber of Projects.The purpose of the thesis was to develop a more visual and formal PPM process for the early stages inproduct development in one department at St Jude Medical AB, Sweden.The thesis was conducted by following a methodology known as Process Modules. The methodology isan approach for developing a PPM process that fits a specific company.
Sånger från graven: En kartläggning av krafterna som hämnar den digitala revolutionen inom svensk musikdistribution
Songs from the Crypt: Mapping the Forces that Hinder the Digital Revolution of Music Distribution This paper seeks an explanation to the low market share growth of the commercial digital music distribution in Sweden. The analysis identifies a spectrum of obstacles that hinder the digital distribution technology from becoming the main form of music distribution in Sweden. These obstacles make the digital music distribution less favourable in comparison with physical distribution from the consumer?s point of view. The authors suggest that in order for the digital distribution of music to become competitive the digital product would either have to be developed further to offer more customer value or the so called a là carte retail model would have to be replaced by a subscription-based distribution model.
Strategisk investeringsanalys : en jämförelse mellan yngre och mognare SME-företag
Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur de specifika variablerna samverkar i investeringsanalysen bakom strategiska investeringar vid beslutsfattandet. Studien är inriktad mot den dominerande företagssektorn små och medelstora företag, vidare görs en jämförelse mellan yngre och mognare företag. För att analysera detta har en kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod använts i form av en enkätundersökning. Forskningsfilosofin som är applicerad är deduktiv, för att på så sätt kunna dra generaliseringar i slutsatserna utifrån den empiriska analysen och fullfölja studiens syfte. Studien är baserad utifrån beslutsteori där hantering av risk och osäkerhet har en central roll.
Indirekta ekonomiska följder av miljödiplomering
Titel Indirect economic impacts of a national environment certification as financial business strategyAuthors Ida Antonsson, Emma Hellberg and Linn RingströmAdvisor Arne SöderbomCourse Bachelor thesis ? business administrationSeminar date 2013-05-27Purpose The main aim of this study is to describe and analyze how private corporations use national environment certifications as a business strategy to gain power and financial benefits. By studying already certified corporation in Sweden, this study aims to understand, explore and develop already existing theoretical theories and concepts concerning ?national environment certifications?.Background All corporations have an impact on the environment. Therefor many corporations use a variety of worldwide certifications to be able to prove to ?others? that the corporation meets national- and international set goals.
Tjänsteföretag i samarbete : En studie av små kunskapsintensiva tjänsteföretags utveckling vid samarbete
AbstractBachelor Thesis, School of Economics at Vaxjo universityProgram: Enterprising and Business Development, EBD 362, Spring 2006Authors: Jens Asp, Vivianne Holmer, Carl-Marcus WahlstromExaminer: Stig G JohanssonKeywords: Services, cooperation, collaboration, customer offer, knowledgeTitle: Service firms in collaboration ? A study of the development of small service firms in collaborationNutek presented numbers during year 2005 witched show that the Swedish service sector, for the first time ever, was greater than the industrial sector. The kind of firms that develop most is small service firms without employees. The topic of interest in this bachelor thesis is to study how this kind of firms can develop. There is a great number of Strategic options for firms to choose.
Förpackningsdesign i en varumärkesstärkande process : En fallstudie av varumärket Coca-Cola
Nowadays, packaging design is seen as a competitive tool and its importance for corporations is becoming increasingly apparent. The rivalry within homogeneous markets puts high demands on differentiation and the ability to create something more than the product itself. With this fundamental question, the soft drink industry has been examined and a case study of the brand Coca-Cola has been performed. The aim is to investigate how packaging design is used as a tool for strengthening a brand and to explore which additional values this contributes. In addition, the study observes the most important factors in the development of packaging design.A theoretical work of reference, consisting primarily of theories related to branding, design development and visual identity, has been developed to support the study.
Hur sjuksköterskor kan bidra till följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner inom kommunal vård och omsorg
Background: Basic hygiene is an important measure to prevent healthcare associated infections, save patients? lives, and reduce economic costs for health care. Healthcare associated infections are a threat to patient safety. In community care persons who are the care takers are a risk group and nurses must make sure that basic hygiene procedures are followed.Method: Literature studies with descriptive design, article search in databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results found are based on twelve chosen articles.Aim: To describe factors related to adherence to basic hygiene and how nurses in community care can help to improve compliance with these procedures.Results: In the nursing staff and leadership in health care interest in and the understanding of basic hygiene is described as being of most importance.
Tillämpning av utvärdering inom operativt förbättringsarbete
In the fall of 2014 a literature review and a scientific study of the topic; "... in the extent to which companies in the industry applies the evaluation of continuous improvement? was conducted at Mälardalen University. These studies are the foundation of this thesis.A Strategic improvement is often divided into smaller steps of improvements at each hierarchical level from the top down through the organization. But if there is no response system that can confirm the results of these improvements back through the organization it is very hard to see if the improvements really are improvements or just changes and a waste of resources.
Stöpt i kulspruteolja en litteratursociologisk studie av den unglitterära tidskriften 40-tal och dess idéklimat.
This masters thesis is a study of the ideas brought forward in the literary magazine 40-tal. The methodology involves the adaptation of a literary sociological perspective where the ideas of the young literary avantgarde in the magazine 40-tal interplays with the established philosophy of the Swedish society during the period 1944-47. The main purpose has been to examine 40-tal as a product of supreme individuality that originates a unique climate of ideas which exceeds the involved collaborators individual writings. I have thereby related my analysis to the Marxist oriented theories of Raymond Williams. This has been done in order to see how the external pressure of the social structure and the market acts together with the internal pressure of keeping up with the times and how this affects the individual authors and the process of creating.
Riskkapital : Roller, Involvering och Värdeskapande
In order to drive innovation and growth in a nation is it important to have innovative companies. Many of those innovative companies are smaller companies, which are in need of capital injections for expansion of its operations or to be able to produce a commercial product. In many cases the banks will not lend because they believe there is too great a risk that they will not get their money back. It is in this situation venture capital becomes interesting. Venture capitalists? see the potential the product and/or entrepreneur possesses and are therefore more willing to take the risk in investing in these companies.
Strategiska partnerskap mellan banker och byggföretag. ? En studie av Stockholms aktörer.
This study is an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between banks and developers in Stockholm and its regions. It gives a good impression about the field of construction and project developments in terms of the finance and the negotiations associated with these types of projects. Main actors of the Stockholm?s construction financing market were of major interest for this study. On this regard, the relationships and ramifications of this group were investigated by using a qualitative and quantitative research method.
Corporate Social Responsibility : Strategisk Tillämpning Mellan Olika Branscher
Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis thesis intends to exam the Strategic use of Corporate Social Responsibility within fifthteen different companies, classified/divided into three various industries. The aim is to compare the three different industries, to look for disparities and similarities in their use of CSR. The disseration looks into both variance and resemblance in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility between the companies within the same branch of trade and between the industries.The industries of intrestThe three industries that the study has focus on is consumer, manufacturing and service related industries. Where the consumer industry is classified as companies with direct sales towards private consumers, the physical citizen. The manufacturing industry is classified as companies that manufacture products but that does´nt sell their products directly to the regular consumer.
TOC and TQM Utilized in a Mass Customization Production Environment
Background: Mass customization has been identified as a competitive business strategy by both companies and academics because of its ability to incorporate the voice of the customer into companies? products and services. Although mass customization may sound appealing, the Strategic concept is still developing and firms adopting this business strategy face several challenges. Production concerns are of high relevance since mass customization implies a high level of customer involvement in the product design. Since the areas are closely linked it is reasonable to ask how a mass customization strategy affects production concerns.