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Humanitära interventioner En teoriutvecklande studie.

Konflikterna i Somalia respektive Darfur (Sudan) är två av likartad karaktär men med olikautfall, i den tidigare initierades och genomfördes en intervention medan i den senare har ensådan uteblivit. I fallet Somalia tog det inte lång tid innan FN med USA i spetsen hade tagitplats i landet med avsikt att få till stånd ett slut på den interna konflikten. Fallet Darfur är avlikartad karaktär där hundratusentals människor redan mist livet och än fler drivits på flyktmen till skillnad från Somaliakonflikten har ingen intervention ännu initierats. Med bakgrundoch en historisk överblick till konflikternas start görs ett försök att analysera de båda utfallen.För att förstå situationerna använder vi oss av fem olika förklaringsvariabler,aktörsperspektiv, system, media, suveränitet och intressen. De olika förklaringsvariablerna gertillsammans en sammansatt bild av vilka faktorer som spelar en avgörande roll i huruvida enintervention har goda eller mindre bra förutsättningar att bli ett faktum.

En omsorgsfull vårdrelation stärker de nyblivna mammorna i uppstarten av amningen

Andelen helammade barn har minskat i Sverige de senaste åren trots ökad medvetenhet och kunskap om att en god start på BB har stor betydelse för den fortsatta amningen. Forskning visar att det är flera faktorer som både främjar och hindrar amningsstarten. De nyblivna mammorna tvivlar ofta på sin egen förmåga och stöd från personal och familj är viktig. Barnmorskans stärkande roll är viktig för att lyfta och stärka patientens egna resurser. Tidigare forskning berör aspekter av vård och stöd men det saknas forskning som specifikt belyser det som är stärkande i vårdrelationen vid amningens början.

Kvalitetssäkring av material och tjänster inom byggentreprenadbranschen

Quality is the key to a well executed product or service. The construction industry hasn?t highlighted the quality in recent times which have contributed to the construction industry receiving much criticism in the field. The public sees it as an offhanded industry where errors and delays are common.The reason for this is considered to be primarily the lack of time, constant pressure to reduce costs and skills and the ability to communicate between the parties about what the correct quality really means. The industry has begun to realize that it must start setting clearer standards and that there are great opportunities for improvement.This report will give Peab an opportunity to develop their quality work.

Car Lock Improved by Configurable Key

When a car owner want to lock or unlock his or her car today, it?s preferable done by using aremote control. The system is really comfortable when the car owner is using the remote.A problem arises if a thief gets the remote.The thief doesn?t have to know where the car is parked, an approximate estimation where thecar is parked is enough.For instance, it?s enough to know which car park the car is parked in. If the thief knows that,he/she can repeatedly activate the remote control while looking for a car indicating with lightsand sounds.Because of the fact that a car usually indicates that it has been unlocked by making a shortsound indication, there will be no problem finding the car.The purpose with this project is to make a prototype which makes it harder for a thief to findthe car.

Bollnäs GIF Bandy- ett starkt varumärke? : En studie av en bandyförenings varumärke och dess betydelse för det lokala samhället

AimThe aim of this study is to give a picture of how the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehends according to the sports club, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and the local business owners. Following questions has been used: How does the brand of Bollnäs GIF apprehend? Which existing soft value has the brand? What does the association contribute for the community, for local business owners and for the local development? How can the association develop the brand best in the future?MethodThe study is based upon ten interviews with persons representing organization that is concerned. These are: Bollnäs GIF, the municipality of Bollnäs, the Swedish Bandy Association and local business owners. I have analyzed the results compared to selected brand theories.ResultsThe existing value of the sports club-brand is the history and tradition that lies within the brand and the communion and the commitment the sports club creates in the Bollnäs.

Gymnasieungdomars självkänsla och fysiska självbild på Facebook : En kvantitativ studie sett ur ett könsperspektiv

AbstractThe banking industry has during later years gone through several technological changes (Svenska Bankföreningen 2014). These big changes have led to several advantages seen both from a customer ? and corporate point of view. Advantages in easier usage, increased availability and more competition have made the banks more cost effective at the same time as the customer is being offered better prices. Even though the advantages seem to weigh over the disadvantages there are still those who thinks that things where ?better in the past?.

Patienters upplevelser av epiduralanestesi i samband med kirurgi - En intervjustudie av epiduralanestesin

ABSTRACTIntroduction: An increasing number of patients in Sweden receive epidural anaesthesia (EDA) in connection to surgery. Caring for patients with acute pain is a responsibility that is strongly established within the profession of the nurse anaesthetist. If the care provided by the nurse anaesthetist for patients who receive epidural anaesthesia is to evolve then further insight and knowledge is required regarding the individual´s experience.Aim: To describe patients' experiences in receiving epidural anaesthesia based on an earlier perioperative Start-up of the EDA.Method: Based on a qualitative approach, the aim is to conduct semi-structured interviews with patients who receive EDA in connection to abdominal or gynaecological surgery. Research subjects' statements in the context of the interviews will be transcribed and then analysed using qualitative content analysis. In order to evaluate the chosen method regarding data collection and analysis model an exploratory pilot study was conducted.

Vuxna barn på Internet - Att använda webben i bearbetningen av barndomen

Syftet med den här undersökningen är att ta reda på om det är så att vuxna, som haft en barndom präglad av en förälders missbruk eller psykiska sjukdom, har ett speciellt behov av att möta andra på Internet som har en liknande uppväxt. Jag vill ta reda på hur och med vad det här mötet kan hjälpa de vuxna barnen och vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar de kan se med att det finns en mötesplats på Internet som alternativ till andra mötesforum som t.ex. självhjälpsgrupper inom ACoA (=Adult Children of Alkoholics/Vuxna barn till alkoholister och från andra störda familjer) och liknande där man till skillnad mot i kontakten på ett forum på Internet möts öga mot öga. Mina frågeställningar är:Hur upplever kvinnor som vuxit upp i en dysfunktionell familj att deras barndom har påverkat dem och deras förmåga att samspela med andra människor? Hur upplever kvinnor som vuxit upp i en dysfunktionell familj och som sedan tidigare är vana Internetanvändare att ett forum på Internet kan vara till stöd i deras bearbetning av barndomen?Jag har för att få svar på mina frågor gjort Internetintervjuer med vuxna barn.

Integrerad Rapportering : två sidor av samma mynt

The purpose of this paper is to through a conceptual definition, outline the meaning of integrated reporting. The empirical study aims to identify the development of integrated reporting in terms of driving forces and participants. We also intend to identify and explain the effects of integrated reporting and to describe, analyze and create an understanding of what is required of companies and the challenges an application of integrated can bring. To achieve the purpose of this paper, we have formulated a central question; What is integrated reporting and what will this development mean for companies?  To answer the central question of this paper we have chosen to apply a qualitative approach with case studies as a research strategy.

Statistisk analys av journalmaterial från två stuterier : en retrospektiv studie

Retrospective data from two stud farms, in this study named stud farm A and B, including 742 mares, was statistically analysed. Parameters included in the analysis were type of insemination, date of the first insemination, number of inseminations, the age of the mares, if the mares had a foal or not, foaling date, result of pregnancy examination (if it was done), twin pregnancy and treatments given to the mares. The pregnancy results and the treatments where compiled into a number of frequency tables in which the mares where arranged according to age, month of first insemination, foal or not and type of insemination. There was a significant difference in pregnancy result between the years at both stud farms (2001 better than 2002). At stud farm A, in year 2001, month (at start of insemination) significantly influenced the pregnancy result.

E-marknadsföring och Traditionell marknadsföring : Möjliga kombinatoriska effekter inom bilindustrin

A change is gradually taking place in the media industry. Traditional communication channels are being replaced by new, electronic, ones (Johnson, 2003). Segmented marketing is gaining popularity, as the mass-marketing model is becoming more or less obsolete (Kotler et al. 2001). At the same time, the consumers? attention span is more divided than ever (Neff, 2004).

Vägghängd duschpall : Utveckling av duschpall för Etac Supply Center AB

This degree project has been carried out by Oscar Adolfsson and Marcus Blomqvist, during the spring of 2010, both studying to become Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering, at Karlstad University. The degree project includes 22,5 credits.The work is done on behalf of Etac Supply Center AB in Anderstorp. Etac is a company developing and manufacturing home health care products, with operation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England and Germany, and with sales worldwide. Bo Lindqvist, R & D manager has been the contact person at Etac.During the project the students has had a workplace at Semcon Caran AB in Karlstad. Semcon has also been helpful as a sounding board.The objective of the work has been developing a new, wall mounted shower chair, assigned for persons with difficulty to stand up while showering.Etacs requirement of the shower chair is that it should be able to support a user with a weight of 100 kg, the chair shouldn?t have any outrigger, optional should be armrests and backrest.

Skolträdgården i folkskolans miljö på Gotland : med exempel från Bunge- och Stenkumla skola

The thesis explores the phenomena of historic school gardens connected to elementary schools on Gotland, Sweden. Gotland had the highest percentage of school gardens connected to the elementary schools in Sweden, and by investigating this area much can be learned about the Swedish conditions. The study focus on the period in time when the school gardens were most frequent and used the most, to the point in time when they start losing ground. To bridge over the past to the present the thesis also investigates what is left and play with the thought of possible ways to treat the remains. The main question for the thesis is: How could a school garden on Gotland be constructed and be used 1907 ? 1947?And a follow up question is: What could still be there today and how can/should the remains be treated and conserved? The thesis begin with an overview look at the school gardens of Sweden, closes in with on Gotland and completes with a deeper investigation of two examples of school gardens; Bunge and Stenkumla elementary schools.

moBil Elbilspool - Implementation av driftoptimering genom dynamisk prissättning i en mjukvaruprototyp för friflytande elbilspooler

Friytande bilpooler tillåter envägsresor med start och slut vid vilken parkeringsplatssom helst inom ett avgränsat driftområde, vanligen en stadskärna. Till skillnadfrån traditionella bilpooler, vari bilar alltid ska återlämnas där de hämtats, finns riskatt fordon blir olämpligt fördelade. Driftoptimering genom dynamisk prissättning utvecklades i detta arbete med målet att möjliggöra ett kostnadsffektivt sätt att säkerställa tillgänglighet av fordon, och därmed lönsamhet, i friytande bilpooler.Två modeller för dynamisk prissättning utvecklades, samt implementerades i en prototyp av en IT-lösning för friytande elbilspooler. Grunden till den första modellenutgjordes av en verifierad modell för kostnadsminimering av stationsbaserade bilpooler med envägsresor. Modellen är baserad på MILP och hämtades ur Alvina Keksavhandling Decision support tools for carsharing systems with exible return time and stations (2006).

Huvudhalscancer och livskvalitet : Patientens skattning av livskvalitet innan och efter strålbehandling

Introduction: Each year 1200-1300 patients are diagnosed with head neck cancer. Treatment that involves radiotherapy can cause severe side effects for example trismus that affects quality of life.Purpose: To study health-related quality of life in patients who have undergone radiation treatment for head and neck cancer and participated in a intervention group who received training intended to prevent trismus or in a control group who received standard treatment.Method: This is a prospective study in which data is collected from 66 patients participating in a randomized study aiming to evaluate a training program to prevent trismus. Thirty three participated in the intervention group and thirty three in the control group. Both patient groups assessed health related quality of life (HRQOL) with EORTC QLQ C30 and QLQ-H&N35, at start and end of the radiation treatment, and at 3 and 6-months after completing radiation treatment.Results: There is no difference between the intervention and control groups regarding symptoms, functional status and global health, except for intake of nutritional supplements.  For both groups almost all scales measuring HRQOL deteriorated under the radiation treatment. However, 3 and 6 months after end of radiotherapy HRQOL had improved and had returned to the baseline values.

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