6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 8 av 424
På spaning efter faktorer som påverkar studietiden vid musikskolor : En enkätundersökning bland rektorer för musik- och kulturskolor
The purpose of this investigation is to see if there is any difference in how long pupils are staying in the activity of the music- and culture schools in the country. I have compared this with how large the teachers engagements are in average at each school, how many teachers each school holds and if one teacher is teaching within different areas, e.g. on different instruments. Thru mail contact with the headmasters at the music- and culture schools I have gathered data concerning the length of which the pupils are staying at the schools, the number of teachers at each school, the size of the teachers services and in how many different areas each teacher is teaching.It has been hard to get to any results in the investigation since the music- and culture schools don?t compile statistics on how long their pupils are staying at their schools.
Grundskolans årskursindelning : En studie av kommunpolitikers argument vid grundskolans årskursindelning
Abstract Title: Grades at Primary School ? A study of local politicians' arguments in connection with the division into grades at Swedish primary schools.Author: Annie LinderUniversity of KalmarC-essay in Social StudiesAutumn 2011 The study aims to investigate local politicians' decisions since municipalities took overSwedish primary education in 1990/91. The arguments put forward in support of how stages are organised have been studied, likewise whether municipalities have acted rationally when making their decisions.Six municipalities are included in the survey. They were divided into three educational categories: lower, middle and high level schools; previous and recent schools and F9 schools with pre-schools and primary schools integrated.Minutes from politicians' and civil servants' meetings have been studied and categorised according to arguments for and against. The most common supportive arguments are about economy and organisation, others concern school premises, trends and the wish for a comprehensive compulsory school.
Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport manager
Författare:Lars JennforsTitel:Sport Managers, Vad gör de? - En studie kring de arbetsuppgifter som innehas och de kvalifikationer som krävs för att arbeta som sport managerInnehåll:Sport Management är ett förhållandevis outforskat område i Sverige. Därmed är det inte alldeles självklart vilka personer som har ett arbete som kan kallas sport manager. Definitionerna som därmed blir av central roll i studien är idrottssektorn, idrottsorganisationer och sport manager. Att ta del av dessa definitioner är viktigt för att kunna ta till sig av det resultat som framkommit.Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på vilka kvalifikationer som krävs på idrottens arbetsmarknad inom yrket sport manager, samt vad en sport manager har för arbetsuppgifter.
Personlighetsskillnader mellan gymnasielärare och blivande gymnasielärare : Differences in personality between high school teachers and future high school teachers
The climate issue is a significant question, and the problem is mainly caused by human activities. Everyone can help to counteract the enhanced Greenhouse effect by reducing the amounts of energy they use and by not consuming more products then they need.Schools are some of societies many consumers and therefore contribute to the Greenhouse effect. The School also has an important task; to teach and disseminate knowledge and information about the climate and the environment. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, Skolverket, must all schools regularly consider the environment and sustainable development throughout the entire education process. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many schools in Sweden today.One of many tools that can be used to coordinate environmental work and initiatives, and also to make it more efficient, is environmental management systems.
Gruesome Gaming: En studie i marknadsföring på sociala medier
Vi har valt att titta på hur E-sportmarknaden använder sig av sociala medier
för att sprida sig ut bland medierna och nå befintliga och framtida användare.
E-sport är ett begrepp som innefattar all typ av elektronisk sport. Dota2 och
Starcraft 2 är två exempel på spel där E-sport är ett vinnande koncept. Vi har
valt att skapa föreningen, Gruesome Gaming som ligger till grund för uppgiften
för att kunna ta reda på hur de sociala medierna fungerar i
marknadsföringssyfte. Människors beteende på Internet samt hur människor
hanterar marknadsföring på Internet kommer upplysas närmare i arbetets
Medarbetare på den innovativa scenen : ? en studie i medarbetares syn på innovation inom kommunal verksamhet
Abstract Title: Grades at Primary School ? A study of local politicians' arguments in connection with the division into grades at Swedish primary schools.Author: Annie LinderUniversity of KalmarC-essay in Social StudiesAutumn 2011 The study aims to investigate local politicians' decisions since municipalities took overSwedish primary education in 1990/91. The arguments put forward in support of how stages are organised have been studied, likewise whether municipalities have acted rationally when making their decisions.Six municipalities are included in the survey. They were divided into three educational categories: lower, middle and high level schools; previous and recent schools and F9 schools with pre-schools and primary schools integrated.Minutes from politicians' and civil servants' meetings have been studied and categorised according to arguments for and against. The most common supportive arguments are about economy and organisation, others concern school premises, trends and the wish for a comprehensive compulsory school.
"Meningen är ju att de ska söka själva" : En kvalitativ studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på sin pedagogiska roll gentemot skolelever
The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine public librarians? views of their pedagogical role towards school children, and to illustrate the relationship between public libraries and schools as a background for the role of the public librarians. The theoretical framework is Carol Cullier Kuhlthau?s theory of the roles of librarians as mediators in reference work (Levels of Mediation) and in education (Levels of Education). The main question of the study is: How do public librarians view their pedagogical role towards elementary school pupils and high school students? Related questions regarding the use of the public library for school purposes, the communication and cooperation between the public library and the schools, the difference between public libraries and school libraries and the librarians? view of pedagogical work are also made.The method used is qualitative interviews.
Barns idrottande ur ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv
In the society there is different kind of people that belongs to different groups. The different groups that people belong to are depending on where you live, grow up, ethnic group, level of education and which economic standard you have. The subject of our composition is about children and teenager growth environment and about what society they belong to and how it affects their possibility to exercise. Our composition is built from the question:
Are there any differences connected to exercise in an association compared to spontaneous exercise based on economic standard and what district of the city you live?
To be able to find an answer to our question we have chosen to concentrate on three districts in the city of Helsingborg.
Där jag aldrig varit
The sites I visit turned into routines a long time ago. Everywhere someone has decided what should be there and what will not fit. I retreat into my daydreams, away from everyday life. A longing for something different, something wonderful. I decided to go where I've never been, searching for something unknown.
IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige
Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted ina need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's.In Japan, 1994 saw the government's first step towards active promotion of ICT in education. In thisstudy, we have compared the strategies used to promote the use of ICT in elementary and secondaryschools in Sweden and Japan. Our findings suggest that a similar 3-step approach was used in bothcountries: 1, infrastructure; 2, effective use of ICT; 3, implementation of ICT. A significantdifference was found in the way the two countries planned their strategies.
Tacklingar, svett och rullskridskor - om den feministiska potentialen i sex kvinnors upplevelser av sitt utövande av roller derby
In this thesis the fullcontact sport roller derby is examined and it´s potential to work as a feminist strategy. Through interviews with six women who are active in the Gothenburgbased team Gothenburg Roller Derby the performative aspect of the sport is examined. Focus in the study is toinvestigate how, according to the informants, roller derby can challenge conventional norms about sex and gender. The result of the study shows how the informants through their participation in roller derby are able to perform a different type of femininity and in this process also are empowered as women. The study also shows how the women-only-aspect of the sport is of greatimportance in their experience of roller derby..
The Scientific Coach - Idrottsforskning i tränares vardag
Previous research has established coaches' important role in developing elite athletes (Durand, Bush, Thomson & Salmela 1996). Athlete enhancement and assisting athletes achieve ?peak performance? has been a major objective for elite coaches as well as sports scientists (Williams & Kendall, 2007) Despite this common goal, research also question whether sports scientists and the research they pursue really effects coaches knowledge and constitute a foundation for today and tomorrows athletic performances (Bishop 2008). This study examined elite coaches? needs and use of sport science research as well as the interaction between elite coaches and sport scientists. Following interviews of ten elite coaches, content analysis revealed that sport science is both a formal and informal resource of knowledge for coaches. Development of athletes is seen as the main objective of research retrieval and personal and/or direct contact with the sport scientist is considered to be the best way to assemble.
Den svenska e-sportscenen
Den svenska e-sportscenen har på kort tid gått från en klubb för intern beundran till en massrörelse som visas på bästa sändningstid i flera TV-kanaler. Samtidigt finns det få som gått på djupet med svensk e-sport och dess utövare. Nästan allt som skrivs i media är personporträtt av engagerade personer, rubriker om miljonvinster och referat av spelade matcher. Vi har valt att försöka ta oss bakom kulisserna och se hur e-sporten i Sverige är uppbyggd.I en serie samtalsintervjuer med nyckelpersoner, storstjärnor och spelare på väg upp har vi undersökt vilka de svenska proffsspelarna är, vad de har för förutsättningar i dag och hur de ser på sin framtid.Vi har mött en ung och oorganiserad bransch som själva ser stor potential att växa, men samtidigt efterlyser mer struktur. Mycket av den infrastruktur som traditionell sport har saknas helt eller delvis i e-sport, och det är ett stort och spretigt fält där varje spel har sina egna spelare och sina egna förutsättningar.Arbetet har utmynnat i radiodokumentären Den svenska e-sportscenen där ett tiotal personer får ge sin bild av svensk e-sport..
Svensk vindkraft
Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.
Effekter av studie- och yrkesinriktad vägledning på gymnasieskolan ? Effekter av vägledning, avseende gymnasieelevers valda program
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of educational and vocational guidance, refer-only high school students tend to stay on their first selected program or to change the program. The theories used in the study deals with young people's choices and choosing education and vocational and life role as a student. The method was quantitative, descriptive survey. High school students in grades three, from two high schools, were asked to answer a questionnaire about perceived educational and vocational guidance. Convenience sample consisted of 162 respondents (N = 162), 86 women and 76 men.