6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 9 av 424
Från spel till e-sport : Vilka faktorer påverkar att ett spel utvecklas till en e-sport?
Uppsatsen kommer reflektera kring vad som gör ett spel till en e-sport med fokus på tre huvuddelar inom e-sport idag. Detta baseras på Klines, Peuters och Dyer-Withefords teori om Three Circuits of interactivity; Teknik, Marknadsföring och Kultur. Dessa tre delar utgör e-sport.Alla spel som finns på marknaden idag är tävlingsinriktade och går ut på att lösa problem, men alla spel är inte e-sporter och det finns även spel som försvunnit från scenen. Vi ville undersöka hur detta var möjligt. Vilka faktorer är det som gör att vissa spel bli e-sporter?Vi samlade information under DreamHack Vinter 2011 från flera källor inom e-sport.
Counter-strike ? den nya sporten
Vad är grejen med dataspel? Det är en fritidssyssla, något som unga killar sysslar med istället för att vara ute i friska luften skulle nog många svara. Det stämmer för en hel del men det har också börjat växa upp en tävlingskultur med proffs, sponsorer och internationella tävlingar. Det kallas för e-sport och är på stark frammarsch, och idag kan ungdomarna som sitter kvar hemma ses som e-sportens amatörer..
Grundvattenskydd och markanvändning i tre olika länder- effekter för miljö och samhälle
AbstractDrinking water is an important resource on Earth both for humans and animals. Although most of the surface is covered by water only a small quantity is available as drinking water. Our manner of living creates a lot of pollution which has an environmental impact. Groundwater has a protracted turnover time in the soil and it can take many years before the effects of human impact are detected. The Swedish environmental object is ?Good groundwater quality? which aims to provide a safe and sustainable supply of drinking water today and in the future.
När, var och hur? : En studie av kontaktlinsanvändares köpbeslutsprocess
The purpose of this essay is to find out how two schools work with newly arrived children and to see how they differ. There is a lack of national directives for those who work with newly arrived children and teenagers; this makes the introduction very different between schools.The study is qualitative, based on interviews with four teachers in two different compulsory schools. One school is situated in a suburb of Stockholm and the other one is situated in a minor community in Dalarna. One schools got a preparatory class for newly immigrated pupils and the other school doesn?t.The theoretical frame that I have chosen to analyse these interviews are literature and research on Bilingualism, Children with PTSD, Intercultural Pedagogy and Special PedagogyMy results also show that these schools work very differently, and that there is very little co-operation within the school and with the units around the school, regarding these children.
Sportsidorna - a man's world? : En studie av Göteborgs-Postens sportsidor ur ett genusperspektiv.
This study examines from a gender perspective how the gender distribution is viewed in the content of Göteborgs-Posten's sports pages and the short and long term effects of the the newspaper's gender equality plan that was introduced in 2005. It is a quantitative study for two sample periods, 2005 and 2009, that investigates how many articles in the newspaper which is about women's sports and male sports. Michel Foucault's theory of discourse is central to the study, his view of identity in society and how these are represented fit well on gender issues in sports journalism. The results show that women's sport is greatly subordinate to man's sport in terms of number of articles. The gender equality plan has not had any noticeable effects on Göteborgs-Posten's sports pages. This is due to a variety of factors ? economic aspects weigh heavily in this problem. .
Dubbla karriärer : Elitidrottsstudenters uppfattningar om kombinationen elitidrott och akademiska studier
Retiring from elite sport can be a difficult and disruptive process for an elite athlete. To improve the quality of the transition after retirement, elite athletes are recommended to have dual careers which mean they combine their sport with education to be prepared for a new career when they retire from elite sport. To help elite student-athletes with this combination, universities and sport organizations provide different kind of support. This study was conducted and aimed to investigate elite athletes? perceptions of support offered by a university in Sweden and the elite athletes? perceptions of combining top level sport and academic studies.
Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrott
The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people?? How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport?To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality.
"Jag såg att du såg" : En studie om lärares och skolkuratorers upplevelser och uppfattningar om självskadebeteende.
The aim of this study was trough qualitative interviews with teachers and counsellors in Swedish schools, to study their experiences and perceptions of non suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents. During the study three teachers and three counsellors who worked in four different schools were conducted. The theoretical approach that was used is Michael Polanyis theory tacit knowledge. The outcome of the study was that schools did not seem to talk about NSSI as a problem and the teachers knowledge about it had come from own experiences meeting adolescents whit NSSI. The interviewed teachers and counsellors felt it hard to define NSSI, they mainly referred it to someone who cut themselves.
Prestanda på luftfilter : En jämförelse mellan olika filter till bil
This reports goal is the give BSR AB more information that's useful towards their customers in marketing of their products.It involves tests of different air filters designed for cars and 3D-modelling of Opti-Flow systems. The three models thats being tested is SAAB (93SS), VAG (1.8T) and Volvo (S60). To every brand there are three different models. A orginal- , sport- and an open cone air filter (Opti-Flow).The results indicate that the open Opti-Flow filter has better performance compared to the other cased filters. The sport filters for SAAB and Volvo has better performance then the original filter.
Ungdomars ljudupplevelser i vardagsmiljön
Noise is a growing health problem. People are not always aware of the injuries that noise can cause. The media culture of today has a big influence on teenagers. This is caused by portable music players, computers, concerts etc. The schools are having larg classes and that can cause a lot irrelevant speech during lessons.
Akademin : En kvalitativ studie med RIG-elever verksamma vid Leksands gymnasium med inriktning baseboll/softboll
The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to present why boys and girls choose to enroll at the Swedish Baseball and Softball Academy, a form of sport profiled education given within the Swedish high school system. A secondary purpose is to present the types of expectations the adolescents have before enrollment, while also examining what they encounter as satisfaction factors during their time at the academy. The results show that the significant factors critical for the eventual enrollment are friends, passion and development within baseball or softball. Before the enrollment, students have expectations of good, quality and hard practices. The students state that factors such as friends and the community where the academy is located is important for their wellbeing and comfort.
Förskola och bibliotek - förskolorna som användare av och samarbetspartner till biblioteken i Kalmar och Växjö
The purpose was to examine how the pre-schools used the public libraries in two Swedishtowns. We also examined if and how the pre-schools and the public libraries were cooperating.Literature showed that it is possible to stimulate children's language development and this is a duty for pre-schools and public libraries. We sent an inquiry to all pre-schools divisions in both towns. We interviewed two librarians. Our results showed that the pre-schools did use the libraries to a great extent but they didn't cooperate with the libraries in the sense that they had elaborated agreements.
Har dagens gymnasieelever nytta av sina datakunskaper på högskolenivå. : Får dagens elever arbete på sina gymnasiebetyg inom de nya Data/IT programmen
The purpose is to analyze if the students have any use of their computer education at a senior high school level or if there is a demand for them to proceed studying. Does the students background have any importance or is it their own motivation that makes the student advance to higher education.In this report we ask ourselves the question, if the students have any use of the knowledge gained at senior high school in computer studies at a higher level. Do the students have any chance for employment based on their senior high school grades in computer studies after graduation? Do the schools that follow the senior high school guidelines within programming and databases give these students an advantage towards those that have not received the same fundamental education?The method used for the survey is a group questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed at one and the same time and then collected to examine the results. The survey results showed that students who seek work based only on their senior high school grades, received only a temporary position for different lengths of time.
Oproblematiska problem? : Gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om och upplevelser av jämställdhet
The aim of this master thesis is to examine high school students? understandings and experiences of gender equality and to critically study the formulations and the basis of the project from Save the Children Sweden which are the basis for this master thesis. By using critical discourse analysis and gender theories the formulations and basis of the project and the interviews has been analyzed. The analysis of the project showed neglect for intersectional perspectives and taken for granted hidden opinions about masculinities and femininities. The interviews have been conducted with four high school students, and the students felt that they attend schools which are equal between genders.
Implementering av Likabehandlingsplanen i skolmiljön : Finns viljan, kunnandet och fo?rsta?elsen?
The main purpose of this paper is to examine how the regulatory environment of ?equality plans" are implemented at the municipal level of decision making in the school environment - in terms of both local politicians, school structures and management by teachers.The paper will present how the implementation theory works in practice by examining two high schools in the Municipality of Norrkoping and see what differences exist in the implementation process of "equality plans" in schools with a variety of high and relatively low immigrant background among students.We will present how it seems from different perspectives. Are teachers today controlled by public professional ethics or personal reasons, where those street level bureaucrats mainly act on feeling depending on the case? And how might this affect the law? Do they in fact understand, or have the knowledge and the willingness to implement?In our study, we are using a comparative case study method with an interview guide. A comparison between the two school´s equality plan have been analyzed where we have developed key differences and similarities that we recognized regarding the subject.The results of the study demonstrate that the context is very crucial to addressing these issues.