
Tacklingar, svett och rullskridskor - om den feministiska potentialen i sex kvinnors upplevelser av sitt utövande av roller derby

In this thesis the fullcontact sport roller derby is examined and it´s potential to work as a feminist strategy. Through interviews with six women who are active in the Gothenburgbased team Gothenburg Roller Derby the performative aspect of the sport is examined. Focus in the study is toinvestigate how, according to the informants, roller derby can challenge conventional norms about sex and gender. The result of the study shows how the informants through their participation in roller derby are able to perform a different type of femininity and in this process also are empowered as women. The study also shows how the women-only-aspect of the sport is of greatimportance in their experience of roller derby.


Sara Johansson

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper


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