6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 7 av 424
Den sportjournalistiska bloggens karaktär : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys
The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the sport journalistic weblog. To achieve this we have used the following questions: Which themes are included in the sport journalistic weblog? How much text does the sport journalistic weblog content? How often is multimediality incorporated in the sport journalistic weblog? Which references occur in the sport journalistic weblog? How many hyperlinks occur in the sport journalistic weblog? How many of the hyperlinks is internal respective external? How often does the sport journalistic weblog offers possibilities to interaction between the journalist and the reader? How often does interaction between the journalist and the reader occur?The theories we have used is both online publishing and Jan Schmidt?s analytical framework on blogs. Online publishing describes an important part in our paper, online journalism, which in turn describes three important definitions for this paper; hypertextuality, multimediality and interactivity. Jan Schmidt?s theory is central to understand the phenomena, and functions as a starting point in the analyze part.
Tobaksvanor i tre idrottsklubbar - unga män 16 och 19 år
The use of tobacco is one of the largest health risks for human. Tobacco-users have an incrased risk of deterioration in their oral health. Individuals starts to use tobacco when they are young, often at the same time as they are going in an athletic sport club. It also seems that children are starting with tobacco habits when they are active in athletic sport clubs. The aim of this study was to examine and compare tobacco-habits of young men in and between three different athletic sport clubs.
Samverkan ? Det svenska välfärdssamhällets nya arbetsform. : En kvalitativ undersökningsstudie om samverkan mellan socialtjänsten, polis och skola.
Abstract Many researchers in social work believe that in today's society require the interaction between organisations takes place on social problems. This study examined the interaction between the police, social services and schools.The purpose of this study are as follows; the aim is to investigate the interaction between social services, the police and schools about young people aged 12-18 years who are at risk for abuse and crime.My questions are: How do the different professions interact regarding young people at risk for abuse and crime? How do they meet young people in their daily work? What obstacles can the different professions see in interaction? What effects do the different professions see in interaction?The study is a qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents have been two from each organisation.The theory used in the analysis of empirical data is new-institutionalismen. New-institutionalism is a theory developed from organizational theories.
Gruesome Gaming : En studie i marknadsföring på sociala medier
Vi har valt att titta på hur E-sportmarknaden använder sig av sociala medier för att sprida sig ut bland medierna och nå befintliga och framtida användare. E-sport är ett begrepp som innefattar all typ av elektronisk sport. Dota2 och Starcraft 2 är två exempel på spel där E-sport är ett vinnande koncept. Vi har valt att skapa föreningen, Gruesome Gaming som ligger till grund för uppgiften för att kunna ta reda på hur de sociala medierna fungerar i marknadsföringssyfte. Människors beteende på Internet samt hur människor hanterar marknadsföring på Internet kommer upplysas närmare i arbetets resultatkapitel.
Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK
The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it?s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events.The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed.
Designated Operational Entities. En legitim form av offentlig-privat governance inom ramarna för Clean Development Mechanism?
This thesis investigates the Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. The DOEs serves as independent third-party auditors with the task of validating, verifying and certifying projects under the CDM. The majority of the DOEs are private entities. This is in line with the CDM objective of including the private sector in the climate change combat. The introduction of private entities in the role of DOEs can be questioned from a legitimacy point of view, but is corresponding to a development in international environmental governance where private actors are increasingly involved in governance arrangements.The thesis concludes the DOEs to be a form of public-private partnership and investigates the legitimacy of this form.
Tilltal i bild och text : En studie av gymnasieskolors hemsidor ur ett kommunikationsperspektiv
Due to political decisions regarding the Swedish school, public and independent schools booth face the need topromote themselves in the quest for new pupils. This study aims to, from a communications perspective, examine how four selected upper secondary schools address their target audience; the pupils?to?be, on their homepages. Additionally, I intend to investigate whether, and if so, how, said addressing can be connected to the different target groups applying to the schools in question.The questions asked in this study regard the way in which the selected schools describe themselves on their homepage; how do they use the textual and visual content to address their audience, and can there be disagreement between the meaning of the text and that of the image? To answer these questions, I use a theoretical base made out of visual communication and semiotic as well as rhetorical analyses.The methodological procedure is a qualitative approach on the matter, allowing me to understand the ?what? of the content on the homepages, as well as the ?how? it?s being communicated.
Hälsoskolor kontra ?vanliga? skolor : skiljer sig undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa?
AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate how schools who have a health concentration and schools who haven?t are teaching physical education and if possible compare these schools.This study is based on following questions: How do schools with a health concentration and schools who haven?t, in compulsory school, teach physical education and health. How do physical education teachers describe their teaching and how do the students describe it.MethodMy study is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers and students from different schools. The interviews have been made on four different schools from all over the country. I have interviewed one physical education teacher and four students, two boys and two girls, from each school.
Elevråd : Elevrådsarbete i två skolor
The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether the student councils at two schools really have the power to influence, or if it is a matter of mock democracy. I wanted to determine how the student councils work in reality. I conducted my investigation through personal and qualitative interviews with the board of the student council, a social studies teacher and the principle/school management at both schools. After the interviews I compared an analysed my findings. The results show that the two schools work very differently when it comes to studentdemocracy, and even have very different levels of ambition when it comes to the degree of influence that the student council should have at their respective schools.
Surfplattor som studieverktyg : En artefakt för mediering
Swedish schools have during the last few years started to providing pupils in high school with tablet-computers. By doing interviews I examine how pupils in high school use tablet-computers in different ways and how that affect their studies. From a sociocultural perspective and with the concept of artefacts I analyze how suitable tablet-computers are for studies on this level of education. My results show that the tablet-computers are used as the pupils primary study tool. They are available to all pupils and can be used in most parts of their studies and this creates new opportonities in how to interact with collective knowledge and with other people.
Kan man läsa film? : en studie av svensklärares attityd till spelfilm i undervisningen
This thesis aims to examine how teachers who teach the Swedish subject, uses film in their education. The survey was given to 30 of these teachers in Nykoping, half which are working in junior high schools, and half which are working in high schools. One importantcondition to this works implementation, is the existence of the widen text concept that points to that all media is a concept that can be read and analysed. This is the attitude that The National Agency for Education aims at in different govern documents. The National Agency for education also request teachers to give the students tools to the media literacy that the society demands.
"Det var stressigt, man visste typ inget" : Vägledningen inför gymnasievalet, ur ett elevperspektiv
The purpose of this investigation was to study what students in in the first year of the social science program in high school think about the guidance they had access to during their time at primary school. This is to ensure that it the guidance students are entitled to and contribute to the development of the business. The survey was conducted at two different high schools in southern Sweden. A total of 57 students participated in the survey. The results show that 46 and 29 percent of students at the two schools did not feel they had the information they needed for their upper secondary school The results proving what previous research reached that students selection process can lead to stress and uncertainty associated with the choice to high school. The results of the present study showed that girls in particular have high standards for themselves and experience stress and anxiety associated with their selection to a greater extent than boys.
Häst- och ridsport utifrån ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv : Om Karlstad Kommuns ekonomiska stöd till ideella föreningar inom häst- och ridsport
The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools.
Resetrender inom sport- och träningsturism
Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva trender inom sport- och träningsturism, samt att undersöka nya potentiella segment för researrangörer som i sin tur kan leda till nya erbjudanden som researrangörerna kan utveckla. Vi har för att studera det aktuella ämnet utgått från ett teoretiskt problem och sedan bearbetat det med hjälp av en teoretisk referensram.Studien bygger på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys samt kvalitativa intervjuer. För att få en ökad förståelse inom området har vi studerat 30 stycken olika sport- och träningsresor från fem olika researrangörer. Samt intervjuat tre personer som är insatta i området.Vi har funnit att promenader, vandringar och Power Walks är något som är väldigt efterfrågat på sport- och träningsresor, det är också något som många tycker att sport- och träningsresor bör innehålla. Funktionell träning kommer alltmer hamna i centrum i framtiden, fokus kommer också ligga på individuell och personlig utveckling.
E-sport och Media: Mötet mellan elektronisk sport och traditionell media
Titel: E-sport och Media: Mötet mellan elektronisk sport och traditionell media Författare: Erik Sjölin & Nicholas Ranégie Uppdragsgivare: Eget ämne Kurs: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation vid Göteborgs universitet. Termin: Vårterminen 2014 Handledare: Malin Sveningsson Sidantal: 48 Antal ord: 19 499 (exklusive framsida, tacksida, innehållsförteckning,executivesummary, referenslista och bilaga). Syfte: Analysera hur medieaktörer i Sverige resonerar kring sitt arbete med e-sport. Metod: Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer av informant- och respondentkaraktär.