

413 Uppsatser om Speech therapist - Sida 20 av 28

Servostyrning med binaural ljudlokalisering

People are usually directed towards each other in conversations, to make it easier to hear what is being said. Algorithms for voice and speech recognition works in a similar way, regarding the microphone direction towards the sound source. In this thesis in electronics has therefore a servo control with binaural sound localization been implemented on a microcontroller connected to two microphones.When people perceive sound, the brain can estimate the sound source direction by comparing the time taken by the sound reaching one ear to the other [1]. The difference in time is called the interaural time difference, and can be calculated using various techniques. An exploratory comparison between the techniques cross-correlation and cross-spectrum analysis was carried out before implementation.

Det maskerande brusljudets påverkan på inlärningen av visuell information : om effekten av maskerande brusljud i öppna kontorslandskap

Denna experimentella studie undersökte om maskerande brusljud på ovidkommande tal påverkar inlärning av visuell information. Experimentet genomfördes i ett laboratorium med 32 försöksdeltagare. Visuella ord presenterades för försöksdeltagarna samtidigt som auditivt tal från samma semantiska kategori, med eller utan maskerande brusljud, presenterades. De visuella orden skulle återges i valfri ordning. Resultatet av studien visar att ett maskerande brusljud på ovidkommande tal har positiv effekt på inlärningsförmågan.

Träning av lexikal förmåga hos ett svensk-arabisktalande förskolebarn : Utredning och intensiv intervention av det svenska ordförrådet

Sweden has a growing proportion of children living in a multilingual environment. It is thus highly important that caretakers as well as professionals who meet these children have knowledge of multilingualism and its impact on language development. Also, an increase of referrals of multilingual children with suspected language impairment to speech and language pathology clinics is seen.The objective of this study was to investigate the linguistic ability in both Swedish and Arabic in a four year old child with suspected language impairment. A further aim was to implement an intensive intervention and evaluate the efficacy of it. Language testing in both languages showed that the boy?s greatest need was in the lexical domain.

Är det möjligt att förutsäga utfall av cochleaimplantation hos barn med auditiv neuropati spektrumstörning? ? En litteraturstudie

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) is a collective term for a specific form of hearing loss within a heterogeneous population of patients with mutual audiological test-profile. Cochlear implantation in children with ANSD has been found to result in good outcomes. Previous research, however, has shown the existence of a subgroup of children with ANSD who do not benefit from cochlear implantation but instead are in need of alternative methods of communication. The aim of this literature review was to examine the possibilities to predict outcomes of cochlear implantation in children with ANSD by pre-, intra- or postoperative examinations/measurements and thereby evaluate in which cases cochlear implantation is an appropriate intervention within this group of patients. The material consisted of 10 scientific papers published between 2007-2014.

Kan vi rädda världen? Några folkhälsopedagogers syn på mötet mellan utbildning och arbetsliv

The state of health in Sweden demonstrates a high average length of life at the same time as diseases, due to luxurious living, grew into more and more widespread public health problems. Finding out that information is not enough to get man to live healthy has been conducive to a pedagogic based health education. An illustration of such an education is Public health pedagogy at the University of Kristianstad. The question is, does this education correspond to the new claims that society lays to health work? Our purpose was to throw light upon how individuals, qualified as public health pedagogues, look upon their work on one hand and how different clusters of thought from their study programme are conceived as activated in their professional exercise on the other.

Röst och hörselnedsättning : Akustisk analys av röst hos sju hörapparatsanvändare

A number of studies have been made to examine several aspects of voice production in individuals with different types of hearing impairments. Most of the studies were made to explore the impact that hearing aids have for people with severe or congenital hearing impairment. So far it has been confirmed that there are changes regarding voice production in these individuals. A group that has not been investigated regarding voice production to a larger extent are hearing aid users with an acquired hearing impairment. In the present study the voice production of seven individuals, four men and three women, with a moderate acquired hearing impairment is examined.

Svenska och ryska barns alkohol- och tobaksbruk, trivsel och hälsa

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Gränsen mellan en anställds lojalitetsplikt och yttrandefrihet : - var går den?

The use of social media has increased considerably in recent years and has also caused some problems. It has been notable cases in the media where employees adversely criticized their employer on social networks, which subsequently led to the dismissal of the employee. The purpose of this study is to investigate an employee's right to express themselves about their employers in various forms but the main focus will be on social networks. The study investigates employees on both private and public sectors.Employees have a duty of loyalty to their employer, which means that they must be loyal to their employer and not deliberately harm them. The reason that employed comment his employer on social networks has its basis in that they also have freedom of speech and it is raised in such a case, a collision between their rights and responsibilities as an employee.The employees also hold a critique right entitling them to publicly criticize the employer and its activities.

"I sagor kan det ju vara lite annorlunda" : En studie av genusperformans i barns tal kring boken Kivi och monsterhund

After recognizing a lack of children?s voices in the debate about the children?s book Kivi och monsterhund and the gender-neutral pronoun hen that occurred in the beginning of the year of 2012, I decided to interview pre-school children about the same book. My purpose with the study was, using semi-structured group interviews, to examine how 6-year olds talked about the main character Kivi. With the help of Judith Butler?s theory of performativity, I have studied how the children constructed Kivi?s gender in their speech.

Jag får kommentarer, alltså är jag : En studie i bloggkommentarers betydelse och bloggskapande med skrivprocessen som utgångspunkt

In 2012 blogging reached an all time high in Sweden. Around 400,000 people made blog posts at least one time during this year. Blogs have publishing as a main purpose and can after publication be read by anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet with an Internet connection. This makes the blogger open to response through comments that can be either constructive or destructive. No research has been made regarding blog comments and their effect on bloggers and their writing process.

?Yttrandefriheten har väl aldrig utnyttjats av så många som just nu? : En kvalitativ studie om bloggvärldens påverkan på samhället

We have studied the effects that blogs have on the society through interviews with influential bloggers, a news director and the founder of Sweden?s largest blogprovider.Existing theoretical work by other researchers have been used as a starting point to our thesis. Via a deductive method we then proceeded to test these existing models and viewpoints on the reality.Through our research we have concluded that blogs, if they co-operate, have an agenda-setting function, and that they can affect newspapers to write about certain topics.We have also discussed blogs role as media watch dogs. Gunilla Sax, news director, questions the blog world?s ability to fully cover all media, and to deliver a systematic and just review of the media.

Att skriva en berättelse : En studie av hur elever i årskurs 3 anpassar stilen i sina berättande texter

The present study has two purposes. One aim is to investigate to what extent 20 pupils in grade 3 use two different forms of presentation in their narrative texts and how these choices of forms of presentation create certain patterns in the pupils? texts. Another aim is to study to what extent the pupils use various features of spoken language in their narrative texts and whether these features correlate with the forms of presentation. The material in the study consists of 20 narrative texts from the national test in Swedish in 2011.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter och kunskaper om förskrivning av kognitiva hjälpmedel för personer med demens

Arbetets art: Uppsatsarbete omfattande 15 högskolepoäng C, inom ämnet arbetsterapi.Svensk titel: Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter och kunskaper om förskrivning av kognitiva hjälpmedel för personer med demens.Engelsk titel: Occupational therapist?s experience of and knowledge about prescribing cognitive aids for people with dementiaFörfattare: Urvi Mistry och Sofia ThorinHandledare: Ingvor PetterssonDatum: 2011-12-12Antal ord: 8077Sammanfattning: Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre och därmed ökar även gruppen av människor som drabbas av åldersrelaterade sjukdomar, bland annat demens. Demens är en progredierande sjukdom som påverkar personens aktivitetsförmåga negativt. I tidigare undersökningar framkommer ett behov av att öka kunskapen om kognitiva hjälpmedel inom demensvården. Tekniska framsteg har öppnat nya möjligheter för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar.

En praktisk lösning - om styrningsteknologier inom könsutredningar

The purpose of this article is to explore the technologies of government that are created within gender disorder assessments as an institution. I have done so by utilizing Norman Faircloughs discourse analysing instrument ?communicative action?, which focus on the social institution as relational.The material is strategically chosen by gathering texts from the Swedish state, the psychiatric clinics, NGO:s and by performing interviews with transsexual patients.When analysing the communication of the main agents, I have concluded that practices highly are a result of repeating text and speech inside the institution. The psychiatric assessments can also be seen as an illustration in changes in how citizens are governed in advanced liberal societies, where the role of the state has been gradually reduced in favour of other agents.I consider that the change illustrates an ?acting at a distance?-mentality where the patient is introduced to participate in the definition of the care in what I call ?negotiation as a technology?.

Självständigt Flöde : En studie om självständig orienterbarhet på Björnkullas äldre- och demensboende

The purpose of this study was to examine how the design of the wards, at Björnkulla nursing home, affects the residents? wayfinding ability and autonomy. Thus, the aim has been to make a design proposal that, trough color and design can increase the residents? chance to independent mobility. Since the study aimed to examine how the environment affect and can support people with dementia, qualitative methods were used.

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