

413 Uppsatser om Speech therapist - Sida 19 av 28

Maskeringens effekt på återgivning av semantiskt kategoriserade ord : om effekten av att maskera bakgrundstal med ett brus

Den här studien grundar sig på skillnader mellan återgivning av ord, sorterade efter semantiska kategorier, i förhållanden med rent tal och maskerat tal. 32 personer deltog i studien där de först blev visuellt presenterade för en lista med 15 semantiska ord som skulle memoreras och sedan återges i fri ordning i två olika betingelser av bakgrundsljud, tal och maskerat tal. Utifrån tidigare studier utformades studiens hypoteser; vid återgivningen ökar antalet visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Antalet auditivt presenterade ord som återges minskar när bakgrundstalet maskeras av ett brus jämfört med när bakgrundstalet spelas upp utan maskering. Resultaten gav stöd åt hypotesen att försökspersonerna återgav fler visuellt presenterade ord när bakgrundstalet maskerades av ett brus.

En studie om sambandet mellan självskattad astmakontroll och en inflamationsmarkör hos barn med astma

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

"Att ha inflytande eller att vara underlägsen?" - En kvalitativ studie om hur psykologstudenter vid Örebro universitet upplever handledning under de kliniska momenten på psykologprogrammet

Syftet med denna uppsats var att synliggöra hur pedagoger uppfattar sitt eget genusarbete, deras tankar och synsätt kring hur de arbetar mot en jämställd förskola.I forskningsbakgrunden fokuseras det på att förklara begreppet genus närmre. Det definieras vad skollagen säger om genus och jämställdhetsarbete och vad det innebär för dem som arbetar som pedagoger inom förskolan i dag. Sedan beskrivs även hur pedagogers arbete med genus kan se ut på förskolan och pedagogernas arbete berörs genom relevant litteratur. Metoden som valdes för att synliggöra pedagogerns tankar kring sitt eget arbetssätt var kvalitativa intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor. Vid intervjuerna användes inte en ljudupptagare utan stödpunkter antecknades under intervjuns gång.Resultatet visade att de flesta pedagoger inte tyckte att de uppnådde målen enligt läroplanen och att de inte finns tillräckligt med kunskap inom arbetslaget för att det skall ske.

Lesbiska barnfamiljers möten med hälso- och sjukvården

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

"Upp till fyra samtal" - psykoterapeuters arbete med unga vuxna i counselling

Unga vuxna är en grupp som i allt större utsträckning söker stöd för sina psykiska svårigheter. Att hitta samtalsformer som är verksamma är därför av stor vikt för målgruppen. På S:t Lukas Stockholmsmottagning har man valt att erbjuda unga i åldrarna 18-29 år ?Upp till fyra samtal? ? en form av problemformulerande samtal eller counselling. Genom att sätta sig mer in i hur terapeutens arbete gestaltar sig i den här typen av kortare samtalskontakt, kan stödet till målgruppen förhoppningsvis utvecklas ytterligare.

Kvalitet, läsfrämjande och tillgänglighet: Kulturpolitiska värderingar och litteratur

This study treats cultural policy, it´s view of the value of literature, and how this view varies within different fields of cultural policy. The aim of the essay is to find different competing approaches through an investigation of texts from three different fields within cultural policy. The fields investigated are: The publishing subsidy of the National Council for Cultural Affairs, which values above all quality literature. En bok för alla, concentrates on spreading quality literature to new groups in society. Centrum för lättläst, which values that the contents of a text are successfully delivered to, and understood by, the reader.

Könsmärkning och statusrelevans i folkbiblioteksvärlden

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine gender division in public libraries by reviewing literature and interviewing eight public librarians and two chief librarians. The reason why we decided to investigate this topic is the lack of research concerning sex-segregation in library and information science. By choosing this subject we intend to deepen the understanding of the significance of gender both within the public library and of the occupation in general. Some researchers claim that the low status of librarianship is a result of the large proportion of women in the profession. We want to find out how our informants view the relation between professional status and female domination.

Undernäring hos äldre- ett gemensamt ansvar : Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av team-samverkan kring den äldre patientens nutritionsbehov inom äldreboende

Purpose: The purpose of this interview study was to describe the nurses? view of their experiences of interaction with other professionals to improve the elderly patient's nutritional status in municipal elderly care.Method: The study is based on qualitative interviews with nine nurses and was analyzed according to a qualitative content analysis method.Results: The main themes that emerged: Communication among the involved, To feel secure in their role, Lack of structure. The nurses worked closely with nursing staff and cooperated more with doctors about nutrition than with the physiotherapist and occupational therapist. The nurses felt they had the main responsibility for maintaining a good nutritional status of the elderly patient and described themselves as primarily responsible for nutrition while they lacked nutritional competence equal to the responsibilities they had during the whole nutrition process. The nurses had no community dietitian?s skills and felt that the dietitian had a great responsibility and the most updated knowledge in diet and nutrition.

Legitimerade sjukgymnasters inställning till yrkestiteln sjukgymnast eller fysioterapeut

Introduktion/bakgrund: Ett titelbyte från sjukgymnast till fysioterapeut har diskuterats inom kåren de senaste 20 åren. I de flesta länder inom norden och världen över används titeln physiotherapist/physical therapist för yrkeskåren med motsvarande svensk sjukgymnastexamen. Även i Sverige nyttjas idag namnet fysioterapeut, dock är yrkestiteln inte knyten eller reglerad till en viss utbildning utan kan nyttjas fritt av alla. Yrkestiteln sjukgymnast är i Sverige namnskyddad enligt lag för de med sjukgymnastexamen och detta namnskydd skulle vid titelbyte komma att gälla fysioterapeut medan skyddet för yrkestiteln sjukgymnast troligen skulle försvinna. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga legitimerade sjukgymnasters inställningtill yrkestiteln sjukgymnast respektive fysioterapeut.

Upplevelser av kommunikationsproblem efter en stroke : En analys av självbiografier

Every year about 30000 people have a stroke. It is caused by either a bleeding or a blood clot, and depending on where the damage is, the patient can get different types of difficulties following after the stroke. About 40 % of all stroke patients sufferfrom some kind of speech and/or communication difficulty, like aphasia or dysarthria. As hospital staff it´s important to know how to communicate with these people, to get a deeper understanding regards their needs.Aim:The aim of this study is to out of a patient's perspectivedescribeexperiences ofcommunication difficulties that can follow after a stroke.Method:A content analysis with a qualitative approach was used to analyse five autobiographies.Results:The result showed in what way stroke patients experienced their communication difficulties, and how they felt about the hospital staffs treatment related to their communication difficulties. During the analysis two major themes emerged: suffering and wellbeing.

Strategisk retoriker eller bara bitter och arg? : - en retorisk analys av krönikören Linda Skugge

AbstractAim: The aim of the study is to analyze ten different columns written by Linda Skugge, in order to see what kind of rhetorical means she uses to get her message across. It is also to examine if, and to what extent, these means are of female nature, and to see what kind of persona Skugge uses in order to be trustworthy.Method: Rhetorical analysis of ten columns written by Linda SkuggeMain results: The study has shown that Skugge´s rhetorical strategies differ from the ones recommended in theories about female speech. Skugge writes with a lot of character and emotionally based arguments, which, according to the theories, is more of a male way of speaking. Skugge gives an impression of being strong, competitive and offensive in her character, but also reveals that her role is consciously chosen in order to receive respect and to gain power.Number of pages: 42Course: Media- and Communication studies DUniversity: Department of Information science, University of UppsalaPeriod: Spring 2005Tutor: Amelie HössjerKeywords: rhetoric, rhetorical analysis, feminist studies, persona, Linda Skugge.

Internetetik på bibliotek

The aim of this issue is to study how Swedish public libraries deal with the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information in connection with public use of the Internet. The authors intention has been to find out whether the public use of the Internet has caused ethical problems for library workers and how the libraries solve situations when they consider their principles violated by library users. The authors study the debate on the issue in a couple of Swedish library magazines published during the late 1990s and they also give a few examples from the USA during the same period. They study the ethical principles and directives for schools published by the Swedish Board of Education as they claim that many of the public library users are students who bring along their ethical conceptions and thereby affect the ethical climate of the libraries. In their study the authors refer to ethical rules given to librarians by their trade union DIK and to the conclusions drawn from the hearing Good Ethics on the Net held by the Swedish IT Commission in 1998.

Läsförmåga hos elever i årkurs 4 och 6 : med avseende på fakta- och inferensfrågor samt lässätt

The aim of the present study was to examine students' text comprehension in grades 4 and 6. Participants were 61 students without documented or suspected reading and writing difficulties, in grades 4 and 6. The focus was on texts designed by Bishop and Adams (1992), containing two types of questions: literal and inference questions, and three different ways of presenting the text; listening, silent reading and silent reading with the text available when responding to the questions. The texts have been previously used in research and as a tool for clinical, qualitative estimate of reading comprehension in speech and language pathologists? assessments.

Att skriva sig språkligt medveten eller bli språkligt medveten för att erövra skriftspråket : Språklig medvetenhet hos sexåringar i montessoriskola och i förskoleklass

In Montessori pre-schools early reading and writing is an important feature. By tracing sandpaper letters with their fingers and voicing the sound simultaneously the children connect phonemes to graphemes and normally learn to write between the ages of four and five. 24 sixyear old children who attended Montessori pre-school and 26 six-year old children who had not attended Montessori school were assessed with a test assessing their linguistic awareness.The result showed that the Montessori children were more linguistically aware than the children who hadn?t received any literacy training. The scores of the Montessori children were highest on phonological awareness.

Montageromanen Fångad : Kritk som en möjlig litterär strategi

Längdskidåkning är en fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande idrott. Ändå satsar många svenska elitskidåkare helhjärtat utan att komma med i landslaget. Studien ville kartlägga vad som motiverar just dessa utövare att fortsätta elitsatsa. Sekundära syften var att söka svar på vad försökspersonerna vill åstadkomma med satsningen, samt vilka fördelar (plus) och nackdelar (minus) som försökspersonerna upplevde med satsningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och omfattade 13 individer (åtta män, fem kvinnor) i åldern 20-30.

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