

413 Uppsatser om Speech therapist - Sida 21 av 28

Korta musikresor (KMR) : Mot en teori om KMR som en musikterapeutisk metod

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och deras olika uppfattningar om användande av talsyntes

Syftet med studien är att undersöka elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheters skilda sätt att uppfatta användandet av talsyntes. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med nio elever i grundskolans årskurs tre till nio. Studien har utgått från en fenomenografisk ansats.I resultatet framkommer sex skilda uppfattningar om användandet av talsyntes. De sex kategorierna är: talsyntesen i användning, viktiga andra, autonomi och självständighet, lärande, delaktighet och förändring samt engagemang och attityd. Majoriteten av eleverna upplever användandet av talsyntes positivt.

Tonala skillnader mellan två gitarrer med olika kroppstjocklek

As a guitarbuilder it is an advantage if you can control and understand what is creating the character of the tone. To approach this vast jungle of variables that controls the tone in a guitar, I built two guitars and in one, guitar 2, reduced the thickness of soundboard, back and sides.The purpose was to compare the guitars and establish if there was a significant difference and what it was, in the guitars ability to produce sound. The thought was also to try the thesis: loud but short, long but moderate tone. Also if a lighter built guitar has an advantage in producing a loud but short ton and vice versa.The instruments has been examined by five guitarist, one guitarbuilder and a professor in Speech, music and hearing at KTH in Stockholm.The relative obvious conclusion is that guitar 2 is a bit louder and has a clearer base and treble but the more part of the guitarists fancied guitar 1 better. This one has got more mass fore the tone to stay alive with.

Höftfraktur och hjälpmedel : En kartläggning av hjälpmedelsinnehav hos patienter med höftfraktur

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Livslångt lärande och folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate and analyse how the concept of lifelong learning is expressed in political documents concerning public libraries and education and how it can be related to earlier concepts of education within the discourse of public libraries. Focus is the official approach to the concept of lifelong learning and public library. The documents examined contain the political aims for education and culture policy on a national and local level. The theories used in the study concern the background and meaning of the concept of lifelong learning, they describe public libraries and their earlier perspectives of education and they also give a picture of practices of governing within the framework of public libraries. The purpose is to see how the speech in the documents is reflected in discourses of society and public library.

Skönlitteraturens budbärare: folkbibliotekariers syn på det litteraturförmedlande arbetet

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study how public librarians? view mediation of fiction: the knowledge needed, the thoughts expressed about their own and other adults reading of fiction and how the informants define their roles as mediators of fiction. The method used was qualitative interviews with six librarians at main libraries in Swedish cities of different sizes. The theoretical starting points are Louise M. Rosenblatt?s reader-response theory, Michail Bachtin?s theory of speech genres and Åse Tveit?s and Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theories about mediation of fiction.

Läppasymmetrier hos stammande och icke-stammande personer : En EMG-studie

Det har tidigare rapporterats att icke-stammande personer har en tydlig vänstersidig cerebral lateralisering vad gäller talmotoriken, vilket visas genom ökad högersidig aktivering i läppmuskulaturen. Personer med stamning har å andra sidan föreslagits ha ett vänstersidigt eller bilateralt aktiveringsmönster av talmuskulaturen. Detta antas vara en av orsakerna till stamning. Testdeltagarna i aktuell studie bestod av 11 stammande och 13 matchade icke-stammande vuxna. Uppgifterna bestod av ordrepetition, ordgenerering samt att puta med läpparna.

Bedömning av fallrisk hos patienter som vårdas inneliggande på sjukhus och inom kommunal vård : Med hjälp av Downton Fall Risk Index

Background: Fall injuries are a costly problem for society, with costs ranging up to 14 billion a year. In addition to economic loss accidental falls also creates human value losses and reduced quality of life for its victims. In order to prevent the occurrence of injury related to accidental falls healthcare providers utilize various scientifically developed risk assessment tools, one of them being Downton Fall Risk Index. Method: Empirical, quantitative cross-sectional study. Objective: The purpose of the extended essay was to describe the categories in Downton Fall Risk Index that have a bearing on patients' risk of falling while in hospital and in municipal care, and to illustrate how nurses can use the fall risk assessment tool.

Subjektiva och objektiva jämförelser mellan två benledningshållare, Softband och Adjoin

Background: Bone anchored hearing system is a surgically implantable system for treatment ofindividuals with hearing loss. The Softband is intended for patients who can benefit from a boneanchored hearing system but who are not yet suitable for implant surgery.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether an adhesive bone conductor, Adjoin, canbe used as an alternative to Softband.Material and Method: Twenty adult subjects with normal hearing participated in the study.Measurement of functional gain and speech intelligibility was performed with Softband and Adjoinwhich then were compared. A questionnaire was answered by the participants after the measurementsthat treated their subjective experiences with each option.Results: The objective measurements yielded no overall difference between Softband and Adjoin forthe group studied. The subjective results showed differences in the perceived comfort as well as whichof the two bone conductors that would be preferred to use in everyday life, with Adjoin being thepreferred option. No difference was detected on participants perceived gain, sound quality and speechintelligibility.Conclusion: Based on the measured results, Adjoin seems to be a suitable alternative to Softband.However, there are questions about how Adjoin works with long-term use..

Högsta domstolens hetsdoktrin, Tillämpningen av 16 kap. 8 § brottsbalken

Uppsatsen redogör för brottet hets mot folkgrupp och dess relation till yttrandefriheten. Under senare år har Högsta domstolens tillämpning av 16 kap. 8 § brottsbalken gjorts i ljuset av Europakonventionen. För att uppnå en konventionsenlig tillämpning har den svenska bestämmelsen tolkats mer restriktivt än vad dess förarbeten ger vid handen. Den rättsliga diskussionen har kretsat kring rekvisitet missaktning samt Europadomstolens begrepp hate speech.

Programvaruutveckling med visuell programmering i en pedagogisk tillämpning

In visual programming the developer specifies her code, using visual tools. Within the range of visual programming languages lay icon-based languages, form-based languages, and diagram languages.Mediator is a multimedia authoring tool that allows the user to create interactive CD-ROM presentations, dynamic HTML pages and Flash projects, without any coding or scripting. The user can create interactivity in her project, using event driven and icon-based visual programming, through a ?drag and drop? user interface. This report intends to determine some of the qualifications of a tool of this kind, as well as its limitations.The report is based on a case study, in which a smaller software application was to be updated using Mediator 9.

Kommunikation och lek i träningsskolan : Lärares syn på lek som pedagogisk metod i undervisningen för elever med diagnosen autismspektrumtillstånd.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate teachers? views on play as a method for developing pupil?s communication and interaction in schools for children with severe learning disabilities. I am interested in pupils with autism spectrum disorder and their opportunities for social interaction with peers in playful activities. I focus on the subject communication and the parts about speech, conversation and interaction. My study is based on a qualitative study.

Retorik i psykoterapi : Hur en psykoterapeut etablerar sitt ethos

This paper aims to describe and discuss psychotherapy in rhetorical terms; in particular how psychotherapists can use their ethos, or person, as a means for convincing the patient, and subsequently discuss how these insights in turn can be useful for other rhetors.Classical rhetoric is commonly associated with one speaker exercising influence on an audience of many, but modern rhetoric is broader, and includes all situations where someone is attempting, by speech or in writing, to affect anyone, including the rhetor himself. With this broader definition, psychotherapy may also be considered a form of rhetoric. Psychotherapy does, however, highlight the aspect of power distribution, in that it is clear that it is up to the patient to determine whether the rhetoric will achieve its purpose or not, that is, if he will be influenced by it. In psychotherapy, it is also important to differentiate between persuading and convincing: for a permanent change to occur in the patient?s thoughts and actions, the deeper, "internal" form of conviction is necessary for change to take place.When attempting to convince an audience, it is important for the speaker to establish a credible ethos, that is, present a trustworthy persona.

Empowerment i multisystemisk terapi- en kvalitativ studie av MST teamet i Halmstad

The study was performed based on a qualitative method using a hermeneutical approach used to interpret the semi-structured interviews. The study aimed to investigate the Multisystemic therapy (MST) team in Halmstad municipality perceptions on the treatment method multisystemic therapy for youths from the ages of 12-18 years old.The questions were: Does the MST therapists experience that the MST is a method that leads to an improved situation for young people who receive the method? What do the MST therapists describe as opportunities and obstacles in the work with the method?The study builds on previous research on MST and empowerment based on MST. The study shows three therapists and an MST leader's experiences of the treatment and how it is aimed at influencing the parents and the youth for a change. From therapists statements it highlights how the MST method is designed for the young people?s motivation to change by means of the internal and external networks.

Skriv- och läsundervisning i år 1 : En pilotstudie utifrån Aristoteles kunskapsformer

AbstractThis work is a pilot study intended to show what an experienced teacher of Swedish in first grade teaches and how she teaches. A further aim is to test methods for the analysis of Aristotle?s forms of knowledge in order to elucidate the teaching of reading and writing. As regards theory, the study proceeds from rhetoric and its doctrine of forms of knowledge according to which the whole in communication consists of episteme, techne and phronesis. The methods involve analysing the content of the communication and analysing speech acts, rhetorical figures and paralinguistic expressions.

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