5377 Uppsatser om Special education needs - Sida 11 av 359
Särskild undervisningsgrupp eller vanlig klass? : för elever med Aspergers syndrom, autistiska drag eller ADHD
The purpose of this report is to investigate teachers views of whether pupils with Asperger Syndrome, autistic symptoms or ADHD shall go in ordinary classes or special groups. The study tells you about what difficulties these pupils often have, what adjustments they need in their schoolsituation and the positive and negative effects of joining a special group.A teacher for special needs, two teachers in special groups and two teachers in ordinary classes have been intervjued and earlier made researches have been studied.The conclusions of this study are that the decision of whether a pupil shall go in a normal class or a special group must be made individually. Most pupils who are capable to profit from the training in a normal class and pass their examination, shall go in a normal class. The greater part of the recommended adjustments are possible to do in a normal class. But it requires more resourses and teachers with better knowledges about theese handicaps..
Kvalitetsarbete i grundskolan ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv - en fallstudie
Heléne Slivka (2013). Kvalitetsarbete ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv
? en fallstudie.
(Quality assurance process in the elementary school from a special education perspective ? a case study.)
The research
This essay investigates the language in the school´s quality assurance documents. An important aspect of this is the way in which language structures and informs how we think about, and work with, students with special needs.
The aim of this essay is to problematize how students with special needs are represented in the quality assurance documents of the school. The writer intends to point out how the ways in which the language used to describe students informs governing processes.
Papperslösa barns rättigheter
This case study examines how upper secondary schools in a municipality in the northern parts of Sweden structure their special pedagogy with students who have ADHD and dyslexia, students? and parents? experiences of this, and what regulates the schools management in this particular aspect. The results show that all the schools have special pedagogues and other support staff employed, though in varied extent. Furthermore, the resources are distributed differently from school to school. The focus, however, is always around communication between the concerned parties.
Rektor - styrdokumentens förlängda arm i arbetet mot ?en skola för alla?
In 2005 we made a research in a Swedish community board about their view on the political and ideological intentions of ?a school for all?. The results from that study were the background to this research.The aim with this research was to find out how principles in the same community were thinking about ? a school for all? and if they were leading a development towards ?a school for all?. In that context they were given the opportunity to explain their definition and reasoning about ?inclusion? and ?integration?.
Private brands on special display
This thesis is concerning private brands on special display. ICA Gott Liv! was used as a study object and a latin square design was employed, using 2 ICA Kvantum stores. Two displays were built in order to compare which created the most awareness and interest, one with the best selling Gott Liv! product and one with four randomly chosen Gott Liv! products. The data was collected using triangulation, questionnaires, sales data and observations were conducted in the two stores. The results indicated that private brands works as well as manufacturer brands on special display and a display with four randomly chosen products creates more interest and higher sales than the display with the best selling product..
Speciell pedagogik = Specialpedagogik? : En studie i synsättet på dyslexi inom två alternativa pedagogiker
The purpose of this report is to contribute with knowledge about the views within special education. I want to explore and compare the way students with special needs are approached within two different pedagogies in Sweden: Waldorf pedagogy and Montessori pedagogy.I have closely studied these pedagogies, read the literature from existing research and also by conducting two interviews with a representative from each pedagogy Both pedagogies claim that their teaching methods are most suitable for children with reading and writing difficulties..The Waldorf pedagogy was founded in 1919 in Germany by Rudolf Steiner. The pedagogy believes in the development of the students into independent children who can use their bodies as a tool for the learning of knowledge. The Montessori pedagogy was also founded in the beginning of the nineteenth century and stands for developing the students into independent individuals. However, the pedagogical approach to reading, writing and dyslexia is different.
Aspergers syndrom : Några verksamma pedagogers uppfattningar om skolsituationen för ungdomar med A.S. på gymnasiet
The aim of this study is to examine the opinion of teachers as to the situation of young people suffering from Aspergers syndrome in the Sixth Form(gymnasium. In order to find this out I have chosen to interview four teachers with work experience of Aspergers in three different gymnasium in middle Sweden. They were confronted with the following questions: What resources are available for these pupils in the gymnasium? How do they experience that the school situation functions and how would they as teachers like the school situation to function for these young people at school?The result shows that special teachers have an extremely important function to fulfil. Those interviewed felt that there are sufficient resources available, for example guidance and further education for techers as well as both support and means for helping the young people.However, every teacher does not understand this handicap.
Samarbete runt invandrarelever i skolsvårigheter ochInterkulturella aspekter på det specialpedagogiska uppdraget
The background to this study is built upon the results that emerged from our former study: Elever med svenska som andraspråk i mångkulturella skolor - Bakgrundsfaktorer Tester och Utredningar (Odén och Bagge, 2006). Those results made us aware of the lack of cooperation in the work around immigrant pupils with special needs. In this study we have therefore chosen to look at the cooperation processes. The aim that we agreed upon was to explore the intercultural cooperation process around a few immigrant pupils in school year F-5, before and in connection with the pupils possible registration in the special school. We also wanted to pay special attention to the roll that the special need teachers played.
Självbestämmande och inflytande utifrån LSS värdegrund : En studie av brukarnas självbestämmande och inflytande i vardagsrutiner ur ett assistentperspektiv
The purpose of this study was to find out how special needs users ' autonomy and influence in their daily routines is described by their assistants. What interpretations of the concepts of self-determination and influence on special needs users' daily routines emerge from the assistants statements and what conditions can be seen? To reach a conclusion, focus group as a method was used. The focus group met twice to discuss this topic. The diamond method was used as stimulus material to support the discussion in the focus group.
Inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskola och förskoleklass : En kvalitativ studie av pedagogers syn på arbetet med inkludering
Syftet med min studie är att få en förståelse för vilken syn pedagoger har på arbetet med inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskola och förskoleklass. I studien har jag använt mig av metoden kvalitativa intervjuer för att kunna få en djupare förståelse för hur det inkluderande arbetet kan se ut.Resultatet visar att det grundläggande arbetet med inkludering handlar om att alla barn ska har samma rättigheter till delaktighet oavsett vilken svårighet barnet har. Det visar även i resultatet kring det inkluderande arbetet att det krävs ett stort engagemang och en stor kompetens för att kunna möjliggöra inkludering av barn i behov av särskilt stöd..
Synen på kristendom en analys av läromedel i religionskunskap
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the perception of Christianity in nine textbooks andidentify changes in-between them and over time. The content of the textbooks will also bediscussed in relation to the steering documents connected to each book.I have chosen to focus on three curriculums, Lgy 70, Lpf 94 and Gy 11. My researchquestions are: how Christianity is treated in textbooks in religious studies in relation to theperception of Jesus, God and man? What are the differences/similarities across time andlearning materials? In what way does the textbooks change with the syllabuses?Text consumption and discursive practices is analyzed with the help of a set of tools thatare based on the critical discourse analysis and Fairclough's three-dimensional model. Theimage of Jesus, if described by a textbook, is also analysed.Three textbooks were chosen from each curricula.
Framgångsfaktorer i integrationen av elever med särskilda behov i den allmänna skolan
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze success factors in the integration of students with special needs in regular schools. This will be done through the case study of a nine year old autistic student in a small town public school ? a fairly representative case for the Swedish school system. The data collection methods used in the paper are; three participant observations of the student, and a qualitative interview with two of the student?s teachers.
Barn i behov av särskilt stöd : En kvalitativ studie av sydafrikanska pedagogers perspektiv
Syftet med min undersökning är att studera sydafrikanska pedagogers perspektiv på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan och förskoleklassen. I syftet ingår också att undersöka pedagogers syn på vilka resurser som finns för dessa barn. Jag har använt mig av metoden kvalitativa intervjuer för att få öppna och detaljerade beskrivningar från pedagogerna. Pedagogerna menade att barn i behov av särskilt stöd är barn som avviker från kamraterna i kunskaps- och mognadsnivå samt barn med funktionsnedsättningar, sjukdomar eller sociala problem. De sydafrikanska pedagogerna hade två perspektiv på barn i behov av särskilt stöd.
Språkets betydelse för matematikinlärningen
Study aimed to see if the language has bearing on mathematics learning. The study used qualitative interviews of three first grade teachers and one special education teacher.The questions asked was:Do the teachers and specialist teacher, at the selected schools, think there is a connection between language difficulties and difficulties in mathematics and in case how is this connection.How does the teachers / specialist teacher make it easier for students to learn mathematics and swedish.The study was based on Vygotsky and Piaget teories. In previous research, it is primarily Malmer, Hoines, Lowing and Kilborn who´s been treated. Within the governing documents, it is mainly the compulsory school curriculum Lpo-94, and the curriculum for mathematics treated.I hope that the study has conclude that there is a connection between language and mathematics learning.I tried to emerged this through interviews with tree teachers and one special teatcher but i couldn´t. The teatchers couldn`t fint that it was the only reason to why the pupils hade difficulties in mathematics.But in the literature I found the relation between language- and mathematicdificulties..
Inkluderande undervisning - hur når vi dit? : En systematisk litteraturstudie om inkludering ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv
Denna systematiska litteraturstudie behandlar ämnet inkludering inom specialpedagogiken. Såväl svenska som internationella forskares syn på inkludering och vägen dit. Studien utreder begreppen kategorisering och inkludering. Syftet med undersökningen var att identifiera ett par möjligheter som gynnar inkludering och ett inkluderande arbetssätt som kan användas i den svenska skolan. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie med relevant forskning som källor. Resultaten pekade på tre möjligheter som kan bidra till inkludering, delaktighet och deltagande, tid och lärarens kunskaper och attityder till ett inkluderande arbetssätt.