

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 44 av 417

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samling

The purpose of this work is to explore and illuminate the circle times function and importance of preschool by the pedagogue perspective and the circle time design in relation to children's age group composition. The study questions are:What is the purpose of circle time in preschool educational activities according to the teacher and how does the teacher look at his own role?How do the teachers plan, design and perform the circle time of small children and big children's section? What similarities and differences exist?This is a qualitative study based on interviews with four preschool teachers and observations of their circle times. Research and theories showed that the circle time is a social training, provide a sense of community and is a ritual that gives a good daily rhythm.The results of the study demonstrate that the circle time is an important routine that occurs for a short time daily in early childhood education. The circle time organizes and structures the day for both children and staff group.

En undersökning av tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa i grundskolan.

I och med den nya läroplanen för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, Lpo 94, breddades idrottsämnet och ämnet bytte namn från idrott till idrott och hälsa. Då hälsa är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp var syftet med studien att undersöka tolkningsutrymmet vad gäller hälsa i kursplanen för idrott och hälsa. Studien inkluderade två olika undersökningar varav den ena avsåg en textanalys av samtliga läroplaner för grundskolan med inkluderande kursplaner för idrottsämnet. Detta för att belysa hur hälsosynen och tolkningsutrymmet har utvecklats över tid. Textanalysen kompletterades sedan med intervjuer av fyra behöriga idrottslärare för grundskolan i en kommun för att få inblick i hur yrkesverksamma tolkar hälsa utifrån kursplanen.

En effektivare habilitering med stöd av webbaserad utbildning. En studie om habiliteringens utbildningsutveckling

The information technology development that has occurred over the past decade has broughtmajor changes into people?s lives. We have gotten used to being constantly connected to theInternet and always having access to information through mobile technology. This has led tochanges in education and more and more courses have become available through Internet. Theseweb-based educations are nowadays very common in schools and in the business world as theyprovide increased flexibility for the user.Habiliteringen Lundbystrand has seen the potential in this kind of education and believes this isan opportunity for them to rationalize their work by replacing parts of their education for parentswith a web-based education.

Hur gymnasieelever ser på sig själva : Skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to increase the knowledge of which strategies students with reading and writing disabilities or dyslexia use to learn in secondary school. The study aims to examine the following questions:Which coping strategies do students with reading and writing disabilities use in their studies?How can remedial teachers support students with reading and writing disabilities in their learning process?The study consists of two interviews with a total of three hours recorded material made with a secondary school teacher who teaches Swedish and English. The teacher has experiences of reading and writing disabilities herself but also from teaching students with dyslexia. The interviews are constructed into a lifestory describing experiences of reading and writing disabilities in school, during teacher training and as a teacher.

Lärarens syn kring elevers motivation till matematiken

This survey is a case study with the purpose to find out the teacher´s perceptions about students´ motivation to mathematics. Further this study aims for the teacher´s vision on how they consider students´ motivation in mathematics in secondary school. To collect research data I have used semi structured interviews with four secondary school teachers. The result constructs according to categories that depict the purpose of the study. These categories define students? motivation like achieving different goals, students? basic knowledge, abilities and perceptions of mathematics and external factors that affect students? motivation.

Den föränderliga samtidshistorien : En analys av historieläroböckernas beskrivning av orsakerna till Jugoslavienkriget 1991-1995 och Kosovokriget 1998-1999

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the views Swedish elementary school teachers produce on the subject of ethics. The teachers? thoughts on selection among ethical notions is described and also how these notions are assessed. The essay proceeds from the central content and the knowledge requirement in the syllabus of religious knowledge.The empirical survey is based on qualitative scientific interviews with four teachers employed in grades 4-6 at different schools.The teachers find ethics in its current state of the syllabus hard to define and they find encounters with parents and pupils difficult in their tasks. The selection of ethics is decided by previously planned basic values education or from conflicts erupting during schools hours.

Samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst : en studie om attityd och kunskap

Author: Karl LarssonTitle: Samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst ? en studie i attityder och kunskapThe overall purpose of the studie has been to explore inter-professional work between social workers and teachers. The main focus has been on the link between attitude and knowledge. Attitude and knowledge has also been tested for any connection to age, gender, what kind of a teacher you are and for how long you have been a teacher.The collected data has been analyzed in a descriptive part, one part with correlations and in one part with t-tests. The terms samsyn (consensus) and attitude has been reviewed in its connection to the results.The study shows a significant correlation (0.222*) between knowledge and attitude.

K2 eller K3 - Hur påverkas redovisningskonsultens arbete?

The purpose of this study is to illustrate teacher humor by critically examining it from an interpersonal- and humor communicative-perspective; and to discuss teacher interpersonal humor communication-skills in relation to the Swedish high school curriculum, collegial relationships and pedagogical aspects. The study?s empiric material consists of semi-structured interviews with six high school-teachers currently working at the same school, but of different age and gender. The interviews indicate that the informants all have developed humor competence, an interpersonal communicative-skill that allows them to use humor efficiently. Moreover, the result demonstrates that the teachers have various humor approaches but that they all use humor in the classroom for much of the same reasons.

?De handlar inte alltid om att vinna? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om handikappidrott utifrån ledarnas perspektiv

This study aim to investigate the conditions framing the professional development situation for physical education teachers (PE) in a small municipality in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education declare that "focus must be directed towards strengthening the teachers' profession", and that "schools need well-trained teachers and good teaching to help students achieve good results". The study focuses both the schools? contribution and the way in which the teachers take own initiative and are motivated to develop their professional skills. The investigation is all based on teachers' perspectives.

Arbetsmiljö : Arbetsgivarens skyldigheter och olika sätt att uppnå en tillfredställande arbetsmiljö

The Swedish school law says that students who need special education should have all the support they need to reach the qualification that is set up. The arrangements have to be written down in an Individual education plan (IEP). Before the IEP is set up there has to be an investigation about what kind of support and measures the student needs to reach the qualification that is set up. The aim of this study is to examine student?s participation in school and in the progress with their own IEP.I have accomplished a qualitative study by interviewing eight students during the letter part in the nine-year school.

För det är så vi lärt oss livet, typ

We, the authors of this essay are both students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola. During our education we have been reflecting on the gender perspective that is suppose to permeate the education. This essay aim to examine how some students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola, who identify themselves as GLBT , experience how questions regarding sex/gender and sexuality are spoken about during their education. We have a discursive perspective on how we understand norms and power of words and language. From a queerteorethic point of view we explain sex/gender and sexuality.

Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv

The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.

Bibliotekariers syn på utbildning och kompetens ? de små folkbibliotekens perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to examine librarians' view on the knowledge and competence required at a small public library and how they look upon their education in retrospect. Library education in the 1970's and 1980's was mainly practical, a vocational training, but since 1995 the education results in an academic degree in Library & Information Science. Due to this, we focus on the ongoing generation shift in Swedish libraries as an aspect of knowledge and education. The empirical study is based on interviews with librarians working in minor public libraries. The informants form two groups, based on their education; ?old? ones and ?new? ones.

Ipad för undervisning : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasielärares erfarenheter och idéer kring praktisk tillämpning av Ipad i klassrumsundervisning

The aim of this essay is to investigate whether the role of the teacher and the teaching in the classroom is affected when the Ipad is introduced in an one-to-one situation, and if so how these effects occur. Previous research show that the introduction of new technology in education offers hope of a more effective way of learning but that this at the same time leads to challenges for traditional ways of teaching and traditional views on knowledge (Säljö & Linderoth (red.) 2009, Erixon (red.) 2014).The method used is a qualitative interview in combination with observations used as a complement to the interviews. Four teachers working on an upper secondary school have been interviewed and one lesson in English taught as a foreign language and one lesson in social science have been observed.The results show that the use of Ipad changes how the teachers relate to and use the teaching material, as all material can be gathered in the Ipad and accessed at all times and can also be shared with the pupils. The Ipad also makes it easier for the teachers to offer pupils individual instructions which the teachers view as positive. In addition, the Ipad enables a change in regards to the pupils as they switch from being users to becoming producers in the use of the Ipad which in the teachers? opinions offers more profound ways of learning..

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