

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 45 av 417

Omsorgspersonalens tankar och arbetssätt kring sexualitet : En kvalitativ studie på grupp- och serviceboenden för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

The aim of this study was to acquire a greater understanding and knowledge about how care staff at houses with special services for people with intellectual disabilities think and work (handle situations) regarding sexuality. To achieve our goal we carried out nine semi structured interviews using an interview guide. These interviews took place in two different communities in southern Sweden. The theoretical perspectives that were used to analyze the result were Sense of Coherence, Scope of action and Normalization. The result showed that the staff considered sexuality a part of their work and a natural subject to talk about.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens framväxt och institutionalisering i Sverige

The aim of this Master thesis is to examine the institutionalization of Library- and Information Science in Sweden. I focus on the period 1978-1991, and pay special attention to the development of the discipline at the University College of Borås. My main method of investigation has been analysis of printed sources. After a brief description of the discipline and its history internationally, I describe how research and graduate education in Library- and Information Science developed in Sweden during the 20^th century. A major part of the thesis is an analysis of three reports from the chosen time period which are all, with slightly different prerequisites, trying to find a solution to the problem of how to establish Library- and Information Science as an academic discipline in Sweden.

Matematikuppgifters språkliga dräkt - hjälp eller hinder?

Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur den språkliga dräkten imatematiska textuppgifter inverkar på elevernas förmåga att lösa uppgiften.Fokus i undersökningen har lagts på elever i matematiksvårigheter. Utifrån teorier om olika svårigheter som språkets utformning kan ge inommatematik och svenska, fokuserades i den följande undersökningen påkategorierna signalord, kontextualisering och förstärkning av bild. Sex uppgiftervaldes ut från läromedel för att omformuleras i ytterligare två varianter vardera.Undersökningen inleddes som en kvantitativ undersökning i årskurs fyra däreleverna fick lösa sex uppgifter. Utifrån resultatet valdes elever ut förkvalitativa intervjuer om textformuleringar. De intervjuade eleverna ingick i dendefinierade målgruppen. Resultatet visar att eleverna har lättare att hitta svar när det finns ett signalord iuppgiften. De reagerar olika inför lösandet av en textuppgift, en del kännertilltro medan andra konstaterar att uppgiften inte går att lösa.

Musik som kommunikation : en empirisk undersökning hur musik kan påverka startblocket av en lektion

Music affects us humans. Marketing has long made use of music as a means to enable customers to identify with a brand, and thus increase sales. The Influence of music is obvious, but can you use this on students, and how effective is it to use in a classroom?I will answer the question: how does soft music provide reassurance/create a harmoniums learning environment at the beginning of a lesson?By observing how students react and behave to the playing of soft music. My aim is to create different strategies that teachers can effectively use to get students to ?jump in? to their lessons without wasting 5-15 minutes of class time.Professor Lennart Grosin conducts research into what is in Sweden called PESKO.

Med informationskompetens som mål en studie av den pedagogiska verksamheten på Karolinska Institutets bibliotek

The explosion of information technology has given users direct access to an ocean of information. Increased availability puts increasing demands on the ability of students and researchers to search for, filter, and structure information. In response, the role of the research library has shifted from being primarily an information resource to being an educational resource with a focus on teaching users what is known as information literacy. This thesis is a study of user-education at the Karolinska Institute Library KIB, the largest medical library in the Nordic countries. KIB has invested significant resources in developing user-education, and has a full-time user-education developer and a formal pedagogical platform for user-education.

Elevers inställning till matematik : - en jämförande studie av elevers uppfattning av matematikämnet och matematikundervisningen

Based on earlier experiences of mathematics and mathematical learning, both as a student and as a teacher, I became more and more interested in how well the publicly accepted opinions about mathematics as an uninteresting, difficult and ?geeky? subject corresponded to reality. What do Swedish pupils really think about mathematics and is it possible to identify any differences in their attitudes based on the pupils? age?From this point of view the following questions were formulated:·What are pupils? attitudes towards mathematics in grades 3, 6 and 9 and how do they conceive their learning conditions?·Is it possible to detect any differences in the attitudes and preferences depending on the pupils? age?The result of this study compares well with previous studies done in this and overlapping fields and indicates that:·Younger pupils tend to have a better liking of mathematics but with increasing age that interest fades out.·Most pupils, without regard to age, consider mathematics to be one of the most important subjects, despite the fact that many pupils also find mathematics difficult and boring.·For pupils of all ages, the teacher is the most important factor in the learning process. Older students have more specific demands on the teacher for knowledge and pedagogical skills.·A high noise level, talking and disturbances in the classroom are the most bothering elements when it comes to learning mathematics.

Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform

Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.

Språket i matematiken - ett verktyg att räkna med, en kvalitativ intervjustudie om språkets betydelse för begreppsförståelsen

Syftet med vår studie var att ta reda på hur pedagoger tillvaratar barns informella kunskaper och hur de konkret arbetar för att utveckla barns begreppsuppfattning i matematik med hjälp av språket. Vi avsåg även att undersöka förutsättningarna för en sådan undervisning. Vi ville se till både individ-, grupp- och organisationsnivå. Ytterligare en specialpedagogisk frågeställning som vi avsåg att undersöka var hur barn i behov av särskilt stöd gynnas av detta arbetssätt. Vi genomförde tio kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer, som var delvis strukturerade, med pedagoger som arbetar med språket på ett medvetet sätt i sin matematikundervisning.

Läromedel i engelskundervisningen : En studie gällande läromedels utformning, läromedlets roll i lärares undervisning samt lärares tankar kring detta.

This study is about the use of textbooks in teaching English as a second language and about teachers? attitudes and opinions of using textbooks during lessons. The aim of the study is to receive a deeper understanding of the use of textbooks in English teaching and to learn about why teachers choose whether to use the textbook approach or not. The study contains an analysis of the textbooks the teachers in our study used. The analysis shows the actual content and the types of texts together with the design and the structure of the textbooks.

En meningsfull fritid : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogers uppfattningar av begreppet en meningsfull fritid och den egna yrkesrollen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

En gnutta läslust : Fyra lärare och deras arbetssätt för att främja de yngsta skolelevernas läslust

This project investigates how four teachers work to encourage their pupils? love of reading. The study was conducted with the focus on teachers working in grades 1?3. The teacher?s view of their own role in furthering love of reading is also considered.It is hoped that other teachers will gain inspiration and ideas about how to work to motivate their pupils to read.To ascertain the four teachers? opinions and thoughts I conducted qualitative interviews which I then analysed with the help of sentence concentration.The study shows that the teachers work in similar ways, but what they all have in common is that they further love of reading through methods that include conversation and communication with classmates and teacher.

Förskolors inställning till och användning avstadens natur :

This master thesis is made in co-operation with the Department of Forest Management and Products at the Swedish University of Agriculture in Uppsala and the Forestry Association in Stockholm. The purpose of the Master thesis was to describe how pre-schools in Sweden use forests and green areas, and to understand how different factors can affect the use of the nature. The purpose of the interviews was to create a picture of attitudes and routines of the pre-schools, in the matter of visiting the nature. The thesis is built on interviews where fifteen pre-schools in five large cities around Sweden participated. Among these pre-schools, five of them worked with special focus on nature, while the other ten did not have any particular focus connected to their activity.

Välkomna till högstadiet! En undersökning om organisation och nivåbestämning av elever i svenska som andraspråk på tre högstadieskolor

Viberg (1996), Hyltenstam (2003), Bergman & Sjöqvist (2003) är alla forskare i svenska som andraspråk och de är överens om att ett villkor för att eleverna ska få optimal undervisning i svenska som andraspråk är att läraren gör en bedömning av vilken språklig nivå eleven befinner sig på. Syftet med detta arbete är att ge en bild av hur ämnet svenska som andraspråk organiseras på tre högstadieskolor i en medelstor kommun i södra Sverige för att sedan kunna svara på hur förutsättningarna ser ut för lärarna att språkligt kunna nivåplacera elever med svenska som andraspråk. Genom att intervjua de lärare som undervisar i svenska som andraspråk på högstadiet och komplettera med enkäter till mellanstadielärarna i samma ämne och i samma kommun så har följande slutsatser kunnat dras: Skolornas organisation av ämnet ser delvis olika ut. Det finns fyra saker som på skolorna spelar en direkt roll för lärarnas möjligheter att nivåplacera eleverna efter språkbehärskning: lärarnas utbildning och kunskaper i ämnet, samarbete mellan hög- och mellanstadielärare, att undervisningen inte organiseras som lärarna önskar och skolledningens inställning till ämnet..

Distansundervisning i svenska grundskolor i utlandet

Mattsson, A (2006). Distansundervisning i svenska grundskolor i utlandet ? handledares, lärares och elevers syn på distansundervisning för elever i behov av särskilt stöd. (Distance education in Swedish compulsory schools abroad ? tutors, teachers and students view on distance education for students with special needs.) Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Avsikten med undersökningen är att undersöka lärares och handledares uppfattningar om distansundervisning för elever i behov av särskilt stöd samt att undersöka några elevers uppfattningar om distansstudier. Denna studie bygger på en enkätundersökning bland handledare och distansundervisande lärare samt ett antal intervjuer med distansstuderande grundskoleelever i svenska utlandsskolor.

Utomhuspedagogik : Lärares tankar och erfarenheter av utomhuspedagogik

Abstract This research is about outdoor education as a pedagogical method, and its purpose is to find out six teachers thoughts about outdoor learning, and their experiences about this method.Many philosophers and advocates for the outdoor education claims that learning is best acquired when children uses all their senses and that school subjects that are thought in the classrooms also can be thought outdoors.  Studies have shown that children´s health and learning ability increase when they are thought outdoors.Interviews and observations have been done.My questions are: How do the teachers practice outdoor education in their classes and what is the result? Which subjects do they use in outdoor education? Do the teachers see any obstacles using the outdoor method and why do the not use it to a greater extent? Keywords: Outdoor education, outdoor mathematics, learning and effects, children, thoughts and expiriences. .

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