

6253 Uppsatser om Special Education Needs teacher - Sida 31 av 417

Gröna miljöer på skolgården : som plats för utomhuspedagogik

School ground development is becoming increasingly popular in Sweden today and local community settings are also seen as an important resource for education. The debate today raises the question about the whole city?s pedagogic potential. Outdoor education is a pedagogy that comprises outdoor learning with focus on the sensual experiences. Connection to the classroom education is an important part of the pedagogy and so is the place for the tuition.But how should the place for the tuition, i.e.

Meningsfull undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa : En studie av elevers uppfattning av innehåll samt lärares arbetssätt för att aktivera och motivera inaktiva elever.

Meaningful teaching in physical education ? A study of pupils opinions of the contents and teachers methods to activate and account inactive pupils.Nowadays people in society are getting more and more inactive, and we have during our practice at different schools, noticed that many pupils are uncalled for and inactive at the lessons in physical education. The purpose with the study is to see what pupils in the ninth grade thinks about the contents of the subject and what they want it to contain to make the teaching more meaningful. The study also looks in to different methods that teachers in physical education use to make the lesson feel meaningful for all the pupils and how they work to activate and account inactive pupils. To collect the information we chose to distribute questioners to pupils and do interviews with teachers.

 Dans i grundskolans tidigaste år :  Dans i skolan på kommunala skolor respektive friskolor

Examensarbete lärarutbildningen 2010-06-16 Madelen Handell Svensson Vt 2010 Estetiskt lärande och SpecialpedagogikAbstractIndividualized is among the most important things for students. The teacher always has to provide for every pupil's needs, both special needs and challenge.Dance is a rhythmic exercise that often is carried out to musical. Dance uses human body as a medium and is movements, rhythm and expression of feelings. Dance is a combination of various feelings[1].Dance awakes feelings that are easier to describe in experiences than in words. The word dance is defined differently in different countries, it varies as well from time to time and from person to person[2].

Osynliggörandet av äldre HBT-personer : Upplevelser och föreställningar om äldreomsorg

Although Sweden is considered to be in the lead concerning an open-minded perception of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population, very little attention has been given to the elderly within this target group. The elder LGBT population?s got special needs that haven?t been made sufficiently visible, neither as a research field, from social institutions nor from the LGBT movement itself. This study has described the target group's specific needs, based on the results of a focus group consisting of older LGBT people. Their experiences and stories have given an idea of what adjustments must be made to satisfy their specific needs.

Utomståenderegeln i 57:5 IL

AbstractThis bachelor thesis deals with the close company rules in chapter 56-57 within the Swedish income tax law (IL). The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the outsider rule in 57:5 IL. If a shareholder or a family member works or have worked actively within the company within the fiscal year or the last five fiscal years then the partner has qualified shares and is to be taxed according to the special closed company rules.If an outsider, directly or indirectly, is a significant shareholder within the company, and directly or indirectly, are entitled to dividends then an active partner only has qualified shares if there is special reasons. When making the assessment regard must be made to conditions under the fiscal year or the last five fiscal years. There is special reason not to apply the rule if there are agreements regarding how the profit should be split or cross-ownerships between companies.If a taxpayer can show that an outsider own 30 percent of the closed company and has a right to dividends and there is no special reason to why the rule should not be applied then the outsider rule is applicable.

Feminism till höger och vänster? : En jämförande studie emellan Sverigedemokraternas och Kommunistiska Partiets feministiska teori och praktik

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Hur fyra gymnasielärare möter ideal och verklighet : En jämförelse mellan främmandespråksundervisning i Sverige och Australien

This degree project shows how four language teachers teach foreign languages with focus oncommunicative competence, and how their vision of teaching correspond to their reality in the classroom. How do they motivate the students in class and are the conditions good enough tohelp the teachers reach the national goals? A teacher?s vision is formed by his or her education and experiences. However, there are a number of factors which can help or hinder a teacher to reach his or her ideal teaching. Among these factors are the curriculum, the preknowledgeof the students and available technical resources.

Handledande samtal i förskolan : -kompetensutveckling eller akut problemlösning?

Preschool is a place that is continually undergoing change at a rapid pace and developing the skills of our educators is essential for their ability to keep up with these changes. Guidance conversations can be used as a vital tool for the educators competence development.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how educators, special educators and preschool principals think and reason about the use of guidance conversations in preschool.A qualitative method has been used in the shape of interviews with educators, special educators and preschool principals working within different districts of a medium sized city in the south of Sweden.These interviews revealed that the use of guidance conversations is often controlled by specific needs and is used when a problem arises amongst the children. There are many expectations on the special educators role in these conversations, one of which is the role of conversation leader with the purpose of guiding the conversation amongst involved parties and give them the tools they need to resolve problems by themselves instead of delivering packaged solutions..

Läraren och tjänstemannauppdraget : En studie om lärarstudenters syn på sina framtida tjänstemannauppdrag

The aim of this essay is to examine how future upper secondary school teachers within social science comprehends their future proffessional role. The aim is also to see whether the education is of importance to their suspension for their future professional role. Focus will especially be on the teachers civil servant role, where the aim is to see how their identification suspends to the governmental expectations on their future civil servant misson. The essay is based on a qualitative method, which is focused conversational interviews.The result indicates that future upper secondary school teachers within social science, who are about to finish their education, have a somewhat deeper sense of identification with the teachers civil servant mission compared to those in the beginning of their education. The result also indicates that the future upper secondary school teachers identification are in line with the governmental expectations on their civil servant mission.

"En skola för (nästan) alla"

Inkludering är ett världsomspännande koncept att sträva efter i skolundervisningen men kan detta uppnås när undervisningen inte kan göras lika för alla? För att få en bättre bild över var dagens forskning är på väg angående specialpedagogiska behov och inkludering har vi studerat en mängd artiklar, rapporter och avhandlingar, nationella som internationella. Utmaningen för dagens och morgondagens lärare är att förutom att kraven på att en likvärdig utbildning ska uppnås förväntas lärarna även ta hänsyn till allas unika förutsättningar och behov. Detta då lärarna ska möta ett ökat antal elever med inlärningsproblem och dilemmat hur de ska inkluderas eller exkluderas från klassrummet.Den här studien ger läsaren en idé om det dilemma skolor runt världen försöker lösa och resultaten pekar på att ytterligare forskning är nödvändig eftersom vi inte kan lösa dagens och morgondagens problem med gårdagens metoder..

Om utmaning i förskolan : Hur är man rättvis och inkluderande som pedagog?

In my essay, I will start with a story that represents my dilemma from my own experience. In the story, dealing with children that challenges teachers and other children in preschool, I wonder how I as a teacher can be fair and inclusive when I feel insufficient on several occasions. I reflect on my own approach because it can be difficult when we encounter children with different needs and abilities in preschool.I write the essay in experience-based essay form. The essays form makes it possible for me to reflect on my own experience and by using selected theoretical perspectives processing my dilemma. In my essay, I explore my own approach, what is meant by fairness and how the concept can be interpreted and how I can in the best way include all children in activities.I conclude that fairness from a perspective can be seen from the five criteria similarity, need, performance, compensation and rights.

Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek ? Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder

This Master?s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian?s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians.

Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and ?culture schools? in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn?t belong to the music- or ?culture school? and also are used for other kinds of education.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

?Vi vet ju inte vad de kristna egentligen tror på.? En studie om elevers syn på sin undervisning om kristendom i religionskunskap

Johanna Petrén, a prospective teacher of religion, has examined how a couple of students view Christianity as it is presented in a Religious Education classroom. Furthermore, how this image matches their experience of Christianity outside of school. The key questions of this essay are: How do the students generally describe Christianity and what it means to be a Christian based on the image they have acquired from outside of school, or from Christian friends, confirmation or their own faith? How do the students describe Christianity according to what they learn in Religious education at school? What potential differences do the students perceive between the image of Christianity conveyed by the school and the image they have of Christianity from outside of school? Does the school's teaching influence the credibility and interest in Christianity? The questions have been discussed in focus group interviews, in which the students way of reasoning and talking about religious matters were analysed based on previous research. References used in the analysis includes research on topics such as science of religious history, religion in multicultural and postcolonial rooms, secularism and discourse analysis have.

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