

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 61 av 275

ESF-projektet ?Kvinnokraft?. En kvalitativ studie om nyckelaktörers uppfattningar om hinder för integration och projekt för somaliska kvinnor

Compared to all existing ethnic groups in Sweden, the integration of Somali women has failed the most within the aspect of employment. This bachelor?s thesis investigates the obstacles in the integration of Somali women by focusing on one case, a project named ?Kvinnokraft?, partly financed by the European Socialfund.By interviewing eight key actors, opinions about obstacles in the project have been identified. A theoretical framework that incorporates integration, project research, multi-level governance and intersectionality contributes to explaining difficulties in integrating Somali women.The empirical findings show that there are individual, social and institutional holdbacks. Stereotypical perceptions were common amongst officials, which contributes to a creation of an inferior position in the structures of the society for Somali women.

En konkurrensrättslig analys av ?reverse settlements? i läkemedelsbranschen

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Skolkuratorers handlingsutrymme i en pedagogisk kontext : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study has been to highlight how school social workers experience their discretion, and furthermore how they feel about working in a context mainly dedicated to teachers. The study is executed with a qualitative research method where ten interviews with school social workers, in eight schools in the area of Stockholm have been conducted. The theoretical framework used to analyze the results was discretion, street-level bureaucracy and human service organizations.The main findings of this study imply that the most important ambition of the social work that was conducted in the schools was to help the students reach their knowledge goals. The assignment is, however, not clearly defined, which has lead to school social workers defining the mission and goals themselves. They all have wide discretion and great possibilities to decide how to execute their work, but how they use the freedom that was given seems to vary among them.

Day to day variation in milk composition at udder quarter level

Syftet med försöket har varit att utröna hur den naturliga variationen ser ut från dag till dag imjölk från separata juverdelar och hur sammansättningen i mjölken skiljer sig inom kor medolika juverhälsa. I den här studien användes 10 kor från Sveriges Lantbruks Universitet sommjölkades kontinuerligt, 2 gånger per dag i 21 dagar på juverfjärdedelsnivå. Mjölken vägdesvid varje mjölkning och analyserades sedan på antal somatiska celler (SCC), laktos, fett,protein, kasein och vassle protein. Resultaten visar att det är signifikanta skillnader imjölksammansättning mellan juverfjärdedel inom ko. För variation är mjölkmängd denparameter som varierar mest och varierar väldigt mycket mellan juverfjärdedelar.

En studie av hur matematiklärare på gymnasiet upplever sin kunskapsnivå i Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

Den digitala utvecklingen både i samhället i stort och inom utbildning accelererar som aldrig förr. Många ungdomar idag har tillgång till digitala verktyg så som dator, mobiltelefon, surfplatta mm. Detta ställer nya krav på utbildning och därmed också nya krav på lärarna. Ett urval av matematiklärare på gymnasienivå fick i en webb-survey rangordna vilken kunskapsnivå de anser sig ha med avseende tre huvudområdena som beskrivs av ramverket Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): teknik, pedagogik, ämnesinnehåll och kombinationer av dessa. Resultaten visar att lärarna anser sig ha en hög kunskapsnivå med avseende på pedagogik och ämnesinnehåll samt kombinationen av dessa men att kunskapsnivån ligger lägre när det gäller teknik och då framförallt den rent tekniska biten (t.ex.

Matematikundervisningen i IB, International Baccalaureate, programmet. En jämförelse med svenska program.

Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB), med svenska SP och NV program. Detta görs genom att besvara frågan hur innehållen i matematikkurserna på IB programmet skiljer sig från matematikkurser som ges i de svenska programmen. Inte enbart innehållet i kurserna jämförs utan även timplanen granskas för att undersöka om arbetsbördan i programmen skiljer sig åt. Den lättaste matematikkursen som undervisas i IB programmet, Mathematical Studies är mest lik de svenska Matematik A-C kurserna. Den andra IB kursen, Mathematical Methods täcker framförallt Matematik A-E kurserna medan den tredje kursen, Mathematics Higher Level stämmer bäst överens med Matematik kurserna A-F och Matematik-diskret.

Att läsa texter tillsammans är bra : En studie om läsförståelseundervisning i särskolan med hjälp av strukturerade textsamtal.

International reading comprehension studies, like PIRLS and PISA, state that the reading comprehension of Swedish students has decreased significantly since 2000. As a consequence, the National Agency of Education has made reading comprehension teaching a prioritised field in terms of further education for teachers. There has also been a change in Lgr 11, the national curriculum for compulsory school, where it is stated that teaching in reading strategies shall be a part of the central content throughout compulsory school. When the pupils reach upper secondary school level, reading comprehension education is no longer a part of the curriculum. Today, students at upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities currently share the same curriculum as the ordinary upper secondary school.

Barns minnesåtergivning - uppkomsten av falska minnen och suggestionspåverkan utifrån positiv respektive negativ information

Falska minnen förklaras teoretiskt med bl.a. implicita associationer, och svårigheter att skilja mellan faktiska eller påstådda källor. I denna studie undersöktes huruvida positivt respektive negativt innehåll i en berättelse påverkar uppkomsten av falska minnen, enligt DRM-paradigmet. Deltagarna för studien (30 förskolebarn i åldrarna 3-6 år) delades in i två grupper där ena gruppen hörde en positiv version av berättelsen, och andra gruppen en negativ version. Deltagarna genomgick sedan tre minnestest med cirka en veckas mellanrum, där de svarade på allmänna frågor om berättelsen, genomgick igenkänningstest med bilder, samt svarade på två suggestiva frågor.

Inhysningssystem för kalvar och ungdjur i större besättningar :

In Sweden, there has been a continuous increase in the volume of housing construction for dairy cattle. Since 2004, the number of new, rebuilt and extended dairy cow houses undergoing preliminary inspection by the authorities has grown. The livestock farms have mostly focused on cow units instead of calf and heifer sheds; which has led to a need for information in this area. The purpose of the study was to improve advisors? knowledge about bovine building construction and function; to enable them to provide more qualified advice to conventional and organic milk producers who sustain larger herds.

Det är osäkert vad det beror på : Multiprojektstyrning i forsknings- och utvecklingsenheter

BACKGROUND: Project based structures has become more and more common in the organizations of today. As the project based structures are given a more central role in the organizations the interdependencies between the projects are getting more attention. These structures need a new type of control to meet the unique challenges that arise. The researchthat has been done has been concentrated around the project form and the projects internal control, the area of multi-project management is therefore relatively unexplored. The few existing studies on the subject focus on projects in the construction industry why research inmore complex fields of business have been requested.PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze how knowledge intense multi-project organizations manage their project activities, and to determine how different organizational characteristics affect the need for management control systems.METHODOLOGY: The empirical data has been collected through interviews with personnel in BT Products R&D, Gambro R&D and AstraZeneca Development.

Sida ur ett lilberalfeministiskt perspektiv : Finns jämställdhetsidéer av liberalfeministiskt slag i Sidas bistånds - och utvecklingspolitik?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, C ? level, by Ylva Björkegren, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Anna Spånning. ?Sida from a liberal feministic perspective.

Nordiskt försvarssamarbete i åtstramningens tidevarv : En studie av förutsättningar för det norsk-svenska försvarssamarbetet

This study uses European researcher Tomas Valasek?s hypothesis about factors required for defence cooperation in order to achieve conditions which can be successfully applied to the Nordic defence cooperation NORDEFCO. The study uses only Norway and Sweden on the grounds that they are the original actors and the driving forces behind the defence cooperation. The factors studied are; the countries' strategic culture, solidarity and trust between countries, similarity in military forces, if similar conditions prevail in the defence industry and if the intentions of cooperation have been clarified.Mainly government documents in the form of propositions, orientations and defence documents are studied, together with previous research in this area and, especially, interviews with representatives of NORDEFCO at military level and policy level as well as outside perspectives from the military attachés in each country. With the intention of studying the extent to which the factors Valasek features may prove to be significant in assessing the conditions for enhanced cooperation in NORDEFCO, the study raises the question of how it is possible to find expressions for the factors.

KASAM, betyg och stress : En undersökning om sambandet mellan KASAM, attityd till betyg samt upplevd stress hos gymnasieelever

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between SOC, attitudes towards grades, and perceived stress levels among adolescents, and whether there was any difference in this relation between gender. The first research hypothesis was: "there is a gender difference to the degree of SOC, attitude to grades, and perceived stress level". The second was that "SOC and attitude to grades, predict stress in adolescents". To answer these hypotheses, a questionnaire survey was carried out among upper secondary students, 95 boys and 89 girls. The result of the analysis showed a significant difference between the gender.

O/ändliga o/möjligheter i Kathy Ackers Great Expectations och Alison Knowles The Big Book

In this paper I'm trying to trace, analyze and emphasize Kathy Acker?s Great Expectations and Alison Knowles?s The Big Book in regard to the books in/finite im/possibilities. I analyze them through historical changes in the books format and structure, especially ones proposed by Mallarmé, Duchamp and Fluxus. To analyze the texts more closely attention is directed to how Acker and Knowles challenge the conventional narrative, in regard to the body and language/voice and sound. I give specific emphasizes to thoughts posted by écriture féminine, while also adding Mara Lee?s temporalities in regard to body resistance and time.

En kartläggning av målvakters tränings- och matchmiljö inom Svensk elitfotboll

Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.

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