

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 60 av 275

Dämpning av fläktljud i diskmaskin

Detta examensarbete omfattar akustiska undersökningar utav en desinficerande diskmaskin av typ Getinge 8666/8668 och har utförts på Getinge Desinfection AB i Växjö. Vi har undersökt hur man med enkla medel kan sänka ljudtrycksnivån i maskinens närhet. Mätningar har utförts på diskmaskinens torkprogram, där torkfläktarna är de mest dominerande ljudkällorna och ljudet främst är luftburet. En systematisk analysmetod bestående av införandet av successiva dämpningsåtgärder visade att de dominerande ljudvägarna går via taket, golvet samt till viss del spalter i maskinens väggar. Genom att isolera både tak, golv och spalter kunde ljudtrycksnivån sänkas med totalt hela 5,9 dB.

Skolsituationen på fem särskilda ungdomshem : En studie utifrån intervjuer med pedagoger

The purpose of this study is to examine the situation of the school for boys 15-21 years of age lacking compulsory school attendance and is being located at five residential care units from the pedagogues? point of view. The study was conducted by interviewing four pedagogical leaders and two teachers. The results demonstrate that the boys can choose the subjects they study as well as the amount of time they spend on studying each week. The teachers include non-learning activities during their lessons.

Safire : Unik brandvarnare med smart design för ökad säkerhet

Can you ensure that your smoke detector will sense fire and sound the alarm in the middle of the night?In 80 percent of the cases where emergency pulls out, smoke detectors are missing where the fire occurred. In the year of 2009, 118 people in Sweden died in fires ? most of them would have survived if there had been a functioning smoke detector.Earlier development of smoke detectors has mainly been focusing on components that sense smoke and alert in case of fire. But in most cases the problem has not been whether the smoke detector was working or not as fully assembled, but rather that it was missing.

Utveckling av lyssningstillbehör för samtalsförstärkare

En av Bellman & Symfons produkter a?r den sa? kallade samtalsfo?rsta?rkaren. Samtalsfo?rsta?rkaren a?r ett ho?rselhja?lpmedel, som genom digital signalbehandling fo?rsta?rker ljudniva?n samtidigt som oo?nskat bakgrundsljud da?mpas.Via ett 3,5 mm jack pa? enheten kan vanliga lyssningstillbeho?r anslutas, sa?som ho?rlurar och o?ronsna?ckor. De lyssningstillbeho?r som Bellman & Symfon erbjuder idag a?r av enkel modell, och la?mnar mycket att o?nska vad ga?ller ljudkvaliteten.Genom detta projektarbete har jag studerat fo?rba?ttringsalternativ till dessa lyssningstillbeho?r, men har fokuserat fra?mst pa? sa? kallade stetoclips.Via mjukvaran Smaart v.7 Di simulerade jag upplevd frekvensga?ng hos olika lyssningstillbeho?r.

Gröna tak som del i ett hållbart stadsbyggande

Green roofs have seen a revival in the society of today. They provide many functions of which both society as a whole and the individual can take part. In particular extensive green roofs, that requires little or even zero maintenance, provides very valuable functions. Green roofs affect our environment and our economy in a positive manner as well as the physical expression of buildings. In this bachelor thesis the impact of green roofs on society has been examined throughout literature studies. The result as a compilation of contemporary research in this field is presented together with a discussion about the use of green roofs in general. The two major arguments for an extended use of green roofs are, the high stormwater retention capacity and the cost-benefits seen over time compared to a conventional roof.

Gudssyn inom den sufiska poesin : En jämförelse mellan Jalal ad-din Rumi och Fakhr al-din Araqi

The purpose of this essay is to compare the works of Jalal ad-din Rumi and Fakhr al-dinAraqi to see which ideas of God the two writers want to convey. Rumi and Araqi weretwo actors in the mystical dimension of Islam, who lived in the thirteenth century inwhat is today Turkey. Both were of Persian birth and their works were written inPersian.The material I have chosen to work with is Lama´at by Araqi and parts of theMasnavi by Rumi. Both of them have been translated into Swedish by Ashk Dahlén.The theoretical premiss is taken from Influence in art and literature by GöranHermerén. My method is to find images for God in the texts to see which ideas of Godthe two writers want to convey.My review shows that many of the images come from the Koran and speak ofpersonal qualities of God.

Citeringsanalys och citeringsteorier: En kritisk granskning

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make an outline of different methods and theories within the field of bibliometrics and critically review their strengths and weaknesses. The author studied literature that discussed bibliometric methods and theories. The number of empirical studies that are based on bibliometric methods and theories are numerous and where principally excluded, but some empirical studies were included as part of the argumentation for and against different methods and theories. The author first gives an outline of which methods and theories there are and describes their different strengths and weaknesses. Citation analysis has many different fields of application such as information retrieval, mapping science, evaluative studies and monitoring literature.

Partnerskap i samförstånd? En studie av den regionala partnerskapsmodellen ur ett intresseperspektiv

In 1998 a new regional development policy was introduced by the Swedish government. A central feature in the policy was the formation of partnerships at the regional level. The partnerships were meant to consist of local and regional stakeholders, representing a great variety of interests, who would collaborate in order to improve regional development. The new policy was promoted, besides being more efficient, as a way to broaden political participation and to break male-dominated structures.This thesis discusses whether the regional partnership actually favours ?women's interests?, in terms of how the relationship of power between women and men is constituted by the model.

Musiken i The Tudors : En audiovisuell analys av förtexterna och avsnittet Death of a Monarchy

This is an analysis of the music in the television-series The Tudors (2007 ? 2010). The opening credits and how death is portrayed musically in the last episode are analyzed. My question is what functions the music has. The method used is Michel Chion?s masking-method.

Andraspråksstudenters konnektivbruk : En kartläggning av vanliga fel i konnektivbruket hos studenter med svenska som andraspråk

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.


This project is a learning CD-ROM production aimed at first-time parents. It is using both sound and images, moving as well as non-moving. The purpose of the production is to be an interesting alternative to traditional books. We have been looking at similar productions like drivers license educational CD-ROMs and encyclopedias for inspiration and ideas on how to proceed. In order to give the content some dynamics, we've also added the element of 3D-animated sequences. The application is supposed to be run as a simple executable file with flash embedded.

En beskrivande studie av patienter som sjukvårdsrådgivningen rekommenderat att söka akutmottagning : - Hör de alla hemma där?

 Aim. To describe patients who have got a recommendation by a telenurse to visit the emergency department and how many of these patients could have received care in the primary health care instead. Further on, the aim was to describe if there are patients not following the recommendations.Methods. Quantitative, descriptive study, with an examination of medical records of the patients, which the telenurses recommended to visit the emergency department, during one week. Assessments whether the patient could seek medical care at the primary health care was made, firstly based on the telenurses documentation and secondly on both the telenurses and the emergency department´s documentation.Results.

Ung? Var god dröj! En diskursanalys kring ungdomsarbetslöshet och fördröjd etablering på arbetsmarknaden

Youth unemployement in Sweden is at an all-time high, a fifth of all university and college students live in poverty and the number of young on welfare is increasing. This study attempts to answer the question of how youth deprivation has been made possible as a consequence of political action, focusing on youth unemployment. I critically examine the role of the Swedish government, the Swedish Labour Organisation (LO), and the various government departments through text analysis, in order to answer the question of how the current discourse on youth position in the labor market. Because youth unemployment is not an isolated phenomena the analysis covers several policy areas, such as education policy, labor market regulation and housing policy. I use discourse theories drawn from Laclau and Mouffe to expose how language is used as an instrument of political power. I conclude that the current situation is a result of policy choices where the young have fallen behind due to lack of political organization. Their situation is not problematized to the required degree and is often explained on an individual level rather than on a structural level. .

Fobibehandling.com : en pilotstudie av behandlingseffekt och deltagarupplevelse av en Internetbaserad behandling för specifik fobi.

This pilot study investigates possible treatment effects and participants' experience in an internet-based treatment of specicfic phobia. Changes in self-reported phobic fear were examined in a series of case studies and changes in attitudes towards avoidance and approach strategies were examined at group level. Seventeen DSM-IV diagnosed patients with specific phobia participated and 10 out of these completed the treatment.The results show that 80 % of the completing participants were clinically improved after the treatment and that the completing participants were significantly more negative towards avoidance strategies after the treatment. The evaluation of the disposition and user-friendliness of the treatment showed that the participants' overall view of the treatment was positive. The main advantage perceived was the flexible nature of the treatment, while the main disadvantages were the high level of motivation and discipline required from the participants.

Finansiella garantier - en möjlighet att säkerställa ett miljömässigt omhändertagande av uttjänta produkter

Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) is a form of product take-back regulation that requires the producers to manage their products at the end of life. By internalising the products? entire life cycle costs into the market price the ultimate objective of such regulations is to reduce the environmental burden from the products. This Master´s thesis seeks to examine if the total life cycle cost of a product actually is borne by the producer, and if not, predict who will then take this cost. This is done by analysing the market for take-back activities in three different categories of products; electrical and electronic equipment, cars and wind power stations.

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