

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 3 av 275

Omvärldsbevakning som ett verktyg inom Business Intelligence. En kvalitativ studie av omvärldsbevakning inom en verksamhet

Intelligence is an elusive concept with strong links to business intelligence , in which organizations have recently more and more have incorporated the use of IT (Information Technology). A research carried out recently have identified the importance of effective monitoring, but there are few studies showing how organizations actually work in the field.A qualitative study consisting of the interviews with employees at an IT company was done to see how external monitoring is carried out in practice, in a specific company and how it would help the company to develop. The company we visited did not work with special procedures of any kind regarding external monitoring but still knew about the term and its meaning.The conclusion account for detected patterns as well as difficulties, including the definition of external monitoring which differs a lot between individuals. The patterns discovered points to the importance of clarity and objectives regarding the use of external monitoring for it to be effective and measurable.Keywords: External monitoring, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence..

Att spela in tramp i studio: En studie om studioinspelning av fotsteg i snö

The complex sound of someone walking in snow aren't easy to create in a studio. The best way to get the sound is to go out on a surface with real snow and record the footsteps there, but it is a complex procedure to get the right sound on the snow because snow sounds different in various temperature and various kinds of snow. It is important to find the right kind of snow to get the right sound on the foot steps. In a studio, the foley artist can create the sound of footsteps in snow by walking on different kind of material, like potato flour, coarse salt or corn flakes, the question is how realistic this materials sounds and what temperature on the snow they sound like. The results shows that the real snow (warm and cold snow) sounds most realistic and the potato flour sounds like warm and wet snow, the corn flakes some think sounds like cold snowwhile others think that it doesn't sound like snow at all and the coarse salt sounds like snow when it is around -10°C in the air, they all sounds similar in realism compared to each other.


This report describes a thesis project on 15hp. The purpose of the thesis project is to build a laser projector that reacts on sound waves and thus get a laser beam to draw visualizations of sound waves on a wall. The idea was that the design would be independent and not have to be plugged into any audio equipment. This was achieved by absorbing sound waves into a microphone. Another factor was to get a ?do it yourself? -feeling of the design and therefore it was chosen to be constructed using for example, old hard-drives.The result was a relatively large and bulky designed laser projector that can draw sound waves on a wall..

Speaker Park : om ljudsättning av utemiljöer

This project will search for the sound in the contemporary landscape architecture, an attempt to combine music and land­scaping. In a first stage, I have searched for outdoor environments where loudspeakers are used, and sites with a concious sound design. The project will result in a sound design created for the park Frodeparken in Uppsala, Sweden. In my search for sites and examples of conscious sound, I have talked to the people behind the projects I found - landscape architects, sound artists and architects. Influences from different areas have been essential for me in the project.

Göta älvbron, övervakning med optisk fiber : Ekonomisk analys

The Göta älv-bridge is a welded steelbridge which is located in Gothenburg,it connects the inner city of Gothenburgwith the island Hisingen. Cracks wasdiscovered in the steel in 1999-2000which started an investigation of thebridge to clearify the condition of thebridge. The conclusion was a monitoringsystem based on laser light sent throughan optical fiber.This report describes the bridge, thedamages, the monitoring system and thetraffic on the bridge.Stefan Pup, at Vectura Borlänge was mysupervisor during this work. In myinvestigation the costs of themonitoring system and the costs ofclosing the bridge is compared andevaluated. The biggest investigatingpart is the costs of closing the bridge.The results of my investigations is thatclosing the Göta älv-bridge would cost 1107 300 SEK / day.

Apor i fruktdisken!: eller påverkan av icke-musikaliska ljud inom detaljhandeln

Retail marketing is a field with many different enbranchements. Some of these can be considered relatively well explored, while the lack of knowledge concerning others is almost total. For example, the existing knowledge regardng the possible impact that non-musical sound can have on the customer can be considered non-existent. With this in mind, the intention with the thesis was to closer investigate how non-musical sound can influence the customer's decision process and attitude in and to a grocery store. The authors started out with theories on associative networks and automatic processing.

Audio Identity : En studie i ljudets funktion för varumärkesbyggande

Abstrakt Sound branding är i dag ett begrepp som är välkänt bland marknadsförare. Fördelarna med en unik och genomarbetad ljudidentitet har dock inte nått fram till många svenska företag och varumärken. Vi ämnar med detta kandidatarbete att utforska ljudets funktion för varumärkesbyggande samt skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är avgörande gällande ljuddesignen i reklamsammanhang. Genom tidigare forskning samt produktion av sonic logos och musik, åt olika beställare, har vi försökt besvara frågeställningen: Hur ger man verksamheter och varumärken en ljudidentitet? Abstract Sound branding today, is a well-known concept amongst marketers.

Audio Identity - En studie i ljudets funktion för varumärkesbyggande

Abstrakt Sound branding är i dag ett begrepp som är välkänt bland marknadsförare. Fördelarna med en unik och genomarbetad ljudidentitet har dock inte nått fram till många svenska företag och varumärken. Vi ämnar med detta kandidatarbete att utforska ljudets funktion för varumärkesbyggande samt skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som är avgörande gällande ljuddesignen i reklamsammanhang. Genom tidigare forskning samt produktion av sonic logos och musik, åt olika beställare, har vi försökt besvara frågeställningen: Hur ger man verksamheter och varumärken en ljudidentitet? Abstract Sound branding today, is a well-known concept amongst marketers.

Ljudinstallationer i Sveriges utemiljö

When visiting Scaniaparken in Malmö you have the possibility of listening to music streaming out of grass-covered hills. In Helsingborg children can compose their own music and play for their friends on the playground. On a square in Nacka Strand you can hear birds singing in the quiet intervals of traf?c. What the places have in common are that they all contain sound installations.

Public Hear Aid

This project started when LIC Audio AB wanted help with development of a hearing aid for public rooms. The problem is that a lot of people suffer from some sort of hearing impairment. In places with a lot of people and background noise the problem becomes bigger and the sound seems to flow together. During the project we found the solution for the problem in the shape of a headphone. The headphone receives a signal from a preinstalled hearing loop.

Ersättningen som övervakning eller rekrytering : En studie utifrån ägarstruktur i svenska börsbolag

Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business Administration, Linaeus University, Finance 4FE03E, Spring 2011Authors: Benni Hansson, Axel SandquistTutor: Christopher von KochExaminer: Sven-Olof CollinTitle: Compensation as a means of monitoring or recruiting ? a study on ownership structure in Swedish listed companies.Keywords: CEO compensation, compensation structure, ownership structure, ownership types, ownership concentration, agency theory, resource dependence theory, managerial theoryBackground: There has been extensive research on CEO compensation, however not a lot on Swedish listed firms. Many studies have an agency theoretical perception on CEO compensation. In accordance with this, compensation is used as a means to solve monitoring and incentives problems.Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the role of CEO compensation, by studying ownership structure.Method: To examine the role of CEO compensation we use a multi-theory approach, based on agency theory, resource dependence theory and managerial theory. The companies examined are Swedish listed firms the in years 2005 to 2009.

Digital guidning på campus Alnarp : tekniska lösningar för riktad information till olika målgrupper

Today digital guides are most frequently used by the museum and tourism industries. They are also used for education purposes. They make it possible to distribute information and have it easily accessible. In addition to written information they add sound, pictures and videos which lift the whole impression of the visited place to a higher level. A variety of systems currently in use today have been evaluated.

Provning av parallellkopplade hydraulpumpar i hjullastare

Volvo Construction Equipment is a world leading company in construction machinery. Tomaintain the best products, development is prioritized. The master thesis regards sound reductionof the hydraulic system on a wheel loader. The background to the master thesis is asimulation made on the hydraulic system, performed autumn 2005. The result of the simulationshows that the energy of the pressure ripple is reduced when the paralleled hydraulicpumps are phase shifted and reduces each others pump pulsations.

The Sound of Drums - Trumsoundets förändring över tre decennier

Denna uppsats undersöker hur trumsoundet förändrades inom produktionen avpop- och rockmusik från 60-tal till 80-tal och sambandet med förändringar iinspelningsteknik. Uppsatsen syftar även till att tydliggöra hur dagens diskurs omsound har växt fram och hur sound har blivit ett estetiskt verktyg och enkonsumtionsvara. Metoden som har använts är lyssningsbaserad analys ochjämförelser av inspelningar från respektive decennium, samt att resonemang ochresultat i uppsatsen har återknutits till tidigare forskning om sound. Resultatet avanalysen visar att inspelningstekniken har haft en avgörande betydelse för hurtrumsoundet inom berörda populärmusikaliska genreområden har förändrats och dessmöjligheter och förutsättningar satte soundskapande fokus på rummet under 60-talet,instrumentet under 70-talet och effekterna under 80-talet. Undersökningen har visatatt sound på 60-talet relaterades till helhet, plats och person och senare till tekniskbearbetning av enskilda element i ljudbilden.

Bulleremissioner från vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk

Wind power in Sweden is expanding in response to the government's decision that 49% of Sweden's power should originate from renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Problems with noise and sound emissions related to wind turbines are a constant argument against the wind power expansion and this paper means to examine if vertical axis wind turbines might be a viable alternative to the conventional horizontal design for noise sensitive areas. In order to determine factors like difference in frequency, noise propagation and noise emission level, measurements of both horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines have been completed and the data analyzed with MATLAB. It is shown that there is a difference in how the noise from the two types of turbines propagates due to avariation in the frequency spectra of the emitted sound. It is also shown that vertical axis wind turbines generate a lower sound emission with less intensity inthe lower frequencies..

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