

4104 Uppsatser om Socially constructed gender roles - Sida 60 av 274

Det goda mötet : En studie av pedagogers syn på goda möten i förskolan

This essay has it purpose to view the assessment and grading in physical education in the Swedish school. Recently published reports from skolverket prove that boys have higher grades in the physical education than girls. Some mean that the reason of this is that the teachers don´t follow the curriculum. The problems we chose to examine are how much do teachers know how to use and connect the curriculum to their teaching? How much of the information and criterion in the curriculum do the teachers use to grade their pupils? And most importantly we wanted to examine why boys gets higher grades then girls, when the curriculum doesn?t seem to suit boys any better than girls.We have interviewed teachers in a certain district and our study shows that the teachers have good knowledge about the curriculum.

En kvalitativ undersökning om användandet av datorer, IKT och SMART Board i undervisningen

This report is an analysis of the gender representation in Swedish sports media, a comparison between sport in public service television for adults and children. The study explores the differences between the number of male and female sports in the matter of air time and also the number of male and female appearances in the TV shows. The programs studied in this report are the Swedish SVT?s Sportspegeln and Lilla sportspegeln. When we began this analysis we were under the impression that men would be over-represented, but that representation in sports television for children would be more gender equal than the adult counterpart. The result of the analysis confirmed previous studies stating that men dominate the sports programs in Swedish public service television.

Kunskapens tempel eller kunskapens saluhall: En diskursorienterad studie över förarbetet till Stockhoms nya stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master´s thesis is to explore how Stockholms new library´s identity is constructed, and further to relate the case study to a general discussion of the identity of public libraries in Sweden. This is done through analysis of the visions and plans that the planned library is based on. We feel that it is a relevant study since questions concerning the public library's identity are for library and information science as well as the institution. Questions posed in the study are: How is the roles and identity of the planned library described in the texts that form the basis of the project? What characterises the relationship between the present and the planned library? What discourses concerning the public library's identity can we see in the material?The theoretical framework of the thesis is a discourse oriented analysis based on the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough.

Maktbalansen mellan mannen och kvinnan i Domarboken 19

The thesis of this essay is how literary texts are selected in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary school, and how teachers reflect upon gender in these selections. To answer the thesis question three methods have been used. Firstly interviews were held with five teachers of Swedish, which have been the primary source for the essay. In addition to the interviews, I have examined two literary anthologies used as teaching aid in the teaching of Swedish and lastly I analyzed the literature and authors that the teachers explicitly express that they use in their tutoring. The secondary sources of this thesis contain research on selections of fictional texts, literary canon and students? re-production of gender.

SECOND LIFE: SECOND CHANCE - A netnographical study of the online virtual world Second Life as a place of...

Our study illustrates the nature and characteristics of the virtual world Second Life. We have identified that the online community aims to satisfy hedonistic needs through social and conspicuous consumption, for online use only, concentrating on socially accepted identity construction..

Påklädda ma?n och söta kvinnor : En studie i representationer av genus i tidningen Frida 2013

This theises aims to extend the understanding of how representation of gender is produced and reproduced in the young women?s magazine Frida. We examine this through analyzing pictures of male and female celebrities in a selected number of magazines from the year of 2013. We use a quantitative analysis of the pictures, as well as a supplementary quantitative analysis of ajectives used to describe male and female celebrities in captions. We research what types of patterns we can find in these analyses that construct representations of gender, also surveying how the celebrities in the magazine look.Our analysis shows us that the context of Frida contains several recurring visual patterns that preserves a representation of men being superior to women.

Idrottens medialisering - ur elitidrottares perspektiv : En studie om hur elitidrottare ser på medias utveckling och dess effekter på idrotten i allmänhet, samt på deras idrottsliga prestationer.

Changes in media technology and markets create new demands and challenges for society. The relationship between sport and the media is an example. Sport as a form of entertainment provides pleasure and excitement for the audience and high ratings for networks and media companies. This study examines elite athletes? views of media coverage and the extent to which such coverage affects their athletic performance.

?Jag är militär? : En undersökande studie i hur rollskiftet sker mellan yrkesroll och civil med utgångspunkt i uniformen för Försvarsmaktens soldater.

Den svenska Försvarsmakten är en myndighet med en annorlunda vardag för de anställda. Att arbeta som soldat inom försvaret är ett yrke som bidrar till stora kontraster hos de anställda, genom att växla mellan rollerna som yrkesverksam soldat till att vara civil. Vardagen är även annorlunda utifrån de arbetskläder som används, uniformer. Denna studie är gjord med utgångspunkt i vad uniformen har för del i det skifte som sker när en soldat växlar mellan yrkesroll och civil roll. Kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts om sex informanter, på soldat- och gruppchefsnivå.

Debatten om bibliotekarieutbildningen ? inför förändringarna av utbildningen år 1972 respektive år 1993 ? sådan den återspeglas i bibliotekstidskrifter

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the debate in library journals and in official reports on the subject of library education in Sweden. We focus on two periods: the period just before the year 1972 ? when the library education was transformed into being occupationally-oriented and the period just before the year 1993, when the library education was transformed into being ?academised?. This Master?s thesis shows that the debate and the arguments among initiated people in the library world have had some impact on how the library education was transformed later on.

Musiklärare på ett högstadium - En fallstudie på två lärare ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur medvetna musiklärare är om jämställdhetsperspektivet i sin undervisning, om det finns skillnader mellan manliga och kvinnliga lärare och hur lärarna ser på de budskap och värderingar de förmedlar i sin undervisning ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Undersökningen genomfördes på en skola med hjälp av observationer och kvalitativa intervjuer av berörda lärare. De resultat jag kom fram till var att lärarna, en manlig och kvinnlig, i stort sett behandlade sina elever på ett jämställt sätt. Det förekom tendenser till upprätthållande av traditionella könsmönster, men i liten skala. Av resultaten har jag dragit slutsatsen att jag i princip har fått svar på mina forskningsfrågor, men att det skulle behövas mer forskning på området och i större skala.Music teachers at the upper level of compulsory school - A case study of two teachers in a gender perspectiveThe purpose of this article is to illustrate music teachers awareness of the gender perspective in their teaching, if there are any differencies between male and female teachers and how the teachers think about the messages and values they share with the students in their teaching in a gender perspective.

?Hon får skylla sig själv? : En undersökning om attityder på svenska internetforum avseende våldtäkt mot kvinnor

The purpose of this study was to highlight how women who have been victims of rape are described in discussion forums on the Internet and how the view obtained is affected by victim and gender constructions. By observing several discussion threads on Swedish internet forums, we have been able to explore how discussions and attitudes are made about women who are victims of rape and which characteristics are assigned females. This study analyzes these attitudes from a gender construction theory and a victim construction theory. Through this analysis, we wanted to gain a deeper understanding of attitudes about female rape victims and if the attitudes are rooted in victim and gender constructions. This study shows that women are often assigned responsibility to a rape if she put herself at risk and if she is assigned negative attributes such as promiscuous, as a liar or if she drinks too much alcohol.

?e du me på webbsex?? : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer.

The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity".

Development of green space in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

In Dar es Salaam, as in many cities in developing countries, green areas are decreasing due to the fact that the growth of buildings, infrastructure and services has become a priority. As the population increases more buildings and infrastructure are needed and much of the building activity takes the form of uncontrolled settlements, which encroaches the public green space. Dar es Salaam has approximately three million inhabitants, of which about 70 percent are living in informal settlements. The aim with this study is to make a design proposal for a park and recreation area where the Msimbazi river basin in the centre of Dar es Salaam is today. The basin consist of a few playing fields, footpaths and some urban farming, but apart from this it mostly consists of unused grasslands, swamps and forests. Because it is an unsafe place and badly connected to the rest of the city infrastructure, it has become a barrier. The annual flood combined with the constant still shallow water creates a good breading ground for malaria mosquitoes.

Barn i och kring kyrkobyggnaden fram till och med 1600-talet

The purpose of this essay was to find out if it is possible to:? Detect different groups of gender among children in grave materiel and church art and if that was the case, in what way?? What different groups of children can be seen in these two categories?? What does the material say about children's position in society? The time span is from early Christian time to 17-th century and the geographical region is Sweden and Denmark. I got my information from published literature and different pages on the Internet. The conclusions were that gender among children can be detected in both types of material but different groups were not ?visible? to the same degree.

- Jag är den jag var då - det är förutsättningarna som har förändrats? - en postkolonial feministisk studie utav invandrarkvinnors berättelser om identitetskonstruktion och förändring

Postcolonial feminist theory says that ones identity is constructed by severalfactor, not only gender but even culture, ethnicity and class imbedded in the socialcontext. This paper examines what happens to women's identities if the socialcontext changes. Does an identity shift occur? By interviewing five women fromBosnia-Herzegovina I try to understand the affects migration has on women?sidentity. Postcolonial feminist theory says that our identities are constantlychanging, as their constructing factors.

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