

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 49 av 1010

Förhandsbedömningar : Förklaringar och konstruktioner

AbstractIn Östhammar a change has been noticed in the statistics regarding incoming reports, appraisals and investigations concerning a suspicion that a child or youth may be harmed.There are some earlier reaserch made concerning the sorting process that takes place when a report is made. In Östhammar the social workers have been interested in finding out what the main reasons are for not opening an investigation. It has also been some research from the ?sociology of childhood perspective? on how childhood is being constructed and how children are positioned in the investigative texts. From a social constructionist perspective and by using both a quantitative and a qualitative research, I have examined all the reports that have not led to an investigation from the first quarter of 2011 in Östhammar. This to find out the main explanations for not investigating and how children are positioned in such appraisals.It has been shown that most appraisals closed either because of the situation which led to the declaration no longer exists, to another input already exists, the problem is not seen as  serious or that it was felt that the parents are capable of giving the support they need. I have discovered that the childs voice is missing in most of the report investigations. I have not found any explanations to why one has chosen not to speak with the child, but there may be explanations such as limited time, limited knowledge or a will to spare the child the discomfort..

?Man behöver språket för att visa sig som människa? ? Språkcaféer ? en väg till empowerment

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether publiclibraries language cafés can support or enable the empowerment of the participants. Empowerment means that the individuals ability to take control of their own lives is strengthened and that the individual becomes more independent. Empowerment also means that the individual takes part in a community. An important part of this is the language. I have developed two research questions: What forms of empowerment can be seen in the respondents' statements? What role do language cafés play for people from other countries, in terms of empowerment? The thesis empirical material consists of interviews whit five people involved in different languages cafes in public libraries in the city of Malmö.

Vilken kompetens bör lärare ha? : Enligt specialpedagogen

This essay is an investigation that aims to increase the understanding regarding the opinions of what skills a teacher who works with pupils that are in need of special support ought to have. I have also tried to answer the question: How to be a good teacher?The investigation is carried out as a qualitative interview survey, where three women from three different municipalities have explained, how they want pedagogues to work with pupils that are in need of special support.The investigation shows that an accurate personality within the pedagogue plays an important part when accomplishing a positive development. Knowledge of various subjects combined with a specialized pedagogical education is very important, as well as an ability of understanding when it comes to different kinds of functional disorders.Other positive qualities a teacher should have could be the following: to be structured, calm, be able to stand stress, have patience, be a good listener, be emphatic and have a good sense of humour.The investigation also shows that teachers who are confident with themselves have a lot to gain in their profession. The final quality worth mentioning is, when you as a professional dare to be without prestige.

Anhörigvårdarens situation

The purpose with this study was to examine how persons giving care to their spouses with dementia experience their life situation. As information source we used a qualitative study which included halfstructured interview questions. The study took place in three municipalities in the south of Sweden. Three females and two males took part in the study and everyone had experiences of giving care to their spouces with dementia. We used a coping theory and an exchange theory.

Utvärdering av amningsstrategi : - Vårdprofessionernas perspektiv

Research show evidence for benefits of breastfeeding and that infant-feeding-plans are supportive. Family-centered care is the theoretical framework. Family support is crucial for successful breastfeeding. It is important that society creates opportunities for mothers to breastfeed and contribute information and support by healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the midwives and child healthcare nurses found that the newest breastfeeding strategy influenced their breastfeeding- and rearing support in the County of Jönköping.

Sociala medier : Marknadsföring och innehåll

The purpose of this study is to highlight the opportunities of using social media as a communicative tool to attract and engage customers on different social media platforms. In recent years social media has become an important way for business to communicate with people both national and global. The idea behind this thesis was found when we saw different approaches of how companies used social media as a marketing tool. Through a qualitative approach we did eight interviews with six different companies and two social media consults which have given us a basis of what companies really want to achieve with social media. With these interviews we were able to analyze and discuss the abilities to interact with people and how companies distribute content that engage users and increase their credibility to the company..

Hur utvecklar man det ra?tta tekniksto?det fo?r att underla?tta dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning? : En studie av la?rares administrativa arbetssituation na?r det ga?ller dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning

In this study we have examined how teachers work with the documentation of formative assessment with focus on how to design the right technological support to make it more simple and more efficient. We have studied how teachers? work with documentation in practise based on the guidelines for formative assessment presented at the National Agency of Education. We performed observations and interviews in primary schools with teachers in different subjects in Ska?ne and Norrland.

"Det är som en glaskupa runt hela prostitutionsstråket - vistas man där är allt tillåtet". En narrativ analys av två socialarbetares berättelser.

This essay focuses on two social workers talking about their working field in the prostitution area in a Swedish city. The study aims to investigate how the social workers talk about their field and clients that are in it through the use of narrative analysis. Furthermore we discuss the complications with qualitative interviews, narrative analysis from a feminist theoretical and methodological point of view. The study is based on an interview with the two social workers. The result reveals only tendencies rather than a general "truth".

Support Vector Machines for Classification applied to Facial Expression Analysis and Remote Sensing

The subject of this thesis is the application of Support Vector Machines on two totally different applications, facial expressions recognition and remote sensing.The basic idea of kernel algorithms is to transpose input data in a higher dimensional space, the feature space, in which linear operations on the data can be processed more easily. These operations in the feature space can be expressed in terms of input data thanks to the kernel functions. Support Vector Machines is a classifier using this kernel method by computing, in the feature space and on basis of examples of the different classes, hyperplanes that separate the classes. The hyperplanes in the feature space correspond to non linear surfaces in the input space.Concerning facial expressions, the aim is to train and test a classifier able to recognise, on basis of some pictures of faces, which emotion (among these six ones: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sad, and surprise) that is expressed by the person in the picture. In this application, each picture has to be seen has a point in an N-dimensional space where N is the number of pixels in the image.The second application is the detection of camouflage nets hidden in vegetation using a hyperspectral image taken by an aircraft.

Dialogens betydelse för företag : Hur företag bör agera och uppträda när de marknadsför sig i sociala medier

The purpose of my study is to give a good picture of what social media really is and how companies can make use of it, in their marketing strategy. It gets more important for every day that companies fully understand how social media works and how to act in the new digital channels. To be an updated marketer today, you need to fully understand social media and how it can be implemented in the company marketing strategy. This study gives you a snapshot over todays situation in the area of social media marketing.I have interviewed four different persons, who I believe have a great competence and are highly qualified for this kind of study. All of the interviewed persons work with social media marketing at a daily basis.

"Se mig för här är jag..." : Pedagogers syn på synsinnets betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande i förskolan.

AbstractThe signification of the eyesight for children?s development and learning- how do pedagogues support and stimulate children with defective vision in their development and learning in pre-school?These issues are based on my purpose of the field survey investigations, where I have interviewed three pedagogues and also performed an observation.My main conclusion and results describe that the vision is the high-powered engine in children?s development and learning. It also tells us that those around the children are very important for optimum development and learning, especially when it comes to supporting and stimulating children with defective vision in their necessities. Our other senses are a compensation to make it easier for children with defective visions in their lives. But all our senses are equally important for children with defective vision as they are for seeing children in their development and learning with their whole body in pre-school.Keywords:Eyesight, children with defective vision, development and learning in pre-school, pedagogues, pedagogical support and stimulation.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.

Värdig ett vapen : en analys och tolkning av Birkas vapengravars gravgåvor och kontext

The aim of this thesis is to interpret and discuss the weapon-graves of Viking Age Birka. The weapon-grave phenomenon is deemed differential in relation to the rest of the grave-material of the site, and thus the questions that motivate the thesis is: who was buried with weapons and why? Further questions arise regarding the social aspects of individuals who were buriedalong with weapons. The theoretical approach will be to evaluate any differences in 'social class', 'social age' and 'gender' between the weapon-grave contexts. By conducting qualitativeand quantified analysis of the grave-goods, this thesis adresses both overall and detailed patterns in correlation and constellations between weapons, other grave-goods and terms of burial..

Avancerade nybörjares och expertanestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sitt arbete vid generell anestesi

The aim of the study was to describe how anaesthetic nurses, within both advanced beginner and expert levels, experience their professional role as they perform a general anaesthetic.The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach in which ten advanced beginners- and ten expert anaesthetic nurses from an operating theatre and an ambulatory surgical ward at a hospital located in the middle of Sweden, participated. All data was collected in an interview with semi-structured questions which focused on how the anaesthetic nurses experience their work. The data were analysed with qualitative content analysis. The results are presented in categories and themes. The themes were formed from the categories.

Effekten av Social Ångest och Självfokusering på Attributionsstil och Impressionsbildning

Studerade effekten av social ångest och självfokusering på attributionsstil och impressionsbildning. En 2 (uppmätt hög/låg social ångest) x 2 (manipulerad hög/låg självfokusering) design användes. Deltagarna var 68 studenter, 56 kvinnor och 12 män. För attributionsstil användes separata skalor för bra och dåliga händelser. För impressionsbildning användes en positiv och en negativ skala.

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