

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 48 av 1010

Centraliserad personalavdelning- bästa verktyget för chefsstöd? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetssituationen relaterat till chefsstödet från personalavdelningen vid Uppsala kommun.

Changes in the workplace have led to new ways of organizing and structuring organizations. Organizations? desire to increase competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility has resulted in new conditions in the field of human resources. The new conditions have also created new roles and changing responsibilities for those working within human resources.The purpose of this study was to investigate how the implementation of Ulrich's model for HR transformation can impact on the human resource departments managerial support to first-line managers in the municipality of Uppsala. Today the municipality of Uppsala organizes its human resources based on the Ulrich's model, which divides the work into the units service center, the expert unit and business partners.

Effektiv och användarvänligresursplanering i reklambyrå

It has become more common for organization to operate a lot of projects at the same time. These projects affect each other, either in way of resources or technical. Projects in a multi-project environment depend and affect each other, and in most cases they rival about resources, decision-makings and priority. To lead a project portfolio with several projects is a major challenge. The most common problems that occur are vague objective, unclear working conditions, resource shortage and problems of priority.

Stöd och support till patienter med diabetes typ 2. Vilka faktorer påverkar i omvårdnadssituationen?

Diabetes is a widespread disease, which is increasing in the Western World and even in the developing countries. This entail an increasing strain on the medical service when to nurse and treat patients with diabetes type 2. To support and empower the patients in their choices, which will affect them for life, is a challenge to the nurse. The nurse is an important character in nursing care when patients take a more active part in treatments. The aim of this literature review was to exam the factors, which influence diabetes care.

"I slutet av varje dag förstår alla elever matematiken" : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd i Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out how teachers in a school in Kenya conducted the education of mathematics in standard 4-6. The focus was how the teachers worked with children in need of special support in mathematics.To find out the purpose a case study was made with two interviews and seven observations with four teachers on a rural school in Kenya. The following issues were: Which standards were there in the classrooms during lessons in mathematics in Kenya? How did the teachers express the view of children in need of special support? The main conclusion was that different teachers teaching in mathematics looked the same.The teacher was standing in front of the blackboard where the teaching occurred and the pupils were sitting lined up in their benches. The teaching of the pupils was about repetition and imitates the teacher and mostly filling the gap that the teacher made them say.

Initiativ till förändring av det vetenskapliga publiceringssystemet : med fokus på högskolebiblioteket

This masters thesis shows that the changes in the scientific publishing system have affected the academic libraries. Both technological change and the increased prices on scientific journals have forced academic libraries to take action. Some Swedish academic libraries have started publishing the university s own research material. The issue has in many cases been treated more as a library concern, than as a concern for the university as a whole. Neither has there been a national coordination of these matters in Sweden.

Efterarv vid makes förmånstagarförvärv : En utredning av rättsläget i spåren efter NJA 1975 s. 302, med särskilt fokus på särkullbarns rätt till efterarv

This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC).The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work.

Att leva med social fobi

Bakgrund: Social fobi är en sjukdom där personen har en irrationell rädsla för situationer där personen kan bli iakttagen och bedömd av andra. Rädslan kan vara så stark att det kan vara outhärdligt att vistas i samma rum som andra. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur det är att leva med social fobi. Metod: Studien är en allmän litteraturstudie som baserades på femton kvantitativa artiklar och en självbiografisk bok. Artiklarna var publicerade efter år 1995.

Arbete och arbetstidi det postindustriella samhället : En jämförande attitydstudie mellan Sverigeoch USA med fokus på arbetstidsförkortning

Within the field of welfare research, few people take into account both the aspect of gender and class. Thetraditional class-oriented research has a one-dimensional perspective on gender and the feminist welfare researchrarely carry out large comparative studies. A multi-dimensional perspective on the construction ofgender and class would benefit from both the feminist and class welfare-oriented research, and contribute toincreasing the knowledge about the individual's experience and attitudes to work and work time. The aim ofthis paper is to examine the correlation of the intersectional relationship between sex / gender position andclass position with the attitudes and motives for working time reduction. Especially in, (1) the value in work,and (2) the attitude to a high number of working hours, as well as (3) its combined effect on the conflict betweenwork and family.

Skolan - ett socialt samspel

Arbetet handlar om hur man kan arbetar med social kompetens i skolan. Kan man med hjälp av estetiska uttrycksformer stärka eleverna i utvecklingen av social kompetens? Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med sju verksamma pedagoger..

Jag kan lika gärna vara död, för jag finns inte... : Om unga HBT-personers utsatthet för hedersrelaterat våld.

The purpose of this study was to examine how young men and women who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) who are exposed to honor related violence, intimidation or repression perceive their situation, what kind of help/support they have received and if they feel that the help and support offered by the society has been adequate. After the murder of Fadime Sahindal in 2002 attention was drawn to honor violence in Sweden. During the period 2003-2007 the government invested 200 million SEK for efforts to prevent honor related violence. Studies have shown that honor related violence not only affects young immigrants, but also young people with different sexual orientation then heterosexual. It also shows that the honor violence is not depended on religion or ethnicity.

Våga fråga : Ett antal unga tjejer med invandrarbakgrund om sina upplevelser av det sociala medborgarskapet

My purpose with this paper is to investigate how yong girls with immigrant backgrounds experience the social citizenship.I have focused on civil rights and obligations but also on the experience of access to education, employment and social community.Finally, I have chosen to look at the social citizenship from a gender perspective..

Ömsesidigt utbyte av manipulationer - en studie i social kompetens

Social competence is an effective weapon at all costs on today?s market. In many job ads we can see the words to be socially competent. In our report we have studied the subject?s social competence, relations, relationship marketing and personal networks and looked to the connection these subjects have to one another.

Välfärd & Rättvisa: socialsekreterarens roll i arbetet med yttrande för unga lagöverträdare

In the last couple of years changes in the legal systems treatment of young offenders has given the social worker more legal responsibility. In view of this, our purpose with this study was to examine how social workers and prosecutors apprehend the role of the social worker during the legal process. The study was delimited to look into the handling of young offenders between the ages of 15 and 18 years old. The questions we intended to look at were: How do the social workers reason when trying to see the need of a child within a legal context; Do prosecutors and social workers experience that they have different approaches when looking at young offenders, as a consequence of their different professions; What is the opinion among social workers considering the duty of the social services to administrate community service for young offenders; How do the social workers argue when determining whether or not a young offender has a "special need for care". These questions were answered through empirical studies where six social workers and two prosecutors were interviewed.

Social kompetens i skolan : En studie av lärares uppfattning av social kompetens

En empirisk undersökning av lärares uppfattning av begreppet social kompetens med syftet att synliggöra lärares uppfattningar av social kompetesn smat hur de arbetar med social kompetens i skolan. Uppsatsen tydliggör också vilka faktorer som är viktiga för utvecklingen av soacialr och emotionellt lärande som ämne i skolan. Den empiriska undersökningen bygger på nio lärarintervjuer utförda i årskurserna 4-9, med tonvilkten lagd på de högre årskurserna. Resultatet av studierna är att begreppet och arbetet med att utveckla social kompetens hos eleverns ärkomplext. Det finns många faktorer som inverkar på resultatet.

Hur hanterar sjuksköterskor stress i arbetet? : En litteraturöversikt

Background: The nursing profession involves meetings and situations which can be stressful. The work environment can cause additional stress in the form of time pressure, lack of support from colleagues, management or disgruntled family members and patients. This places the nurse in a position that requires a sharpened ability to handle stress. It can become overwhelming and unmanageable and cause a serious threat to the nurse's health and wellbeing. To handle stress the nurses uses different coping strategies.Aim: The aim of the review was to gain a better understanding of how nurses deal with occupational stress.Method: A systematic literature overview study based on eleven articles, including both qualitative and quantitative studies.Results: Nurses deal with stress in different ways based on their own resources.

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