
Hur utvecklar man det ra?tta tekniksto?det fo?r att underla?tta dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning?

En studie av la?rares administrativa arbetssituation na?r det ga?ller dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning

In this study we have examined how teachers work with the documentation of formative assessment with focus on how to design the right technological support to make it more simple and more efficient. We have studied how teachers? work with documentation in practise based on the guidelines for formative assessment presented at the National Agency of Education. We performed observations and interviews in primary schools with teachers in different subjects in Ska?ne and Norrland. We did this to examine if there was a difference in the way they perform documentation of formative assessment. In our results we can conclude that teachers work in different ways with the documentation of formative assessments. Therefore we can conduct a discussion about what features might be desirable in developing a technology platform for the documentation of formative assessment based on previous research and collected data. We have confirmed in our study that it is hard to involve teachers in the development process of technological support for formative assessment because many of the teachers perform documentation in different ways. Finally, our study also shows that there is a necessity for teachers to be involved in the development of IT support in school.


Oliwer Johmår Niklas Lundberg

Lärosäte och institution

Umeå universitet/Institutionen för informatik


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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