14971 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 47 av 999
Spelroll "At Heart" : Spelrollers inverkan på erfarna spelares problemlösningsförmåga i vardagen
Games offer a safe and motivational environment that allows and encourages trial and error. A gamer can act in the game without any real consequences in real life. Thereby a gamer is offered the opportunity to develop a broad set of skills. Games have earlier been proven to develop gamer?s problem-solving skills.
The aim of this study is to describe how unemployment is experienced by unemployed persons and how this situation affects their health and wellbeing. A qualitative semi structured interview method has been applied. The study includes seven persons in the age between 29- 58. Four of them were women and three were men. The following four themes are presented in the study: psychological health and wellbeing and how unemployment is experienced, social factors, economic factors and, how they value a job.
Genom socialsekreterarens glasögon : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens samverkan med olika myndigheter vid en barnavårdsutredning.
The aim of this study is to understand the collaboration at a child investigation and the actions that may be encountered as a result of the investigation, based on the Social Secretaries experiences of collaboration with other agencies such as schools, police, health visitor and child psychiatry. In the study, eight social workers from different municipalities was interviewed at a total of six occasions. One of the occasions was a group interview with three social workers at the same time. Through the interviews, it appears that the collaboration has an important role in social work and the necessity is something that manifests itself in the social secretaries stories but also in the earlier research done in this area. The results show that social workers extensively want to interact but that the purpose of interaction varies depending on the nature of the matter.
Mer djur i socialt arbete? : socionomers röster
This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC).The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work.
Möte med det okända: en studie om integration och socialt kapital
Our purpose with this study was to look at the connection between social capital and integration. Particularly if meetings between people from different cultures can increase social capital and in that way affect integration. We start by identifying the social integration perspective we are going to use through out the study and then we introduce social capital theory as a way of narrowing down the field even more. The study was done through six semi structured interviews. We interviewed three women that was established in the Swedish society and three women that had immigration background.
Den enda likheten mellan könsblandade och kvinnliga nätverk är att det serveras bulle och kaffe : En studie om betydelsen av kvinnors relationer till professionella nätverk
Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.
Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på Internet
The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feelingthat a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has ? and might have ? within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations.During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the usersunderstanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies.
Varje ord är viktigt! En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares syn på utsatta barn.
The purpose is to examine social workers view of vulnerable children and their needs. We are also interested to know how social workers think and discuss concerning the help these children are given. Our main questions in our study are; How do social workers define vulnerable children? Which needs do vulnerable children have according to social workers? Which opportunities and difficulties might there be in the decision making when trying to help these children? Which public authorities do social workers cooperate with? Which opportunities and difficulties do social workers find in the cooperation?This study is based upon interviews with ten social workers in the social childcare division in different municipalities in Skåne region, Sweden. Our results are explained and analyzed with a qualitative approach through different aspects of power- and Human Service Organization theories.
Chick Lit och Existentialismen. : En undersökning kring Chick Lit -hjältinnan
The purpose of this essay is to try and bring clarity to the question, what is Chick Lit and which factors make it so popular. My thesis endeavors to explain that it is not only the promise of light entertainment that draws the reader, but also the possibility that in an easy way they can read about existential questions such as self-development and life -choices.As well as mapping out Chick Lit´s specific characteristics, followed by previous research on the subject and the litterateur?s history, I have found it interesting to discuss the female characters, their personalities and life choice?s against a backdrop of existentialistic philosophy.In my research of this form of literateur I have discovered that chick lit often deals with existential universal problems, and that in order to be entertaining these books must contain a serious element..
Betydelsefulla faktorer för ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar ensamkommande flyktingbarns liv
The aim of this study is to examine which factors in the receiving-country that have had an influence on three now adult unaccompanied refugee children. The method used in the study is qualitative interviews with the three above-mentioned participants. The results show that some factors are perceived as helpful, having a positive influence on the participants life while other factors are perceived as worsening, having a negative influence on their life. Depending on the context some factors such as age, the Swedish language and housing arrangements have had both positive and negative influences on their life. Positive factors are among other things: access to good treatment and support, help with processing trauma and bad mental health, help with understanding coherence, access to a social network, family reunification, resilience and other internal factors.
A?r det egentligen inte bara ett slo?seri med tid och pengar? : En kvalitativ studie i anva?ndandet av sociala medier som kommunikationsverktyg
Social media has become an important marketing and communication tool worldwide, mostly through the largest social platforms Facebook and Twitter. With two-way communication via Internet companies has gotten the opportunity to interact and communicate directly with their customers. Facebook has been the focus point through the study because it has shown to be the most efficient and frequently used platform for communication. Our study aimed to confirm how communication via social media actually looks like. To be able to reach the best results, we have conducted the study from a phenomenological approach, which means; usage of qualitative semi-structured interviews to reflect the respondents experience on the phenomenon social media as a communication tool. Social media has shown to be a great way of communicating externally for companies who are willing to spend time engaging in the platform.
Utomhuspedagogik i Förskolan : Hur utomhuspedagogik används i verksamheten
Social enterprises make up one of the groups of participants that provide welfare services financed by public funding. The object of this study is to describe and analyze from a theoretical point of view which conditions, in what fields, by which division of responsibility and finally through what decisions these social enterprises are allocated a place in the market for social welfare services. The company that has been the object of study offers services in the field of social welfare and in employment. In the study a triangulation of qualitative methods has been used: studies of literature on the subject, recurrent interviews and observations and also reviews of documents. The results have been analyzed from theories on the space available on the market for social services, on social economy and on social capital in the form of strong, weak and bridging bonds.
Socialtjänstens roll i arbetet med brottsoffer : En studie ur socialsekreterares perspektiv
The purpose of this essay is to explore the social services work with crime victims in Sweden, according to Chapter 5, § 11 of the Social Services Act. The study examined how social workers define the victim and assessing and prioritizing victims' needs. It has also been central to study how social workers interpret and understand the regulation of social services responsible for crime victims.Qualitative interviews with 18 social workers is the basis for the study. The analysis of the social services work with victims based in the above-mentioned interviews. The interviews analyzed using the sociology of law theory.
Från TV-TV till Social-TV : En studie av strategier för Webb-TV och Sociala Medier
This study explores how online television works and how it is integrated with social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Through three qualitative interviews with representants from different fields of work regarding online television, we have concluded how online television is being used in Sweden today and concludes with examples of what the future of online television could look like. Representatives from the following companies have been interviewed: SBS Media Group Sweden, Strix Television and Mediamätning i Skandinavien. The use of social media for marketing of online television is a fact for the companies in this study. However, the result of the study shows that theres room for development in the integration between online television and social media.
?? Så kom insikten om att jag var likadan som de. Att jag var spelberoende ?? : ? en kvalitativ studie med fyra före detta spelberoende, deras erfarenheter av att komma ur ett spelberoende
Title: ?? Then came the realization that I was just like them. That I have a gambling addiction?? This is a qualitative study of four former gamblers and their experience of getting out of the gambling addiction. The study is about how individuals have overcome a gambling addiction.