14264 Uppsatser om Social aspects - Sida 50 av 951
Social ångest och dess samband med alkoholanvänding och depressiva symtom hos tjejer och killar
Den sociala ångesten många känner i olika situationer kan leda till undvikande, isolering och ibland även kompliceras av depressiva symtom och/eller alkoholanvändning. Huruvida ett samband mellan dessa problem kan visa sig i 16-17 årsåldern undersöktes genom en enkät om nedstämdhet, alkoholanvändning och social ångest. Resultatet visade att nedstämdhet hade en inverkan på grad av social ångest hos båda könen. Dock var tjejer i högre grad än killar mer nedstämda. Tjejer som drack mindre uppvisade en högre grad av social ångest.
Vem vill bli socionom? - en studie om social snedrekrytering på Socialhögskolan i Lund
This essay aimed to give a basis for the departement of social work in Lund in its task to recruit students from underrepresented parts of the population to the departement and to the university by presenting which social groups are underrepresentated. The research also aimed to give an explanation of how the backgrounds of the student´s have influenced them and lead them to undertake studies of social work. The main questions were: - What background do the students at the departement of social work have as seen from the variables; sex, age, national background, class, parents' educational level, society of childhood and direction of upper secondary school? - How can the background of the students at the departement of social work be explaned by the theories of Pierre Bourdieu? The research was performed with a quantative method based on a questionnaire. The data received by the questionnaire were compared with data of the general students population and of the population of Sweden at large.
Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.
Dold mångfald i den öppna demokratin? Om diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning bland förtroendevalda kommun- och landstingspolitiker
Groups that are often referred to as being dismissed in society in general is by some aspects also considered being so in political arenas. A recent compilation of existing research over structurally based objections of gaining power and positions within Swedish parliamentary politics highlight a lack of research considering whether sexual orientation could be such a discriminatory basis. Using a queer theoretical approach, and drawing on concepts such as heteronormativity and homophobia, the principal aim of this essay is to illuminate aspects of local parliamentary political areas where discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation become relevant. In order to do so six in-depth interviews with homosexual politicians have been conducted. Finding a queer potential in certain ideological parliamentary political environments that enable homosexual politicians to be open about their sexual orientation, it still relies upon the individual to be confident enough not to interpret the political context as homophobic and heteronormative..
Sociala medier som verktyg för organisatoriskt lärande och verksamhetsstyrning
Title:Social media as a tool for organizational learningAuthor:David Chaaya & Filip FischerSupervisor:Stig Sörling & Tomas KällqvistBackground:People have always used different ways of communicating. Communication hasa vital role in organizations for control when management and employees are communicatingand interacting with each other to spread individual learning. Thru this contact, individuallearning can develop into organizational learning, which will benefit the whole organization.The most modern tool of communication is social media such as Facebook, Twitter andYoutube. The potential of these social media is disputed in society, but more and moreorganizations are using these kinds of media for communication.Aim:The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social media is used to control withinorganizations and also to create understanding how significant social media are fororganizational learning.Method:The method of this study originates from the ?aktörssynsätt? and is influenced byhermeneutics.
Delaktighet och frånvaro - Blivande fäders förhandlingar om faderskapets innebörd
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.
Vitamin C? som i Choklad?: En studie av inkongruenta varumärkesutvidgningars inverkan på produktkategorin
The purpose of the study is to explain whether the introduction of a new and different brand by means of a brand extension affects consumers? perceptions of the product category that the brand is launched in. An experiment was carried out to study the following aspects: associations and constellations of associations to the product category, interest, perceived variation, and the perceived similarity with the category from which the brands were extended. In the study, brand breadth in the original product category was used as moderating variable. Aspects found to be affected by the brand extensions were associations to the product category, the constellations of these associations and the perceived similarity with the category from which the brands were extended.
The school as an arena for alcohol prevention : A study on how alcohol prevention / promotion can be carried out in upper level of compulsory school
The consumption of alcohol has stabilized in Sweden 2007, after several years of high increase. Despite the stabilization of the consumption the avaliability of alcohol has been raising, which constitute a big and in future years likely an increased risk in health among young people. The aim of the study was to describe how the staff on a secondary school works among pupils with alcohol prevention and promotion. Aquired knowledge are received from litterature, scentific articels and Internet to strength the relevance of the study. The school is an important arena in the work with alcoholprevention among pupils.
?Facebook har blivit lika självklart som att ha telefon? : Tre bibliotek i Umeåregionens arbete med sociala medier ? en utvärdering
?Facebook has become as natural as having a phone? The use of social media in three libraries in the Umeå region ? an evaluationSocial media has come to be an integral part of people?s everyday life, as well as the business world in terms of communication and marketing. More and more libraries also embark in the use of social media, and the purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of social media in three libraries in the Umeå region. The libraries all use Facebook as their current, primary social media. Thus this study focuses partly on the analysis of the content on each library?s Facebook page, and partly on the experiences of the responsible librarians. The evaluation is based on a mix of existing tools in evaluating social media that are relevant in a library context.
Det blåser kallt...Det blåser högervindar överallt... En studie om radikalhögerpopulism och Sverigedemokraternas framgångar i Karlskrona
This paper aims to present a theoretical understanding of the emergence of extreme right- wing populist parties (ERP), and more specifically the electoral breakthrough of the ERP party, Sverigedemokraterna in the municipality of Karlskrona. By doing so the study is constructed as a theoretical framework, where the empirical material and the theoretical aspects are interwoven. This means that the theoretical framework also functions as an analytical part. The paper shows how Sverigedemokraterna could be understood as an ERP party, based on e.g its populist anti-establishment critique, and its critique towards the ?immigrant issue?.
Ideella organisationers relationsskapande på sociala medier : En studie av tre miljöorganisationer och deras närvaro på Facebook
Social media seem to offer a great possibility for environmental non-profit organizations to communicate with their members and audience, if the organization aims to build and maintain a relationship to the users of social media. This essay has examined how three environmental non-profil organizations are communicating in social media. To create an understanding of the organization?s communication strategies a netnographic approach was implemented..
Det finns ju utrymme för tolkningar : En kvalitativ studie om handlingsutrymme i socialjoursverksamhet
The overall purpose of this essay was to provide a better understanding of the importance of discretion for social workers in direct social services. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How do social workers define and describe their discretion and their ability to independently accomplish their work? (2) How do social workers experience that workplace organization, policies and economic conditions interact with their discretion and (3) How do social workers experience that the interaction with the client can affect how they use their discretion in the individual case? The method used was qualitative interviews. The theoretical framework was Michael Lipskys (1980) Street-level bureaucracy and the four themes organization, professional role, skills and interaction.The results showed that the respondents, although they did not consider themselves to be affected by the economy still adapted to budget restrictions when they said that they were cost conscious in their work. This adjustment to budget framework could possibly be what made them not feel limited in their work.
Arbetstidsreglering : -i svensk rätt och på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
Syfte med detta arbete var att undersöka om och hur utomhuspedagogik kan främja social kompetens och om utomhuspedagogik kan vara en möjlighet för att träna social kompetens i gymnasieskolan.Dagens ungdomar har färre vuxenkontakter och blir influerade av det tekniska samhället samtidigt som sociala färdigheter tränas mindre. Därav blir ungdomars brister i social kompetens mer påtaglig för samhället. Gymnasielever befinner sig i en känslig utvecklingsfas där social kompetens spelar en omedveten roll för sociala interaktioner. För närvarande finns ingen aktuell forskning om sambandet mellan utomhuspedagogik och träning av social kompetens på gymnasieskolan.Min empiriska studie har med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra verksamheter som arbetar med utomhuspedagogik tagit reda på om och hur utomhuspedagogik kan användas för att främja social kompetens. Respondenterna är verksamma i grundskolan, försvarsmakten, polisutbildningen och företagskonsulting.
Hembesök - hur gör man? : - en fokusgruppsstudie av socialsekreterares kunskap och tillvägagångssätt gällande hembesök vid barnavårdsutredningar
The aim of this study was to examine what knowledge social workers express about home visits in child welfare investigations and how they know what to do. Sixteen social workers who work with social investigations concerning children were asked to discuss the topic home visit in three focus group interviews in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The social workers in our focus group interviews mainly discussed the purpose of the home visit, what social workers do during home visits and furthermore their opinions about guidelines and policy documents regarding the home visit. To get an understanding of what type of knowledge is the basis for social workers use of the home visit, we used Polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing' as well as the Aristotelian theory of knowledge containing three forms of knowledge, that is, episteme, techne and fronesis. We found that the displaying of ?tacit knowing? was a consistent feature in all groups, as they had difficulty expressing their knowledge use.
Ett barns behov av akut skydd : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens omedelbara skyddsbedömningar
The thesis had its starting point in the first paragraph of the eleventh chapter in the Swedish social services act, which discusses the immediate risk assessments that has to be made when the social services receive a report about a child. The thesis highlights an area that has received a lot of attention in media since the spring of 2014, when an eight year old girl was fatally abused by her legal guardians. The social services had at the time received a report about the girl but it was left unread. This tragic case has brought attention to the routines used by the social services for dealing with reports and risk assessments. This thesis was conducted through individual interviews with social workers working with children and families in the social services, with the aim to acquire an enhanced understanding of how social workers perform immediate risk assessments and what these assessments are based on.