

14264 Uppsatser om Social aspects - Sida 51 av 951

Den socialpolitiska diskussion som lade grunden för narkotikastrafflagen 1968

The problem with narcotics is one of Sweden?s biggest social problems. Statistics shows thatthe number of narcotic related deaths and the numbers of heavy drug users are increasing. Thepresent narcotic policy has been questioned due to this increase. As a social worker you meetdrug users on a daily basis.

I mötet med människan träder historien fram : om hur ett gestaltande av enskilda människor från förr kan beröra och engagera dagens museibesökare

The purpose of this study is to analyze different aspects of a portraying of individuals from a time past. It is concentrated around questions about why it is important to show the people?s stories in, for example, exhibitions and under which conditions this would serve as a good use of history according to different theories about history and the portraying of it.I have chosen the theories of Freidrich Nietzsche and Georg Simmel as a tool to analyze different aspects of the portraying of people from the past. Nietzsche?s theory about the different ways in which we use the past and Simmels theory about the meeting between a viewer and a cultural experience.

Att tala om det otalbara : En kvalitativ studie av yrkesverksammas syn på mötet med kvinnor som blivit våldtagna i krigssituationer

All around the world there are several armed conflicts, where rape is used as a weapon of war against the civilian population. Many take refuge from their countries of origin and may end up in Sweden, where they build a new life for themselves. What preparation is there to welcome these women and help them obtain a deeper sense of psychological well-being? The aim of this study was to reach an understanding of how professionals view the meeting between themselves and women who have been subjected to rape in times of armed conflict, as well as how the work with this group could be improved. The study had a qualitative approach and has been carried out with semi-structured interviews.

Samverkan mellan sociala företag

AbstractTitle: Cooperation between social enterprisesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Anna HammarbergSupervisor: Maria Fregidou-MalamaDate: 2012 - JanuaryAim: The aim of the study is to investigate social enterprises and the Glada Hudik-model to understand how social enterprises cooperate and how they can develop the cooperation through Social Enterprises in Co-operation (SAK). Method: I have done a qualitative research study. I have studied literature to get theoretical background. I visited a seminar to get information and inspiration. Interviews have been done with six persons to get empirical information.      Result and conclusions: Through this study I have seen that social enterprises can co-operate to strengthen their position in the community. Together they can run issues they have in common, undertake major assignments and purchase material to get better deals.

Granskning av hur ett miljöledningssystem uppfyller kraven i SS-EN ISO 14001:2004

The purpose with this report is to make a contribution to Bodycote heat treatments workshop in Värnamo, how to introduce, establish and constantly improve its environmental system. The rapport will help Bodycote with there certifying in ISO 14001: s demand standard. Organizations who continuously work with environmental issues have a lot to gain. Two things an active environmental development process will convey are, building of thrust within the circle of customers, and great financial savings. An increasingly numbers of organizations realize the importance to introduce a functioning environmental system into their activity.

Ungdomstjänstens betydelse för en förändring av ungdomars attityder till brottsligt beteende

The essay investigates juvenile offenders experiences of the sanction ?ungdomstjänst? and how it may change attitudes towards committing criminal acts. The essay introduces qualitative interviews with four juvenile offenders, which have all executed ?ungdomstjänst?. The juveniles experiences of features that can be a part of the attitude change have been analyzed with a model of the motivation process, called ?Fyra F?, and four elements of persuading, which can affect an attitude change.

Barns delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar : En studie av implementeringen av BBIC i Enköpings kommun

In 2007 a project began in the Uppsala region, which aimed to help municipalities implement BBIC (Barns behov i centrum). BBIC is a system that helps social workers increase children?s participation in investigations relating to social work. This study follows up on BBIC?s implementation process in Enköping, a municipality in the Uppsala region.

Individanpassning vid val av HVB-hem. "Hemma är inte alltid där du bor, utan där du är förstådd".

The purpose of this essay has been to study if the social services adjust the choice of institution to every juvenile's need of care. If the choice of institution isn't adjusted to the juveniles the institutional placement can become a way to store them rather then treat them.To accomplish the purpose of the essay we have interviewed ten social workers with different worktitles and positions. We have delimited the study to three swedish communities with varying sizes. We have analyzed the material with Bourdieus theory of "field" and "doxa" and Antonovskys theory "a sense of coherence" (SOC).We came to the conclusion that the social service adjusted the choice of institution to the juveniles needs as much as possible. Although there are a couple of factors that some times makes the best choices impossible.

MASC - ett naturalistiskt instrument för att mäta social kognition : En utprövning på personer med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd

Brister i social kognition antas ligga bakom de sociala svårigheter som kännetecknar autismspektrumtillstånd. Klassiska tester av social kognition har ofta misslyckats med att fånga de små brister som kan ses hos exempelvis personer med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd. Syftet med denna studie var att validera den svenska versionen av MASC, ett videobaserat, naturalistiskt instrument utvecklat för att mäta subtila brister i social kognition. En grupp vuxna med högfungerande autismspektrumtillstånd (n = 18) och vuxna kontroller (n = 19) testades med MASC, Reading the Mind in the Eyes och Strange Stories. MASC var det enda test som identifierade en skillnad i social kognition mellan grupperna och en ROC-analys visade att MASC hade en bättre diagnostisk validitet än de andra två testerna.

Kultur i fokus : En studie om kulturmöten utifrån ensamkommande flyktingbarns perspektiv i Sverige

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Vård efter behov, eller?

The aim of the study was to examine how social workers investigate and assess addiction cases whether gender matters or not. The following questions were asked in the study; ? Does the gender of the client influence whether a case is opened after the first meeting at the Addiction Unit? ? Do social workers consider there is a difference in handling an addiction treatment investigation when the client is a man or a woman? ? Do divergences exist in the assessment and the final decision process when the case concerns a man or a woman? The study is based on the qualitative method. The material is gathered from semi-structured interviews with social workers. Their job tasks include assessment and evaluation of addiction cases.

Den varierande bedömningen av ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om hur handläggare resonerar kring föreställningar och lokala normer

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about tacit knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Funktionshindrad sexualitet? En kvalitativ studie om personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning och sexualitetsfrågor i vardagen med personlig assistans

Aim. The aim of this study is to analyze the living conditions of physically disabled people from the viewpoint of sexuality issues with regards to personal assistance services, identity and attitudes in society on disability and sexuality. Background. Not much research is done on sexuality issues for physically disabled people. Even though we live in a society where sexuality takes up a lot of space in the media, the culture and is acknowledged to be of great importance for every person?s wellbeing, the sexuality of disabled people is often not recognized and discussed.

För ett socialt kapital av god kvalité : - Det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning ur skolkuratorers och lärares perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to understand school counselors´ and teachers´ perspectives on the prevention of bullying in relation to social capital. The study was based on a qualitative process with semi-structured interviews from three teachers and three school counselors from three different schools. The main question was to find out teachers and school counselors perspectives of bullying in relation to social capital. The analysis was based on a theory that focuses on social capital, where trust and confidence as well as universal and selective interventions are important. Today, bullying is considered a serious and significant problem in school.

Organiskt / syntetiskt i dagens musikskapande

Title: Organic / Synthetic in today's creative music making. This work intends to find out what synthetically versus organically produced music means for a songwriter / producer as well as for an artist in their everyday role of occupation. What are the positions regarding these two methods and how do they relate to these concepts? This study also concerns the general view of music produced with each one of these methods and to which extent there exists prejudice towards them. The method used for data collection is qualitative interviews.

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