

2631 Uppsatser om Site structure - Sida 7 av 176

Staden som dött två gånger- en analys av Pompeji och dess bevarande

This essay concerns the site of Pompeii and its preservation. The aim is to investigate what causes the decay of the ruins, how to prevent it and what consequences the tourism has on the site. The material consists of interviews with three Swedish scientists who are currently working with documenting a block in Pompeii. The result reveals a large number of threats against the city, such as climate, tourism and an inadequate economy situation. Examples of solutions are more investments which can be used for restorations and reconstructions, and guards to prevent vandalism.

Den kombinerade effekten av query-expansion och query-strukturer på återvinningseffektiviteten i ett probabilistiskt system

This thesis deals with query formulation in full text retrieval. The variables studied were query expansion and query structur[INS: e :INS , and the aim of the thesis is to study their co-effects on retrieval performance in a probabilistic system. The expansion was made with synonyms, and the structure by expressing facets and phrases. The study was performed using QPA, Query Performance Analyzer, which includes InQuery retrieval system and a sub-collection of TREC documents with its topics. The measurement used was precision at 11 DCV points.

Kapitalstruktur och finansieringsformer : -En kvalitativ studie av ledningens syn på kapitalstruktur och finansieringsformer i svenska Large Cap och Small Cap bolag

Funding is essential for companies to function. All companies must relate to the funding issue, whether they are working with it in an active manner or not. Funding can be done in two ways, either through equity or debt and the ratio between these are called capital structure. Already in 1958 Modigliani and Miller concluded that a company?s capital structure does not change the value of the company, thus the company?s debt in relation to equity is irrelevant.

Kompatibilitet med BIM-koncept : Revit Structure 2012 och Robot Structural Analysis 2012

This thesis deals with the compatibility between analysis software Revit Structure2012 and Robot Structural Analysis 2012. The purpose is to become more aware ofinformation management models to be compatible across different softwareapplications. The structural model is made to be optimal for the compatibility of othersoftware Aim is also to gain an understanding of the transferring methods that exist,and which method is most convenient to use and to examine whether the methodswork in practice. Objective of this project is to make the modeling processtime-efficient for constructors. Models do not need to be structured in severaloccasions in different software; it only needs an optimal model that transfers properlybetween software.The method used in the thesis consist cases where the transferring process isexamined.

Regional utvecklingsplanering och grönstruktur : en studie av de gröna kilarna i Stockholms län

The aim of the thesis is to analyze the role of regional development planning concerning a regional perspective of green structure and to reflect on its future role. The target group of the study is foremost practitioners but also students of regional planning and development. Three questions are examined. 1) What view concerning green structure has the regional planning body of Stockholm County Council (RTK) communicated through the years? 2) Has this view contributed to generating a common understanding concerning green structure among the actors in the county? 3) Has this common understanding been referred to by actors in discussions concerning how this green structure should develop? The empirical material consists of documents from rtk, the County Administrative Board, the municipalities of the county, a network of ngo:s, as well as interviews with representatives from the above mentioned organizations.

Hastighetsreduktion på genomfartsleder, genom icke-tvingande åtgärder i vägmiljön

The study was conducted with an landscape approach with an subject related approach in the field of environmental psychology to investigate how road design affects drivers' choice of speed. The purpose was to portray road environments on thoroughfares in urban areas to motivate motorists to keep the speed limit and thus increase road safety for vulnerable road users. The task question was formulated, how can thoroughfares in suburban settings be portrayed to motivate motorists to reduce speed? The study was conducted throughout a literature review of motivational speed measures along with interviews with road design experts at the Swedish Transport Administration. Case studies were conducted on three thoroughfares in the Stockholm suburbs Vallentuna, Upplands Väsby and Danderyd.

Tjänstekvalitetens betydelse för turistföretag

Our purpose with this thesis was to study how tourism providers deliver quality to their customers. We chose to carry out two case studies where we interviewed an owner of a camp site, and a municipal manager employed at another camp site. The questions were based on customer needs, service quality and dissatisfaction. The study gave us some useful aspects. The respondents told us that it was very important to the tourist providers to listen to the customer´s specific needs and to give them personal attention.

Aktiebolaget Marlot : Att skapa en grafisk profil och en Wordpress-sida.

Marlot Company Limited is a company in the sector household services. It is a new company where the owners, and also the clients, felt that the company was in need of a distinct platform where they could communicate with their current and prospective customers. The assignment was to create a platform consisting of a graphic profile and a Wordpress site for the company. The graphic profile's task was to distinctly profile the company in the market, and visualizing the conceptions that the company wants to be associated with. The purpose of the Wordpress site was to create a showcase for Marlot towards their customers, and thecompany itself could manage after completion.These two products have been created with the help of a pilot study which included an analysis in which the competitors in the market has been scanned, and reports of the household services sector has been studied.

Naturlig nedbrytning av klorerade lösningsmedel i grundvatten

Chlorinated solvents are common contaminants in soil and water. Under anaerobic conditions microbes are capable of transforming chlorinated solvents into ethylene which would result in a remediation of the contaminated area. In order to use natural attenuation as a remediation method evidence of continuous degradation is required. Furthermore, the degradation must occur at a sufficient rate and continuous monitoring of the site is needed until the demanded levels are achieved. A field study was performed on the basis of data from a dry-cleaning facility contaminated mainly by perchloroethylene.

Kök.Ett i ettor och nollor

Jag har gjort en webbsajt åt företaget Kök.Ett i Älmhult. Kök.Ett är en köksbutik som bland annat ritar och säljer kök. Jag har byggt upp den allra största delen av hemsidan i Flash, och kompletterat med PHP och kopplat till en databas (MySQL). Sidan är komplett med ett eget administrationssystem. Sidan har en dynamisk känsla som inriktar sig på att inspirera besökaren, och föra besökaren/kunden ett steg närmare Kök.Ett och dess anställda.

Duo - ny skola på Hälsingehöjden

A variety of demands have to be considered in the design of a new opera house in Galärvarvet. All possible viewpoints are important to be aware of, as is the need for the new building to be a contrast to the already existing opera house in Stockholm. The restricted site also makes a multitude of demands on the building's design.By rationalizing the layout and structure and also by making the footprint smaller, the complex building of over 30 000 square meters can be fitted and blended into the existing physical context. Unlike the existing opera house in Stockholm, the new opera house shows the rationality and the advanced technology that lies behind the scenes and becomes the character of the entire building. Through the dynamic façade, the new opera can convey any character it so desires, just like scenes do through different settings.

Statsrådsfilmer på Regeringskansliets webbplats : Hur kan de uppfattas?

The intention of the essay was to see what Web users? comprehension might be when watching four videos that are published on the Swedish Government?s Web site. One video contains an interview with Lena Hallengren, Minister for Youth Affairs of the Swedish Government, and in the other three Ulrica Messing, Minister for Communications and Regional Affairs of the same government, gives speeches about the governmental issues she is responsible for. The comprehensions that were examined are those concerning the forms of presentation of the videos, the ministers? appearances, the videos abilities to create and maintain the Web site visitors? interest, and the visitors? behaviours and conducts while being in contact with the Web site.

Effektiva miljörevisioner - erfarenheter av och synpunkter på miljörevisioner vid miljöcertifierade organisationer

Miljörevisioner har en betydelsefull roll för att arbetet med miljölednings-system vid verksamheter ska utvecklas och leda till ständiga förbättringar av miljöprestandan. Syftet med arbetet är att granska effektiviteten av interna och externa miljörevisioner med utgångspunkt i Pfizer Site Helsingborgs miljörevisionsarbete. Dessutom syftar arbetet till att undersöka möjligheterna till utveckling av såväl interna som externa revisioner inom de definierade ramarna för miljörevision..

Folkbibliotekens webbplatsers grafiska användargränssnitt Kvalitativa intervjuer med webbansvariga

The web sites of Swedish public libraries display a high level of heterogeneity when it comes to design and graphical user interface. The thesis is based on the opinion that the visuals of a public library web site have implications for the user as well as for the library. The design of the graphical user interface influences the attention of the user and his/her ability to absorb information. Furthermore, there is a connection between the visuals and the users opinion about the credibility of the content of the web site, as well as of the organisation itself. The research question is: Which factors may have an impact on the design of the graphical user interfaces of a public library web site? The purpose is to create an understanding for these factors and emphasize them.

Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen

During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890?s until the end of 1930?s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo?s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration.

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