

2631 Uppsatser om Site structure - Sida 6 av 176

Arbetsmiljöansvar på en gemensam arbetsplats : En studie över hur arbetsmiljön samordnas på en byggarbetsplats med flera entreprenörer

This essay describes coordination of the work environment on construction sites where many entrepreneurs share workplace. As employer, the entrepreneur has main responsibility for the workers safety on the construction site, the project supervisor is responsible for the work environment, and to coordinate the work environment a coordinator of the construction work environment is appointed. The purpose of this essay is to describe how the work environment is ensured on a shared workplace. In order to answer the essays questions I?ve used a juridical method to interpret the law.

Broprojektering med 3D-cadverktyget Revit Structure

Det är allt vanligare med 3D-projektering inom byggbranschen för att förbättra och effektivisera bland annat kollisionskontroll, ritningsframställning och mängdberäkningar. 3D-modellering har kommit långt i utvecklingen när det gäller husbyggnad men för mark & anläggningskonstruktion har utvecklingen varit begränsad. Jämfört med traditionella, tvådimensionella CAD-modeller är en tredimensionell CAD-modell uppbyggd på ett annorlunda sätt med objekt istället för ? linjer och streck?. Idag finns det många olika programvaror som erbjuder möjligheten att genomföra 3D-projektering.

Barnens trädgård : Barnsjukhusets utemiljö - Uppsala

The outdoor environment at Children's hospital, the University Hospital, Uppsala, is used by sick children at the Children's hospital, their families and the hospital staff. The staff at the Children's hospital wanted to render the site more attractive and available. This graduation thesis is a proposal about how the outdoor environment at the Children's hospital can be improved. The aim is to design an environment for the sick children, their families and the hospital staff that will serve as a place for relaxation and privacy, as well as for play and movement. In order to find support for the redesign of this site I read literature about theories concerning healing environments, healing gardens, children's play and designs for children.

Tidskriften Blå Bandet : en praktisk tillämpning av redesign

Purpose/Aim: The aim of the paper is to study the periodical Blå Bandet and its structure, typography, layout and design and how the periodical can develop by a redesign.Material/Method: I have interviewed the editor of Blå Bandet and studied literature about the market of periodicals and design of periodicals. After that I have done an analysis of Blå Bandet and its structure, typography, layout and design.Main results: I present a proposal for a new structure and a new typography. Finally I present examples of how layout and design can work out in a redesign..

Mining for culture : performance arts center Ställberg?s Mine

This degree project summarizes five years of education at the landscape architecture program at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, SLU, Alnarp and the School of architecture at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. The project has been carried out by Lovisa Berg and Per Crona in collaboration with DRIFT Scenkonst. This master project is based on the ongoing transformation of a former mining site in Ställberg, Bergslagen situated in central Sweden. The organization DRIFT is in the process of recreating to former industrial mining site as a green cultural center. Their field of artistic examination concerns existential questions connected to the site. The aim is to offer a place for both performing and experiencing contemporary performing arts in Bergslagen. Our objective is to contribute to the growth of the performing arts project and to demonstrate in concrete terms how a conversion of a mining area can be completed, while taking into account both its history and its new function.

Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på företagsvärdet : -En kvantitativ studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

Background: During extreme market conditions like the period during fall 2008 the discussion of what affects company value becomes apparent. The capital structure is the relation between borrowed capital and equity in a company´s financing mix. What impact changes in capital structure have on company value is a widely debated subject within the theory of finance. If a relationship between capital structure and company value exists the implication is that an optimal capital structure where company value is maximized also exists.Aim: The aim of the thesis is to study whether a certain relationship between capital structure and company value exists among selected stocks and companies listed on Stockholmsbörsens OMXS30.Implementation: With aim to fulfill the purpose of the thesis regression analysis has been performed among chosen stocks and companies. The empirical results eventuating from this have been analyzed from the view of elected relevant theory.Completion and results: We find that during normal market conditions a positive relationship between debt ratio and enterprise value (EV) can be established.

Kapitalstruktur i banker, en jämförelse mellan Storbritannien, Sverige och USA

Background and problem: The importance of banks was clearly shown during the last financial crises, when the crises that started in the banking sector spread to the rest of the world. This is one of the reasons that this thesis is focused on banks in particular, one other reason is that a lot of previous studies has chosen to exclude banks because of the fact that their balance sheet differ from non-financial companies. This thesis is a beginning in filling in the gap that exists in the knowledge of banks capital structure. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to prove that it is possible to explain the capital structure in banks and that differences in the capital structure of the banks in Great Britain, Sweden and the United states of America exists. Method: The fact that our study is partly a replication of two earlier studies made a deductive approach most appropriate.

The Rationale Behind Capital Structure Decisions: Does Theory Explain Practice?

The purpose of this thesis is to through the analysis of interviews with finance professionals in listed companies answer the question on what lies behind capital structure decisions, and to see how well the prevailing theories fit the answers. This article is an explorative and descriptive hypothesis creating study. We have used a qualitative method to analyse practice through theory. We have conducted telephone interviews with CFO:s and financial executives in Swedish listed companies on how they reason when they make capital structure decisions. We have then thoroughly reviewed the theory and empirical tests of the theories.

Ifrågavarande kronopark skall benämnas Skatan : en skogshistorisk analys av Ekoparken Skatan

People have utilised and influenced the boreal forest for many centuries. Prior to the industrial revolution during the 19th century, however, human use primarily only had a low impact on the forest. When the timberfrontier swept over the country, the Swedish forests came to change for ever. The study site for this thesis is situated in the northern part of the county of Västerbotten, Sweden, and has previously been a National forest. Today the area is an ecopark and the land is owned by the forest company Sveaskog.

En energieffektiv byggarbetsplats : En studie av Skanskas bostadsprojekt

The construction industry has demands on energy use in permanent buildings. How much energy that is permitted to use during the time the building is produced has no requirements. The purpose with this study is to learn how far Skanska has come with the work of making the building site more energy efficient.A literature study has been performed in the beginning of the study to survey what energy efficient arrangements that can be applied and how they operate. Using site visits and interviews the situations on the building sites have been studied as well as the energy efficient measure that are in use.Skanska has come a long way with the work of energy efficient building sites and they keep improving. They have improved half of their cabins so they use 50 % less energy.

Development and evaluation of environmental enrichment for captive Humboldt penguins

Environmental enrichment is of high importance for zoos. Borås zoo asked SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) for a student to perform a bachelor thesis for them. The task was to develop and evaluate environmental enrichment for their Humboldt penguins. A structure was made, consisting of a sinking skeleton with a floating bridge attached to it. It was presented in an area of the pool that the keepers had experienced that the penguins did not use to any extent.

Mitt i prick : Optimerad internkommunikation

As competing organizations struggle to become more effective, one field stands out as one of the vital keys to success; internal communication. Even small errors in information handling can end up into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Managers constantly need to adjust the internal communication to fit variables that mirror the structure of the organization. This thesis is a study about how and in what magnitude structure affects organization?s internal communication.We have done qualitative interviews with McDonald?s and Diesel, two different global organizations within the branch of service business.

Platt och jämlikt? : En fallstudie av Feministiskt Initiativ

The aim of this work is to define the party structure of Feministic Initiative (FI). We want to examine the structure of an organization that doesn?t start out with a hierarchical order. We further intend to examine the party?s leadership; whether or not it is equal, between the three spokespersons.We find it interesting as a topic from a democratic point of view as well as to see if a flat structure could work in practice.

Tankar kring Torsk : Isotopanalyser av torskkotor för att undersöka vikten av torskimport i medeltida Sverige

This essay discusses the import of cod (Gadus morhua) in Sweden during the Middle Ages through isotope analysis of cod vertebrae. The isotope analysis is used to trace the cods origin to either the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. The bones were subjected to d13C, d15N and d34S analysis; 64 of  the analyzed bones met the quality criteria. The isotop data showed that import of Atlantic cod was significant in medeval Sweden. The analysis suggests that there is no specific time or event that the sites start to import cod but this varies from site to site. .

"Vi" och "Dem" -en studie beträffande identitetskonstruktionsprocesser hos invandrade män i samband med integration i Helsingborg

To create fair conditions between majority and minority in Sweden is a challeging project. Male immigrants usually do not get same opportunities for a success identity structure and integration into Swedish society as women and children. The aim of this thesis is therefore to critically examine and analyse the processes regarding identity structure and integration for male immigrants with a specific focus on Helsingborg. The object of this study is Mansgrupp, a project which helps men to build up a secure ground for identity structure and which further helps them to integrate into the society. To be able to reach the results I have made a literature study as well as a minor field study in Helsingborg, where I conducted interviews with men from the above mentioned project.

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