1016 Uppsatser om Site productivity - Sida 26 av 68
En genomtänkt introduktion : En studie om vilka faktorer och metoder som påverkar introduktionen av nyanställda på företag
The master thesis has been constructed together with Scania, who had a wish to develop their training for newly employed design engineers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a company's introduction process can be shaped, as the introduction is the key to success for the individual as well as the organization. With a focus on how the productivity among newly employees can increase and how the introduction becomes meaningful to the individuals and the organization, the objective of this work is to develop concepts applicable for an introduction.The work was conducted using qualitative interviews with several different individuals at Scania and other companies. Along with the interviews a survey was constructed and sent out to newly employed design engineers at Scania to get a view of their opinions on the present training. During the first period of a job there are several factors that affect the employee based on the result from the interviews, previous research and theories.
Funktionsnedsatta personers förutsättningar på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om exkluderande och inkluderande processer och faktorer
This qualitative study investigates the conditions on the labour market for disabled people by examining which factors and processes contribute to disabled peoples inclusion to, or exclusion from the open labour market. Stigmatisation is also used as an analytical tool to better understand the exclusion of disabled people from the open labour market. The material to this study is drawn from qualitative interviews with the employees of the Swedish Employment Agency which specialises in supporting disabled people to find employment. In conclusion, disabled people face several barriers which makes them more susceptible to become excluded from the open labour market. Such excluding barriers include a demand for high efficiency and productivity from employers, bigger cooperation?s and public organisations unwillingness to employ disabled people and prejudices from employers, especially against people with psychiatric disabilities. The employees of the Swedish Employment Agency suggest that they would be able to work more efficiently to help disabled people find employment if they had to do less administrative work, and would be able to work with fewer clients per employee.
Samtidskonsten och bildämnet i skolan, : En undersökning av högskolekurs Samtidskonst i pedagogiskt perspektiv vid Linnéuniversitetet
Magisteruppsats 15 hp Vårterminen 2011ABSTRACT Eva CronquistSamtidskonsten och bildämnet i skolan En undersökning av högskolekurs Samtidskonst i pedagogiskt perspektiv vid Linnéuniversitetet Contemporary Art in Art EducationA Study up on University Course Samtidskonst i pedagogiskt perspektiv at Linnaeus University Antal sidor: 53 Uppsatsens syfte är att visa på vilket sätt den samtida konceptuella bildkonsten förändrar en lärandeprocess och på vilket sätt det platsspecifika bildkonstbegreppets metoder kan belysa en kunskapsbildning. Den teoretiska utgångspunken för undersökningen är det sociokulturella perspektivet. Undersökningen vilar på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Uppsatsen synliggör de möjligheter och utmaningar som ett samtida konceptuellt platsspecifik konstbegrepp innebär för bildämnet. Undersökningen är utförd på material från studenter som gått kursen Samtidkonst i pedagogiskt perspektiv vid Linnéuniversitetet. Resultatet baseras på en kvalitativ analys av insamlade rapporter, bildmaterial och skriftliga svar på utskickade frågor.
Att konstruera en gemenskap -teori och konstruktion av virtuella samhällen
Virtual communities are a phenomenon that is becoming more
common as the information technology comes with in reach for
the general public. This report will bring the theories and
construction of a virtual community together.
The purpose of this report is to describe the different theories that have
emerged from the research within this field and to examine the work procedures
that have been used during the development of a site for a MDA-community. The
MDA-website is a homepage on the Internet that was developed to bring the
students closer together. The report describes the work of the project group,
why the website was not completed and at the end the theories are looked at on
the basis of the construction of the website..
BIM för Hållbart Byggande
The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.
Effekt av löpmagsförskjutning på mjölkproduktion, hälsa och utslagning
In this thesis we propose a conceptual plan for thedevelopment of an Agroforestry Training Centre (ATC)in Musoma, Tanzania. The aim is to make a proposalto support peasant education in agroforestry. How canan ATC in Musoma be developed into a stimulatingand educational park suitable for teaching agroforestrymethods to peasant farmers and other potential users?To answer that a field study was conducted to investigatehow our client Vi Agroforestry Programme (Vi) and thetarget groups of the client can benefit from the site.The thesis begins with a short explanation of thecontext, in which the ATC plays a part followed by amethodology chapter. Next are three chapters presentedwhich introduce the reader to the research conductedbefore starting the proposal, these include: results ofliterature studies, study of precedents, and results of fieldstudy.
Att anpassa ett småhus till prefab
Prefabricering eller platsbyggt hus? Många ställer sig den frågan. Vad finns det för fördelar respektive nackdelar med prefabgentemot platsbyggt hus? Vilka ritningar behövs och hur går man tillväga?Detta examensarbete är en framtagning på hur man anpassar ett småhus till prefabricering.Platsbyggt hus är ett hus som byggs på plats. Material fraktas dit, förvaras och kapas.Den vanligaste byggmetoden för byggande av hus.Prefabricering av hus är däremot ett hus som byggs i en fabrik eller industri.
Marina visioner : nya idéer för småbåtshamnen i ljuset av utveckling, urbanisering och klimatförändring; tillämpat i Rydebäck.
New dwellings and commercial buildings in coastal regions has for some time now been a focal point. Old industrial harbours are regenerated into modern living areas with a recreational purpose. In Sweden the marina has not taken part in this development, thus remained in the monotony and large-scale structures of modernism.
This graduation thesis looks upon the marina from a landscape architects point of view, where the marina foremost is a social venue. By revealing and discussing the development of the marina, its design and environmental consequence theories of the marinas future is presented. These theories are later tested upon the costal village of Rydebäck, south of Helsingborg.
The thesis is structured in three parts: marina knowledge, proposal and resources.
In the first part the historical development of the marina from prehistory time to now is discussed.
Hydd- och huskonstruktioner från förhistorisk tid : En kronologisk översikt från stenålder till tidigmedeltid i östra Mellansverige.
This thesis is a chronological survey over the hut and house remains from the Stone Age to the Early Middle Ages in Eastern Central Sweden. The thesis also contains a test which I have conducted to see which investigation method had the best results in identifying house remains at an archaeological site. I subsequently discuss the result of this test, what it represents and also what may be done differently in order to get other types of results..
This thesis deals with the possibilities of installing solar panels on a property, the building is owned by Kornhillschurch and called Kornhill. The owners of the property wanted to learn more about potentials for installation of solar panels on the property, therefore we described different types of solar cells and solar cells essential function to generate electricity in the report. Different factors that are limiting the generated energy are mentioned.An investigation of the property?s potential has been made in order to consider different designs. When sites that were considered suitable for solar cells were selected, different design options were made, one for each site.
Intranät - Upplever intranätanvändaren sig som mer produktiv?
För det första konstaterade jag att det är väldigt svårt att mäta
produktivitetsförändringar inom IT-området. Trots svårtigheterna att mäta
förändringar var det en som uttryckligen lyckats åstadkomma mer under
arbetstiden eftersom intranätet medfört att han kunnat byta ut restimmar mot
Dessutom kom jag fram till att alla respondenter erhåller mer information än
vad de behöver till sina respektive arbetsuppgifter. Situationen är mest akut
för människor som är ute och reser mycket, och därför inte har en daglig
kontakt till intranätet. Många av intranätanvändarna väljer hellre att ta
avstånd från intranätet än att riskera att drabbas av för mycket
information.Det är inte många av intranätanvändarna som sitter och letar efter
information. Utan hittar de inte informationen på intranätet tar de kontakt med
personer som de tror ?sitter med informationen?.
Döden till mötes : kriterier för att lokalisera avrättningsplatser på Gotland
The aim of this thesis is to investigate which criteria that can be used to locate execution sites on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The execution sites, which are used to test the criteria against, range in date from early medieval period to 1876 when the last public execution in Sweden took place. Why these criteria can be used will be discussed along with attempts to explain why they have been used frequently or not so frequent. The results show that the execution sites are most commonly located in clear view, near roads, on heights and on unfertile soil. Other criteria that appears less frequent, but that still can be used in the process of locating execution sites, are graves, crossroads and boarders..
Att mäta användbarhet på webbplatser : En fall studie där två metoder för användbarhet jämförs
The aim with this thesis is to investigate two different methods used to test usability on web-sites to determine the advantages and disadvantages of two methods and compare the results. The two selected methods are the think aloud method and asynchronous remote method. Re-mote usability testing has existed for more than ten years but the possibilities with this meth-od needs to be explored more.To achieve the purpose of this thesis a case study was conducted on an e-commerce site and for the online remote usability testing software was used.The results of this study show that think aloud usability testing encounter more issues with the website than the remote usability testing..
Den svarta jordens mysterier : en jämförande studie av två aktivitetsytor på stenåldersboplatsen Ajvide
The Pitted ware dwelling site Ajvide on the west coast of Gotland in the Baltic Sea is, because of its long continuity from the late Mesolithic to the middle of the Scandinavian Bronze Age, an interesting research object concerning Stone Age in the Baltic area. In this essay, a comparison between two activity areas on Ajvide have been carried out in the purpose of finding out what these areas may have been used for during the middle Neolithic. It has been showed, through zooarchaeological analyses of animal bones, that the areas most likely are depositing sites for slaughters refuse and food debris. If it is a result of everyday or more ceremonial activities is left undetermined..
Vikten av ett välskött arbetsklimat: En kvantitativ studie av arbetsklimatets påverkan på ekonomiskt resultat
The well-being of employees has become a key concept in the rhetoric of the company boards and business literature of today. There is however not much statistic evidence of a connection between economic results and the perceived working climate. This thesis sets out to investigate whether there is a positive correlation between economic results and working climate on a work group level. It also aims to study which specific working climate factors influence the results. In order to meet its purpose this thesis analyzes employee satisfaction questionnaire data and economic results from more than 300 work groups.