

1016 Uppsatser om Site productivity - Sida 25 av 68

Criterias´s for soft Innovation : Visionen om att standardisera kriterier som höjer innovationsklimatet

Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vilka element som höjer det innovativa klimatet i företag och organisationer. Utifrån dessa element har författarna skapat kriterier som heter ?Soft innovation?. Visionen är att framtiden skulle kunna standardisera dessa kriterier. En abduktiv metod har använts.

Att konstruera en gemenskap -teori och konstruktion av virtuella samhällen

Virtual communities are a phenomenon that is becoming more common as the information technology comes with in reach for the general public. This report will bring the theories and construction of a virtual community together. The purpose of this report is to describe the different theories that have emerged from the research within this field and to examine the work procedures that have been used during the development of a site for a MDA-community. The MDA-website is a homepage on the Internet that was developed to bring the students closer together. The report describes the work of the project group, why the website was not completed and at the end the theories are looked at on the basis of the construction of the website..

Intranät : Upplever intranätanvändaren sig som mer produktiv?

För det första konstaterade jag att det är väldigt svårt att mäta produktivitetsförändringar inom IT-området. Trots svårtigheterna att mäta förändringar var det en som uttryckligen lyckats åstadkomma mer under arbetstiden eftersom intranätet medfört att han kunnat byta ut restimmar mot arbetstimmar. Dessutom kom jag fram till att alla respondenter erhåller mer information än vad de behöver till sina respektive arbetsuppgifter. Situationen är mest akut för människor som är ute och reser mycket, och därför inte har en daglig kontakt till intranätet. Många av intranätanvändarna väljer hellre att ta avstånd från intranätet än att riskera att drabbas av för mycket information.Det är inte många av intranätanvändarna som sitter och letar efter information.

Centrala logistiska faktorer i en förädlingskedja för massproduktion av träpellets : Fallstudie på Kopparfors Pelletsfabrik

This examination work aims to describe how a supply chain around the biggest pellets factory in Sweden will be configured in a logistic perspective. The plant and associated infrastructure are in the building phase and will have production start on the 2 November 2009. The key question that is set in this examination work is to recognize the logistic processes which are essential for an effective flow of materials and information that link the source of supply with the ultimate customer. In order to get the answer, a flowcharting of these supply chain processes is required for understanding the pipeline activities such as input and storage of raw material, the production system and the output of pellets to the customers. The basis for this supply chain map is a model-based representation of these logistic processes and activities that are involved around the pellets factory.

Konstlandskap : ett projekt om en konsthall på Bergdala gård, Kivik

Abstract ? What is an exhibition hall? ? How do you create tension between art and nature? ? Why should an exhibition hall be situated in the country side; would that add to the experience? ? What are the conditions of exhibiting contemporary art? These are some of the questions I first asked myself when I came to work with this project on an exhibition hall outside Kivik, Österlen. These questions brought me to new places, meetings and ideas. The team working actively to realize this project, calls it ?Art by the Sea?. The team has been working with the project since 2001 .

Den nya marknaden i Japan : En fallstudie av svenska cleantechföretags möjligheter på den japanska markanden

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Hållbar byggnad med hänsyn tilltrafikbuller Utformning av ett bostadshus i ett trafikerat planområde i Örebro

De flesta av Sveriges kommuner har ett mål där de strävar efter att bygga ett hållbart samhälle, vilket innebär att man utnyttjar den befintliga infrastrukturen. Målet med detta är att dra nytta av de obebyggda områdena i stadsbilden genom att bygga nytt. Eftersom de tysta sidorna av byggnaderna ska ligga på en ljudnivå under 45 dB(A) har det här examensarbetet behandlat de möjliga lösningar som kan tillämpas vid bullerdämpning. En platsinventering har utförts där de olika förutsättningarna har studerats, och där resultaten av studierna har granskats med syfte till att planera en vision.Nyckelord: Bullerdämpning, bostadsutformning, platsinventering.

Att anpassa ett småhus till prefab

Prefabricering eller platsbyggt hus? Många ställer sig den frågan. Vad finns det för fördelar respektive nackdelar med prefabgentemot platsbyggt hus? Vilka ritningar behövs och hur går man tillväga?Detta examensarbete är en framtagning på hur man anpassar ett småhus till prefabricering.Platsbyggt hus är ett hus som byggs på plats. Material fraktas dit, förvaras och kapas.Den vanligaste byggmetoden för byggande av hus.Prefabricering av hus är däremot ett hus som byggs i en fabrik eller industri.

Akutbehandling av hyperkalcemi hos hund

In this thesis we propose a conceptual plan for thedevelopment of an Agroforestry Training Centre (ATC)in Musoma, Tanzania. The aim is to make a proposalto support peasant education in agroforestry. How canan ATC in Musoma be developed into a stimulatingand educational park suitable for teaching agroforestrymethods to peasant farmers and other potential users?To answer that a field study was conducted to investigatehow our client Vi Agroforestry Programme (Vi) and thetarget groups of the client can benefit from the site.The thesis begins with a short explanation of thecontext, in which the ATC plays a part followed by amethodology chapter. Next are three chapters presentedwhich introduce the reader to the research conductedbefore starting the proposal, these include: results ofliterature studies, study of precedents, and results of fieldstudy.

Ett dedikert sportprodukt till klatring for mennesker med amputert arm

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Bättre enskilda avlopp i Sigtuna kommun : möjligheter för bebyggelse i Odensala socken

There are around 855 000 on-site sewage systems in Sweden and some 1 800 of these are located in the municipality of Sigtuna. The Sigtuna local authority has set the goal that all sewage systems with insufficient function should be improved before the end of year 2010. A malfunctioning on-site sewage system may cause three main problems: spreading of diseases, discharge of eutrophicating compounds and wastage of resources. The municipality strives to reduce these problems already at the stage of granting permits for installation of on site sanitation systems. The municipality has recently adopted new guidelines, which demands certain minimum reductions for different compounds. The guidelines also state that it is preferred that neighboring house-owners cooperate in jointly built and operated sewage systems and that the system should be able to recycle plant nutrients.

Introduktion av nystartade maskinlag :

The comprehensive goal in this study was to examine important factors in an introduction of a new machine team. The aim was to identify what elements should be part of an introduction program for new machine team. The examination was done together with Stora Enso Skog. A new machine team and their supervisors where analyzed during a six month period. The evaluation was done with open interviews of the team members and their supervisors. The main question was what should be included in an introduction program to develop a successful machine team as effective as possible? Interviews of the new team and analyses gave good indications how the procedure should be done.

Transporttidsmodellering vid provpumpning i heterogen jord : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

When protection zones for wells are delineated, it is important to acquire good knowledge about possible travel time from different points in the catchment area to the well. Often, simple analytical methods are used for estimating travel times and the assumption is made that the hydraulic conductivity is relatively homogenous within the aquifer. Nevertheless, many aquifers are strongly heterogeneous which may lead to differences between estimates and actual travel times. As a part of the process to develop improved methods for delineating protection zones for groundwater supply wells, a tracer experiment was performed in a glaciofluvial esker formation in Järlåsa. On the basis of the experiment, a numerical flow model was created for the test site.The purpose of this master?s thesis was to apply the flow model to an aquifer where the hydraulic conductivity shows great variability and should be described by a stochastic distribution.

Industrialiserat byggande

The industrialization of construction is increasing in Sweden which leads to higher demands of prefabricated components and cells. But what does the business of construction think of the industrialized business and what can be done in order to decrease faults and errors with these products? Today we have many manufacturers who have different technical solutions which might lead to difficulties when assembling components and cells at the building site. But by trying to make a more opened market, with possibly standardized connections details and improving the communication between the different participants, the prefabricated components and cells can be made and assembled with less errors. This is something that needs to be done in order to establish a more secure business, and especially when working with new companies and methods, when using industrialized products..

Rehabilitation in a tropical secondary rain forest in Malaysian Borneo : early effects of canopy properties on light conditions at the forest floor

Tropisk regnskog i Sydostasien är ett av de områden som hyser störst biodiversitet i världen, av vilken stora ytor är hotat. Ön Borneo drabbades av en katastrof åren 1982-1983 efter att väderfenomenet El Niño orsakat torka med vidsträckta skogsbränder som följd. Detta lämnade stora ytor av Borneos skogar i ett undermåligt, sekundärt tillstånd. På grund av detta startades INIKEA projektet med syfte att rehabilitera skogar i regionen kring Tawau vid östkusten av delstaten Sabah i Malaysia. I denna studie undersökte jag resultatet av rehabiliteringsarbetet på krontaket i tre olika skogstyper genom att ta hemisfäriska foton med en digital systemkamera (DSLR).

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