

1005 Uppsatser om Single mothers - Sida 30 av 67

Ambitionen om det essentiella : Innebörder av urmjölkning utifrån levda erfarenheter för mammor vars barn fötts prematurt

Bakgrund Många mammor som fött barn prematurt önskar amning som uppfödning för sitt barn för bröstmjölkens immunologiska faktorer och som en kompensation för att graviditeten avslutats för tidigt. Amningens etablering kan vara komplicerad och kräva tålamod när barnet behöver vård. Beroende på barnets känslighet kan det ta olika lång tid tills barnet kan påbörja amningsträning. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för att amningen ska kunna etableras är att mamman får igång en tillräcklig mjölkproduktion motsvarande den mängd ett fullgånget barn skulle kräva. För att få igång en tillräcklig produktion är det bra att komma igång med urmjölkning så fort som möjligt efter barnets födelse.

Managing Credit Risk: Assessing the Probability of Corporate Bankruptcy using Quantitative Risk Analysis

Managing credit risk might be the single most important business area for any commercial bank. The assessment of "good" and "bad" corporate clients is a important task for a creditor. A bad debtor is a corporate client with hardships in meeting the continous claims (interest payments) that a creditor requires. One way of evaluating or separating a "bad" client from a "good" client is to assess the propensity for the client to file for bankruptcy. This thesis examines 226 firms in the Swedsh market in the quest of predicting corporate bankruptcy.

Röjningsförbandets betydelse för avverkningsekonomin i södra Sverige :

The aim of this work is to demonstrate how the net present value (NPV) at the time of the first thinning depends on the spacing after pre-commercial thinning, and show how net value from first thinning in same stand is influenced. This study is performed with models based on non-distant dependent growth models for single trees. Two different growth models have been used, one for cleaning (pre-commercial thinning) and one for thinning. The first one yields stem density distributed over diameter classes. In the second one, (the thinning model), it is possible to choose when thinning should be done, the thinning method, thinning grade and numbers of thinning.

"Jag ser det som ett smörgåsbord" : En studie om två olika läs- och skrivutvecklingsmetoder

In this study I have compared two different development methods of reading and writing. I have done this by interviewing five first grade teachers in elementary schools and it is based on qualitative research interviews. The aim of the study was to immerse myself in which methods these five teachers describe that they have used. They got to describe how they work and how they have tought the students to read and write. I have investigated if the teachers think that the computer is a good tool. The investigation also shows if the teachers believe that the students´ writing skills deteriorate if they can use the keyboard instead. I came to the conclusion that four of the teachers used Arne Trageton´s method (2005) which means that the students learn how to write by using to computer.

Att vara mamma, men ändå inte mamma : En kvalitativ studie om mödrars upplevelser i samband med att deras barn flyttat till familjehem

Vid brister i föräldraförmågan, där modern inte kan se till att sitt barn får de grundläggande behoven tillgodosedda tvingas hon ibland till familjehemsplacering av sitt barn enligt Socialtjänstlagen (SoL, SFS 2001:453) eller enligt Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU, SFS 1990:52). Dessa mödrar har enligt lag rätt till stöd för att bearbeta de känslor som kan uppstå vid denna typ av trauma. Mödrar med egna erfarenheter, exempel Widerlöv (2012) och Trullson (2008) har skrivit // artiklar och böcker där de berättar om att mödrar kan drabbas av känslor som skuld, skam och sorg, och att de har ett behov av stöd i samband med familjehemsplaceringarna.Studien är gjord efter en kvalitativ metod med ett induktivt förhållningssätt. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte och svara på frågeställningarna har sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer med biologiska mödrar genomförts.I resultatet har det framkommit att alla mödrar utom en är missnöjd det stöd som de har erbjudits. Det handlar både om att de inte har blivit erbjudna stöd och att det har varit fel sorts stöd för dem.

Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and ?culture schools? in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn?t belong to the music- or ?culture school? and also are used for other kinds of education.

Kriminalitetens geografi : vardagsbrottslighetens spatiala fördelning i Borlänge

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used.

Det borgerliga blocket i medievalrörelsen 2006 : en kvantitativ studie av kvällspressens valbevakning

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to examine the ways two Swedish tabloid newspapers portray and describe the non-Socialist parties during the Swedish election of 2006.Material/Method: We have been studying 388 articles about the non-Socialist parties, derived from the two largest tabloid newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Expressen, during the month before the election. The method for the study is quantitative content analysis.Main results: The main conclusions drawn from this study are that Aftonbladet had twice as much written material about the non-Socialist parties, despite the fact that the paper is traditionally Socialist, while Expressen had consistently larger headlines. Both tabloids function to a higher degree as political actors than arenas for politics. The results are in accordance with earlier research, which shows that the degree of attention the non-Socialist parties acquired as a whole in the 2006 election, is remarkable. More than half of the articles in both tabloids portrayed the non-Socialist parties as a single political actor.

JCJ-Metoden : En differentiering av Scanias WACC

Scania?s discount rate - the return requirement of investments - refers to Scania?s WACC or weighted average cost of capital. The capital markets return requirement on equity and the credit market interest cost of borrowing is weighted to become the single discount rate, the WACC. The purpose of this study is to investigate which asset pricing model of APT and CAPM Scania should use in their WACC calculations. The company now uses a group WACC of 11 percent which is used in all company levels.

Mincing the brand ? A study of the relationship between private labels and retailer brands

Purpose: To contribute to the understanding of the relationship between private labels and the retailer brand in grocery retailing. Methodology: We use structured interviews as a cross-sectional method for quantitative data collection. The existence of the relationship is tested through correlation analysis and regression analysis. Theoretical perspective: Perceived quality of private labels and of retailers are the main theoretical concepts for this thesis. Additionally, we introduce the concept of loyalty to show the benefits of a positive consumer image.

Samvård respektive separerad vård : Inverkan på en nybliven mors tillit till sin förmåga att amma

På de flesta svenska sjukhus har samvård av mor och barn efter förlossning eftersträvats eftersom samvård bland annat främjar amning. I samband med kejsarsnitt och då barnet inte mår väl efter födsel separeras dock ofta mor och barn för en kortare eller längre tid, vilket påverkar amningen negativt. Mödrars tillit till sin förmåga att amma har visat sig ha stor betydelse för om de skall lyckas med amning. Mödrar med låg tillit har en högre risk att sluta amma tidigt än de som har hög tillit. Syftet med studien var att jämföra nyblivna mödrars tillit till sin förmåga att amma då mor och barn vårdas tillsammans respektive vårdas separerade efter förlossning.

Ultraljud vid tidig dräktighetsdiagnostik på nötkreatur : en fältstudie för att bestämma lämplig undersökningsdag och frekvens på ultraljudsproben

The use of transrectal ultrasonography of the uterus is a fairly new method for early pregnancy diagnosis. In the present study 40 cows and 10 heifers were examined 16, 19, 22 and 25 days after artificial insemination to decide on what day an accurate pregnancy diagnosis could be made under field conditions. A 5 and 7,5 MHz transducer were used in all examinations in order to determine wheter one of them was better for the present purpose. The animals were also examined for clinical signs of oestrus. The results shows that an accurate pregnancy diagnosis "not pregnant" was easier to make on day 22 than on day 25 since most of the not pregnant cows then were in heat.

Från Khatami till Ahmadinejad : A study of political equality and democracy in Iran

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the current situation as regarding the political equality in Iran. The method of this reaserch is based on a single-case studie wich grounds in secondary sources. The analysis of this paper is based on fields that concern political equality which in this study will focus on the right to vote, candidacies in the parliament election 2004 and the presidential election 2005. A democracy theory by Jack Lively is used to analyze the political equality in Iran´s political system.The Iranian regim is strongly criticized by the goverments in the Western world and NGO´s for the situation of the democracy and the human rights in the country. Despite the criticism, Iran still continues in the same political direction, although the democracy has gained a stronger role in the political sphere.

Vi kanske skulle tuffa till oss lite på biblioteket! ? Konstutställningar på folkbibliotek, en del av bibliotekens funktion som offentliga rum?

This bachelor?s thesis examines the ideas behind the phenomenon art exhibitions in public libraries. My interest is to see if and how the art exhibitions can support the libraries in being a public sphere in Jürgen Habermas? sense, open for all citizens and their opinions. My study therefore has two purposes.

Boksomäromöjligatthitta?: En studie av de sociala taggarna i Stockholms stadsbiblioteks OPAC

The aim of this thesis is to, through an empirical study ofthe social tags in the City of Stockholm libraries? OPACwith critical discourse analysis, examine the social tags?linguistic design, usability, and communicative potential? all in relation to the context. It is a linguistic study andit is important to take into account that the tags are extremelyshort texts ? single-word-texts. My starting-pointis that the tags are a form of utility texts.What I find is that a clear majority of the tags are nounsand function as index terms, but that there are differencescompared to authorized index terms.

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