

1005 Uppsatser om Single mothers - Sida 31 av 67

Riskhantering i vägprojekt : Effekt, nytta och förbättringar

The aim with this thesis is to study the risk management in construction projects at the Swedish Road Administration, SRA. Furthermore, the aim is to find the effects of the risk management. The theorem of this thesis is that the positive effects of the risk management in construction projects create additional value to the project. These additional values are that the project itself becomes resilient and that the project goals are achieved without any significant disturbances.This thesis shows that the risk management in construction projects do not follow the guidelines set out by the SRA. This is due to a lack of education in the method and a difficult method all together.

"Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering

Self-archiving as a way to provide open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon.This two years master?s thesis aims to investigate researchers? experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case.

E-handel : Inte bara guld och gröna skogar

 The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand which difficulties that e-company's struggles with the most, and what their strategies are to overcome this problem. Sales of clothing through e-commerce have made the shopping experience faster and more comfortable, but on the other hand it has created a couple of problems which makes a big difference in the purchase of clothing, we are partly talking about the absence of the testing opportunity. To not know whether or not the shirt or pants will fit, leads customers to a game of gamble every single time they purchase a garment. Another problem which makes customers nervous before a purchase is the absence of a physical salesperson. This might lead customers to question whether or not the company exists.

Från pluralism till professionalisering? En textanalys av Karlskrona kommuns hållbarhetsarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on a present trend of professionalization in Swedish local environmental politics, which have recently seen a decline in active participation of the citizens in favor of an increased governmental regulation. With the aim to closer investigate this relatively new phenomenon, the paper is a qualitative single case-study of environmental policies in the Swedish municipality of Karlskrona. In this case, the municipality is obviously balancing between regarding the interests of the national level and the interests of its own citizens at the same time. This motivates the use of system-theory, and relates to the classical political paradox between participation and efficiency which is also a present theme in the paper.This text-analysis based on interviews with personnel and documents from the municipality shows a visible trend of professionalization in the local politics of the municipality of Karlskrona, from a large grade of participation and a strong bottom-up approach in the days of Agenda 21 to now being more strongly top-down defined by national environmental objectives and principally operated on a professional level..

Vart tog EMV vägen?: En analys av Marknadsdomstolens utvärdering av imitering i dagligvaruhandeln

This paper discusses the issue of trade dress imitation in the grocery sector. Our study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between a brand owner and an imitator following an imitator?s marketing actions. In this study we look at the Market Court?s precedents in which this question has been addressed.

Att utkräva ansvar - en analys av Vattenfalls verksamhet i Tyskland

With the expansion onto the international market almost a decade ago, Swedish energy corporation Vattenfall began it's breaking and burning of coal on German soil. Criticism aimed at Vattenfall peaked in the mid 2000s with the revelation of large quantities of carbon dioxide emissions and the re-location of villages and graveyards in German states Brandenburg and Saxony. The purpose of this thesis is to show where the responsibility for these activities lie. By analyzing the history of, and the political debate surrounding, Vattenfall, I will show that the prevailing policies of right- as well as left-wing parties in the 20th century were all, regarding this matter, market oriented. I will also show that these market promoting policies made possible a situation where the transparancy of, and state control over, Vattenfall were close to eliminated.

Fri rörlighet för varor på den inre marknaden och principen om ömsesidigt erkännande

The aim of this thesis is to identify some of the obstacles to trade, that occurs on the common market, and to analyse the errors that still occurs in the national authorities application of the principle of mutual recognition. Is the principle of mutual recognition sufficient for the creation of a common market, or is there a need for additional measures to cope with the obstacles to trade that still exists on the common market? The problems related to the incorrect procedures of the national authorities and the fact that undertakings prefer to bring their products in to line with the rules of every single member state must be solved, if the principle of mutual recognition is to become trustworthy. On some areas, harmonisation ought to be chosen above the principle of mutual recognition, but in other cases an increased administrative collaboration, mandatory training for the national authorities or information campaigns intended mainly for undertakings could be the answer. The possibility to help undertakings to sue member states for damages should also be investigated.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : Ett perspektiv på lärande i förskolan

This study deals with pedagogical documentation. With a revised preschool curriculum,where this is a crucial aid for illustrating the learning process of children and educators, aswell as demonstrating the activities of the school, it is of the utmost relevance to further explorethis notion. The study focuses on a single municipality and explores the various ways inwhich its preschools do in reality deal with this issue in correlation with the actual visions andgoals set by that municipality. Through a series of qualitative interviews with educators aswell as with the municipality Head of Education, this study outlines how educational documentationis in fact applied in the schools in question. The gathered data has been interpretedwith a power perspective as well as with a sociocultural perspective in mind.

Hellre överkvalificerad än undersysselsatt - om övergångsfrekvensen till högre utbildning i Sverige under 80 år

This essay aims to explain the fluctuations in the Swedish transition rate to higher education between 1923 and 2002. With theories of human capital, and screening, as points of departure, seven variables are selected and their correlation with the transition rate investigated by use of graphs and tables. The variables are unemployment, youth unemployment, the supply of academics, cohort size, number of high school graduates from programs preparing for ensuing studies, relative wage trends for worker categories with differing levels of education, and structural phase. Results show that no single variable nor the theories of human capital or screening can explain the fluctuations in transition rate in full. Instead I propose a theoretic model which amalgamates the above and places risk aversion as the driving force behind the individual?s educational decision.

Biologiska bekämpningsmetoder i hemträdgården :

Biological pest management is defined as control of pests using their natural enemies. This method has been used in Sweden since the 1970´s and it has been developed ever since. Biological pest management is today relatively common among commercial growers but there are good possibilities to apply this method in the home gardens as well. The aim with this thesis is to compile a report from both the companies that are marketing the products and the home gardener´s point of view. This should give a better understanding of the market and how it could be improved. We will give examples of products that represent the different kinds of organisms that are being used in biological pest management. Our hope is that this will be an introduction to all interested in biological pest management. The legislations regarding registration of organisms are still a matter of discussion and are causing problems to producers, distributors and the market in general. Why isn´t biological pest management more common in the home garden? The main reason appears to be the lack of knowledge in the subject. What are the benefits using biological pest management when it requires so much knowledge and it´s more expensive than conventional pest management? With the environmental problems we face today, we hope that every single gardener has an interest in developing an environment as clean as possible, even if only in one's own backyard..

Valet av grafiskt dokumentgränssnitt

Grafiska dokumentgränssnitt används av de flesta datoranvändare. Det finns i huvudsak tre typer av dokumentgränssnitt; MDI (multiple document interface), SDI (single document interface) och TDI (tabbed document interface). I ena halvan av arbetet har dessa tre analyserats utifrån en rad faktorer med målet att se om någon modells fördelar väger över de andras och om man kan skapa några riktlinjer för när det är bäst att applicera respektive modell när man utvecklar en ny programvara. Analysen är baserad på litteratur samt kvalitativ enkätundersökning och programtest. Andra delen av arbetet har ägnats åt testa om det går att programmera så att slutanvändaren kan välja den modell han eller hon föredrar.

Smakar konsumenter med ögonen En undersökning om förpackningens visuella attributs inverkan på smakupplevelsen av singelmaltwhisky

Packaging has had little impact in marketing literature. Research has focused on a single transaction approach. Lately researchers are looking at packages as a tool for brand building purposes. Thus, the focus is moving towards a multiple transaction approach, where packages can affect the consumer also after the purchase. For a range of goods extrinsic cues has been shown to have stronger effect on consumers' evaluation than intrinsic ones.

Energi, enhetlighet, effektivitet - enhetsdrivmedel

Försvarsmaktens nya inriktning mot ett internationellt verksamhetsfält innebär att anpassningarbehövs/krävs för att uppnå interoperabilitet med övriga samverkande aktörer. För attkunna verka med ett högt tempo, flexibilitet och uthållighet inom ramen förmanöverkrigföring eftersträvas en förenklad logistik på stridsfältet.En del av denna utveckling omfattar ett eventuellt införande av enhetligt drivmedel/bränsle(Single-Fuel Concept). Denna drivmedelskomponent exemplifierar interoperabilitet enligt destrukturer som gäller inom NATO och EU. Uppsatsens syfte är att ta fram styrande faktorersamt beskriva krav för en eventuell implementering av enhetligt drivmedel/bränsle inomFörsvarsmakten. Vidare är uppsatsens målsättning att identifiera problemområden med syfteatt ge underlag för materiel? och organisationsutveckling.


Through the different stages of life people have different requirements for their homes. The requirements changes depending on people?s life situation, lifestyleand age. Depending on where people are in life they live in different place, often in areas with other people who are in the same stage of life. In Sweden, this separation has always been noticeable, sometimes more than other.

Riskfaktorer för förlossningsdepression samt förebyggande åtgärder ? En litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Approximately one in eight women suffer from postpartum depression, which can affect them for a period of weeks or even years. Postpartum depression does not only affect the mother, it also has a negative influence on the rest of the family. Postpartum depression can also lead to negative consequences for the development of the infant. It is an illness that is still considered a taboo, a fact that makes it hard to identify among women who are affected. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine cases where there is a connection between social economic status (SES) and the presence of postpartum depression.

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