

341 Uppsatser om Shelf display - Sida 20 av 23

Vem bär kostnaden för regeländringar inom finansiella marknader? : en kvantitativ studie ur aktieägarnas perspektiv

As a consequence of a turbulent financial market with recurring recessions, the Basel regime was developed, an institutional change with the purpose to create enhanced financial stability through increased capital requirements and increased scrutiny of internal procedures. The Basel regime is an often recurring element in social debates where various aspects are discussed, one of which is whether it maintains its purpose to secure financial stability or whether it is cost effective, and if not, who gets affected by these potential costs.The majority of previously conducted research within this area agrees with the opinion that changes in the regulatory framework within the financial markets, such as the Basel regime, has led to reduced risk of bankruptcy for the banks which has contributed to increased global financial stability. However, research illustrates that these types of changes in the regulatory framework impose a financial burden leading to contradictions in the division of these costs between costumers and shareholders. This dissertation has been conducted from a shareholders perspective, out of which the study ?s three hypothesis has been created from.The data in this study is built upon the stock price from the three largest available banks? shares (based on total assets), in the 26 countries which are represented in the Basel committee from (2007) to (2013).

Uppror : En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543

AbstractHannes Sundkvist: Uppror. En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, Vårterminen, 2013. The following thesis is a conceptual historical study of the Swedish word uppror (rebellion) between the years 1525 and 1543. During this period, there occured five conflicts that in modern time have been named as rebellions. In my study I problematize the concept of rebellions and show that it is not possible to apply a contemporary definition to conflicts that erupted in the early 16th centrury. My purpose is to display how the word actually was defined during the time of the five conflicts.

Skapandet av ett filtersystem för ett e-handelssystem

Saab Automobile AB är ett företag som tillverkar bilar i familjesegmentet och har sin fabrik belägen i Trollhättan. Deras underhållsavdelning i måleriet har ett behov av att byta ut sin Sattscope H terminal som styr mellantork täckfärg B. Anledningen är att terminalens display tappar pixlar och att nya terminaler inte längre finns som reservdel. Mellantork täckfärg B fungerar inte utan terminalen. Saab ser därför att terminalen byts ut mot en dator med Ledpanel designer installerad, som skall fungera som operatörspanel.

Kaninhållning för sällskapsbruk

The domesticated rabbit stems from the European Wild rabbit and researchers have found that they share most of the characteristics and behaviors of their wild ancestor. They form mating groups in which strong hierarchic orders are formed and they are known for their ability to dig warrens which serve as one of the most important resources for this species. Although research has been performed to increase the welfare of rabbits kept in laboratory settings little is known about the housing, behavior and welfare of the pet rabbit. Among the research that has been performed within the area results have shown that the animals are kept in small solitary cages and that although many rabbits are purchased mainly for the children many animals cannot be handled by children due to display of aggression. Another conclusion drawn is that the animals are kept in ways that differs greatly from their natural environment.

Real-time rendering of large terrains using algorithms for continuous level of detail

Three-dimensional computer graphics enjoys a wide range of applications of which games and movies are only few examples. By incorporating three-dimensional computer graphics in to a simulator the simulator is able to provide the operator with visual feedback during a simulation. Simulators come in many different flavors where flight and radar simulators are two types in which three-dimensional rendering of large terrains constitutes a central component.Ericsson Microwave Systems (EMW) in Skövde is searching for an algorithm that (a) can handle terrain data that is larger than physical memory and (b) has an adjustable error metric that can be used to reduce terrain detail level if an increase in load on other critical parts of the system is observed. The aim of this paper is to identify and evaluate existing algorithms for terrain rendering in order to find those that meet EMW: s requirements. The objectives are to (i) perform a literature survey over existing algorithms, (ii) implement these algorithms and (iii) develop a test environment in which these algorithms can be evaluated form a performance perspective.The literature survey revealed that the algorithm developed by Lindstrom and Pascucci (2001) is the only algorithm of those examined that succeeded to fulfill the requirements without modifications or extra software.

En mötesplats med utsikt och ett öppet rum för insikt : En studie av folkbiblioteksarkitektur och synen på folkbiblioteksrummet - Exemplen Lomma bibliotek och Halmstads stadsbibliotek

The focus of this two year master?s thesis in Library- and Information science is the study of two Swedish Public Library buildings with the examples Lomma and Halmstad. The main goal and purpose of the thesis is to try to uncover which views and values of the public library are expressed in the examined libraries; and to what extent these views manifests are shown in its architecture.The theoretical framework is based on Raymond Williams?s cultural concepts of effective, dominant culture and the two extremities of this culture, called residual and emergent cultures. A second aspect is Yi-Fu Tuans concepts of Space and Place.

Syntaktisk komplexitet hos ungdomar och vuxna med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are any differences regarding syntactic complexity in written language between persons with (phonologically based) reading and writing difficulties and a control group. Earlier research has pointed to such a difference, indicating that texts written by subjects with reading and writing difficulties display a lower grade of syntactic complexity than text written by control groups.Two texts each from 48 subjects (24 from each category) were collected. The subjects were divided in two age groups, one consisting of 15-year-olds and the other of university students (adults in various ages). The subjects were selected through a word decoding test and a spelling test, where the lowest performing formed the group of reading and writing difficulties and the highest performing formed the control groups. All subjects had Swedish as their mother tongue.The syntactic aspects studied were number of words per syntactic sentence (Sw.

Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie av framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank

Successful diversity management has become an increasingly pressing concern for companies and organisations, as the workforce has grown more diverse over the past few decades. Research on whether increased work group diversity has a generally positive or negative impact on results remains inconclusive. It has, however, been established that good diversity management is pivotal in creating conditions for the successful performance of diverse work groups. Although much attention has been directed towards explaining the translation of work group diversity into positive results, less attention has been given to the processes that underlie this translation and the way it is expressed in everyday leadership behaviour. This thesis revolves around a case study, at the Swedish bank Swedbank, which combines qualitative and quantitative elements to explore the successful leadership in nine diverse work groups at the local branch level.

Visuell informationshantering i tunga fordon : Behovsanalys och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

The flow of information in road vehicles intensifies as new techniques develop. Informationsources such as cell phones, navigation equipment and radios demand the driver?s attentionwhile he or she must stay focused on the road to perform a safe driving. Today the visualinformation inside the vehicle is mostly located on the dashboard, which forces the driver tolook down when shifting attention between the environment outside and the informationinside the vehicle. One way to avoid this is to useHead-up Display (HUD), a technique thatprojects information in the visual field of the user.This master thesis has been performed in cooperation with Scania CV AB, a world leadingtruck producer.

Emotionella sprickor och utbrott - i en sorg

Intangible feelings of sorrow and grief, caused by events like separation, death, loss and trauma, all leave some kind of traces in us and they play an important role in our development. The individualistic society here in Sweden has shaped us to keep our feelings inside and at bay; since our childhood we have learnt that showing emotions like tears, sorrow and sadness are signs of weakness and can make others and yourself feel uncomfortable. With the starting point from my own experience and understanding of how we can deal and handle grief, I take a closer look on how jewelry, objects and rituals can be of importance in a grieving process and our lack of visual outer display of grief in today?s society. Through Sara Ahmeds theory I found a new possible way of understanding emotions and how they shape us.

Köpt, ägd och förtjänad ? en studie om attityder gentemot olika reklamtyper på Facebook

Titel: Köpt, ägd och förtjänad ? en studie om attityder gentemot olika reklamtyper på Facebook.Författare: Albin Yngve och Anton FridolfssonUppdragsgivare: Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitet.Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen förjournalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitet.Termin: Höstterminen 2014Handledare: Malin SveningssonSidantal: 51 sidor, inklusive bilagor.Antal ord: 18202Syfte: Att undersöka användarnas inställning och attityd när det kommer till att ta del av olika formerav reklam på Facebook.Metod: Kvalitativa fokusgrupper.Material: Två fokusgruppsintervjuer med personer från olika generationer (60-talister vs 90-talister).Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att de tillfrågade respondenterna inte anser att reklamen på Facebookär irriterande i den mån att det förstör användarupplevelsen. Den reklamtyp som uppfattas mest positivär förtjänad reklam. Den reklamtyp som uppfattas mest negativt är den köpta reklam som är placeradtillsammans med det användargenererade innehållet - och därmed stör målet med huvudanvändningen.Dessa uppfattningar är generellt sett likvärdiga sett över båda de undersökta generationerna.Respondenternas inställningar till riktade marknadsföringsinsatser är något tudelad. Ur ettintegritetsperspektiv är de tillfrågade sextiotalisterna något mer tveksamma till riktad reklam ännittiotalisterna.

Skillnader i synen på granskning av hållbarhetsredovisningar : nationella och kulturella olikheter

Presently environmental and ethical matters are in the centre of attention and companies producing sustainability reports have become more common. It has also started to become more and more ordinary to assure these sustainability reports by an external part. However, the amount of assured sustainability reports differs a lot between different countries.There can be several reasons for why the companies chose to get the sustainability report assured. Previous studies state that the choice to produce sustainability reports can be re-lated to theories like the legitimacy theory, stakeholder theory and the agent theory. Other aspects that can affect the decision to construct a sustainability report can according to prior studies be different company characteristics and the national culture in the country in which the company is operating.

Byte av styrsystem i mellantork B

Saab Automobile AB är ett företag som tillverkar bilar i familjesegmentet och har sin fabrik belägen i Trollhättan. Deras underhållsavdelning i måleriet har ett behov av att byta ut sin Sattscope H terminal som styr mellantork täckfärg B. Anledningen är att terminalens display tappar pixlar och att nya terminaler inte längre finns som reservdel. Mellantork täckfärg B fungerar inte utan terminalen. Saab ser därför att terminalen byts ut mot en dator med Ledpanel designer installerad, som skall fungera som operatörspanel.

Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion

In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.

  Genomgång av Turbomin 100 :   Förstudie och föreslagna förbättringar av undervisningsjetmotor Turbomin 100

ABSTRACTThis project thesis has been written at the request of Mälardalens University, Västerås.The aeronautical engineering students at Mälardalens University and the pupils of Hässlö upper secondary school, all gets the opportunity to perform a computation lab with a real turbojet engine during their study. The goal of the lab from the University is that it should give the students applied experience from the theory part of which has been tought in the course ?Aircraft Engine Technology?.                      The pupils of the Hässlö upper secondary school are performing simpler calculations from the measured values of the equipment. This turbojet engine is located at Hässlö airport in the premises of Hässlö upper seconday school.Since the installation 1989, the engine has lost both thrust and reliability. This makes the theoretical computations made by the students inaccurate.

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