

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 48 av 159

Den fungerande stadsplaneringen : En studie i uppfattningar och effekter av torget och dess påverkan på demokrati

In this undergraduate thesis you will venture on a journey through the land of democratic values and urban planning. My research question is stated as: whether or not urban planning can show effects on democratic values and whether or not the municipalities in Sweden takes these possible effects into account when planning their city centres. You will in my theory part of this thesis be able to read about different views on urban planning and on democracy. Famous authors like Robert D. Putnam and Richard Florida will be examined as well as other theorists on democracy and urban planning.

Att reducera lagernivån : en studie vid SKF Mekan AB

Background: The increasing competition on the market demand both companies and supply chains to find optimal solutions. The edeavour to reduce inventory levels is a part of this. Earlier, inventory was seen upon as valuable assets, but today they tend to be more and more negative in the eyes of the companies. Inventory demands capital, handling, and space. Therefore inventory creates unnecessary costs.

Hur skiljer sig invandrarpolitiken åt mellan de svenska riksdagspartierna? : En kvalitativ textanalys av riksdagspartiernas parti- och idéprogram.

As the numbers of immigrants to Sweden and the EU are ever increasing even the right-wing populist parties grow faster in number. Sweden, Germany and France are three European countries that receive 90 percent of all asylum seekers and should therefore have a well-established and talked about immigration policy one can think. Yet the political parties in Sweden do not mention much about the immigration policy apart from the political party Sweden Democrats. This study aims to analyze eight different political parties in the Swedish parliament through a textual analysis to see what kind of immigration policy they share. Carl Dahlström has a theory to determine what type of policy a certain party has and whether they want to assimilate or integrate immigrants.

Innovation: Utvecklingskapitalbolagens påverkan på sina portföljföretag

Background: The importance of creativity and innovation is frequently stressed in modern literature on management. The significance of innovation gives entrepreneurs the reason to prior to the commencement of a relationship with a venture capitalist, obtain necessary insights regarding the influences such a relationship may have, in terms of innovation. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to scrutinise the influence of venture capital firms on their portfolio companies regarding their ability to be innovative. Delimitations: The intent is to study the impact of a venture capitalist from the viewpoint of its portfolio companies. In other words, what the portfolio companies have perceived as changes is our main area of concern, rather than what the venture capitalist has perceived as change.

De internationella musikbolagens redovisning av immateriella tillga?ngar : Vad kan de svenska bolagen tilla?mpa i jakten pa? ra?ttvisande bild?

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the international music company reports of its intangible assets to examine whether similar methods can be applied to the Swedish market.Method:The study was based on a qualitative and abductive research approach. Collected data is mainly from secondary sources in the form of auditor approved consolidated financial statements.Conclusion:The Swedish music companies activate their intangible assets only partially or not at all, despite the fact that assets in the form of music catalogs, rights, contracts and advances are those that generate revenue for the companies. The study has resulted in a description of how the companies are doing on an international level with the IASB and FASB's regulation. With this report, we have found flaws in the way the Swedish companies prepare their accounts according to the current regulations. In the analysis, these shortcomings are highlighted and to what extent these international standards can be applied in the Swedish companies to take a step towards a more accurate picture and a harmonized and comparable accounting..

Värderar venture capitalbolag koncerngoodwill och har värderingen påverkats av införandet av IFRS 3: en fallstudie av fyra venture capitalbolag

Goodwill är ett omtvistat ämne inom redovisning. I dagens samhälle har företag haft friheten att kunna välja vilken regel i anknytning till goodwill de vill använda och det med hänsyn till vilket resultat de eftersträvar. Våren 2004 offentliggjorde International Accounting Standard Board en ny standard, IFRS 3 för redovisning av företagsförvärv. IFRS 3 går ut på att goodwill inte längre är föremål för planenliga avskrivningar utan istället ska företag genomföra ett ?impairment test? som innebär att företagen genomför en ingående analys av goodwillvärdet årsvis.

Kravhantering i praktiken : Fallstudie av arbetet med kravhantering vid framtagning av nytt biljettsystem

Kravhantering a?r en viktig del av systemutvecklingsprocessen. Genom att samla in, analysera och prioritera krav skapas en tydlig bild av hur ett framtida system ska fungera. De krav som faststa?lls kan anva?ndas fo?r utva?rdering av fo?rslag fra?n leveranto?rer och senare i systemutvecklingsprocessen fo?r utva?rdering av prototyper.

Empowerment: en studie i ansvar, tilltro och ekonomiskt bistånd

Our understanding is that responsibility is shifting from the community towards the individual within the field of social work. This resulted in our essay, which aims to study how the representatives within social service assistance and churches in Helsingborg work with personal power. Our aim is also to illustrate how these representatives view the boundaries of responsibility between the individual and the community. Our questions are: How do the representatives work with personal power from a micro and macro perspective? How do the representatives look upon their position as representatives? What do the representatives consider as responsibility of the individual respective the community? And; Are there preventing factors from individual responsibility? We obtained our empirical material from a qualitative method consisting of interviews.

Meritpoäng : Ungdomars livschanser ur skolchefers perspektiv

This C-essay is a qualitative study designed to create a basis for understanding how managers involved in school affairs perceive the impact of merit points on students? chances to continue on to higher education and how this will affect individuals' life chances.The study is based on three interviews with managers involved in school affairs. In this paper grades, merit points and socioeconomic class differences are discussed.The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions:? What impact does merit points in language studies and the way different languages are valued, in the system, have for the individual and for society?? Who are the winners in the new grading system and who are the losers; how are different socioeconomic groups affected?The material was interpreted with the help of a report written by Ingrid Nordqvist and Monica Langerth Zetterman called "Secondary School competition field-a regional perspective", a paper written by Helen Raven who did a study on grades, national tests and social reproduction and the Frenchman Pierre Bourdieu's theories.The results show that class differences will increase and that it will be difficult to rise in the social hierarchy in the future..

Ur Investerarnas Synvinkel : En studie av Svenska Institutionella Investerares investeringsprocess i Venture Capitalfonder

Småföretagen har en betydande roll för ett lands ekonomi och Venture Capital fonderna spelar en viktig roll vid finansieringen av dessa företag då de har svårt att erhålla finansiering på vanligt vis. För att VC-fonderna i sin tur skall kunna bedriva sin verksamhet krävs det att de i sin tur erhåller finansiering från en investerare, som därför kommer att spela en viktig roll i denna process. Studien är baserad på en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och vi valde att genom en kvalitativ metod utföra fem stycken intervjuer med investerare inom pensionsfonder och försäkringsbolag, som visat sig vara de största investerarna i VC-fonder. Vi ville få en förståelse och kartlägga processen i och med att en investerare väljer att investera i en VC-fond och även visa på de olika problemen som investeraren möter på vägen.Detta har vi genomfört genom huvudsakligen en deduktiv ansats, då vi i vår teori tagit upp mycket av de problem som kan uppstå vid en investering, för att sedan genom intervjuer undersöka om dessa problem även uppstår för investerare till VC-fonder. Vi menar att vi även bidrar med ny forskning inom området och i och med detta anser vi att vi har inslag av ett induktivt angreppssätt.Första steget består i att investeraren bedriver en ?screening process? vilket innebär att investeraren gör en aktiv utvärdering av VC-fonderna och dess bakomliggande team.


The graduation essay has been carried out in co-operation with Kalmar Industries in Lidhult, Sweden. The purpose of our essay was to develop a complete construction solution on a hoist that could lift a laying wheel, lift it up and then turn it 90 degrees. After that the wheel shall be placed in a special holder.The background of the essay is a record of reports of damage wheels when they been incorrect lifted with a forklift. The hoist shall be used together with the same forklifts that manage the wheels today. Together with our instructor at Kalmar Industries we developed a requirement specification and from that we got free hands.However this was not the main task from the beginning, then a simular hoist should be develop but used directly in the assembly workshop without using a forklift.We started to find principle solutions that later was evaluated against the requirement specification.

"Vi är ju inget museum!" En undersökning av Uppsala studentnationers kulturarvshantering

The thesis investigates how Uppsala University student nations steward their cultural heritage. The survey targets how student nations manage their cultural heritage, what financial priority they give it, their attitude towards it, and their awareness of it.A qualitative study of semi-structured interviews with representatives from 11 out of 13 student nations in Uppsala was implemented. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of David Lowenthal on the importance of cultural heritage, Susan Pearce?s theory on collecting, and Pierre Bourdieu?s theory on cultural capital. To investigate the importance of cultural objects theories by Ivo Maroevi?, Annette Weiner, and Igor Kopytoff was applied.The survey shows that stewardship of cultural heritage at Uppsala student nations is poor and in need of reform.

Lagstiftningens inverkan på Private Equity-marknadens storlek

Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur den svenska lagstiftningen skulle kunna förändras för att öka investeringarna på PE-marknaden. I uppsatsen undersöks om det föreligger en statistisk signifikans genom linjär regression hos ett antal lagregler och går kvalitativt igenom den befintliga svenska lagstiftningen för att finna orsaksvariabler och deras påverkan. Det teoretiska perspektivet utgår ifrån LaPorta et.al. Law & Finance-studier samt EVCA:s årliga rapporter gällande den europeiska private equity-marknaden. Resultaten påvisar att de legala frågorna inverkar på PE-marknadens storlek.

"För man lär genom leken" : En studie kring förskollärares syn på leken som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i barnens lärande.

The purpose of this study was to analyze recent appropriations of works of art in advertising. Why was art infused into magazine advertisements, how were the works of art tampered with to achieve commercial goals, how well did they function together with the ad copy? What did these advertisements want? What did the artwork contribute to the commercial message? These were some of the questions asked in the study that involved a closer look at four appropriations: one based on a battle painting by the Swedish 1900th century artist Carl Wahlbom, with a commercial message printed on top;  one a collage including an 18th century portrait of Marie Antoinettte by Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun; one advertisement was influenced by Dutch 1700th century still lifes, and, finally, one paraphrased Velázquez?s famous painting Las Meninas from 1655. Companies behind the advertisements featured a Swedish trade journal, a fashion exhibition in Paris, a shop for kitchen utensils in Stockholm, and an up-scale department store in Madrid.The ads, in different ways based on works of art, were evaluated as reasonably successful commercial messages. These ads, however, hardly qualified as works of art in their own right ? if that was the intention.

Produktutveckling av en sadelpadd

Den här rapporten redogör för utveckling, design och sömnadskonstruktion för en sadelpadd. Rapportens ämne valdes för att jag fann det intressant och har själv stort intresse för hästar och produktutveckling. Fokus på rapporten låg på att ta fram en fungerade prototyp som testades av hästägare för att se om en distansväv skulle klara av att vara det stötdämpande och tryckutjämnande materialet i en sadelpadd. Rapporten och utvecklingen av rapporten bygger på en enkätundersökning och några intervjuer med relevanta personer insatta i ämnena sadelpadd och ryggskador hos hästar. Utifrån den insamlade informationen från de intervjuade och de som svarade på enkäten samt tidgare skrivna källor gjordes en studie i hästars uppkomst av ryggbesvär.

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