

2373 Uppsatser om Share capital and minimum capital requirement. - Sida 49 av 159

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Renen och nötkreaturet, en jämförelse mellan två olika typer av idisslare :

The aim of this literature review was to make a comparison between the feeding requirements of Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and meat producing cattle (Bos taurus) within farming. Reindeer are an intermediate feeding type; they have the ability to adapt to short term seasonal changes in food. They avoid eating fibre as much as possible and display highly selective behaviour while foraging. Adaptation to harsh environments with a limited amount of food has made reindeer dependent upon easily digestible food and consequently their digestive systems are less capable of processing plants with high fibre content. Herding is an extensive system which requires a significant amount of land and labour and describes the reindeer industry.

Medborgarpaneler : en analys av ett demokratiprojekt

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om den kommunala demokratiska processen har berörts av projektet Medborgarpaneler. Vi fick uppdraget av Gnosjö kommun att genomföra en halvtidsutvärdering av projektet. Projektet startade i november 2007 och kommer att pågå under tre år. Vi har använt oss av både kvantitativa datainsamlingsmetoder och kvalitativa djupintervjuer, som vi senare har sammanställt och analyserat, för att få fram material till vår undersökning.De resultat som vi fått fram visar på att det är ett lyckat projekt från kommunen och att det finns ett intresse att utveckla det efter projekttidens slut, detta enligt de politiker vi intervjuat.Valet av intervjupersoner gjordes på följande vis, vi mailade politiker i Gnosjö kommun och de tre första som svarade intervjuade vi. Vi skickade också ut enkäter till deltagarna i Medborgarpaneler via de befintliga mail-listorna som fanns.

Behovsanalys av vad som efterfrågas vid rekrytering av ekonomer : Arbetsgivarnas investering i humankapital

Problem:      Vad anser arbetsgivare om vikten av att investera i humankapital genom att anställa välutbildad personal?Vilka kunskaper har rekryterare om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll och examensnivåer? Syfte:            Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda arbetsgivarnas policy vad gäller investering i humankapital vid anställning, examensnivåns betydelse vid anställning till ekonomitjänster samt rekryterarnas kunskaper om ekonomiutbildningarnas innehåll. Metod:          En kvalitativ studie som bygger på sekundärdata genomfördes med fem personer som rekryterar ekonomer inom olika branscher. Dessa personer ansågs kunna bidra med relevant information för att besvara studiens syfte. Primärdata sammanställdes vilket sedan ledde till analys och studiens slutsats. Slutsats:        Högskoleutbildning är grundkravet för att få ett arbete som ekonom men examensnivån har en mindre betydelse. Personlighet och erfarenhet är viktigare och det som premieras är prestationer och ansvarstagande.

"Vart man kommer ifrån är en del av en" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av sociala relationer i en mångkulturell skola

This thesis highlights the importance of social relationships for high school adolescents? identity in a multicultural school in Stockholm?s suburb. The second purpose of this thesis is to shed light on, if the school sees the students? cultural background as an asset and how teachers can take advantage and implement it to the way they teach .The theories in the study were developed by Urie Bronnfenbrenner; The ecological theory, Pierre Bourdeau; The three forms of capital and George H. Mead; The significant other, The generalized other and "I" and "Me".

Investerarens guide till hedgefondsstrategier

ABSTRACTTITLE The investors guide to hedge fund strategies ? A comparing study of hedge fund strategies on the Swedish market.COURSE Bachelor Thesis in Finance KEYWORDS Hedge funds, Hedge fund strategies, Swedish hedge fund market, Investors, Average return, Riskadjusted returnThe ThesisInvestor?s general knowledge about hedge funds and hedge fund strategies, is compared to other investment alternatives low. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to clarify to investors how examined hedge fund strategies separate concerning risk and return in hedge funds. This, in order to facilitate for investors understanding which hedge fund strategy will be more suitable for them. To achieve this, the thesis is mainly focusing on quantitative data, which is complemented with qualitative findings in terms of a questionnaire.

Hur diskuterar idrottsföreningar hälsa? : en studie om hälsa hos fyra idrottsföreningar i Västergötland

Today sportsclubs are important actors in the work with promoting public health in Sweden. Sports have unique opportunities to reach out with messages to many people with diffrent backgrounds. In many respects sport- and clublife could be looked upon as health promotiv activiteis. It is not just the health of the individual that is affected by sportslife but also the community take advantage of active people in clubs. Partly through a healthier population and partly because clubs educational role in teaching democracy and solidarity to its members.

Regioner i förändring - En komparativ studie av de svenska och danska strukturreformerna

The purpose of this thesis is to critically investigate how to understand the regional transformations that are occurring in Sweden and Denmark. At a higher level of abstraction the results can be generalised to a wider context and I have found that there is an ideological hegemony that explains the regional transformation. Nation states are reterritorialising due to a changing world where global capital is becoming increasingly flexible and competition between states, regions and municipalities is needed to adjust. By using Sandberg's model of structural reforms I have shown that the differences between Sweden's and Denmark's reterritorialisation are due to differences in national political culture and existing administrative systems. In fact these two structural reforms are based on the same regionalist ideology as a reaction to the changing global economy.To investigate the regional transformations I have carried out an idea and ideology analysis on the recent Swedish proposal from Ansvarskommittén, Strukturkommissionen in Denmark and the proposal by the Danish government which was carried out in 2007.

Effekten av olika andelar grovfoder och kraftfoder i foderstaten på mjölkproduktion, välfärd och hälsa hos mjölkkor

Dairy cows transform grass to milk with help from ruminal microorganisms that can digest indigestible fiber in their feed. The digestive system of the cow is adapted to a diet consisting of forage and disorders like acidosis, laminitis and abomasal displacement can occur if the feed contains too much starch. To achieve the highest production possible the cow has to be given a high amount of concentrate or grain as the difference in milk yield is significant, approximately 1000 kg energy corrected milk per cow and year between conventional and organic cows that are fed a lower versus a higher share of forage. If the cow shall be able to eat the same amount of energy from forage as from grain or concentrate the eating- and rumination time gets longer and she might not be able to eat enough, which will result in a lower milk yield and will make it harder for the cow to recover from the negative energy balance that originate from the beginning of the lactation. Fat and in a sense protein content differs also depending on if the cow is given a high or low share of forage..

Lan File Share : Ett fildelningssystem åt Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Force has a need to streamline the preparation of an exercise in tactical training for soldiers because the preparation of an exercise is currently laborious and time consuming when commanders manually share files to each computer that will be included in the exercise. The degree project was to create a file sharing program within the internal network of the Defence Forces? international centre (Swedint). The program is used by the training management to effectively start up an exercise where soldiers train tactical training in a simulated combat environment. The training management use this program to upload files to a server which notifies all the computers on the network to download these files.

ALTERNATIV INDEXERING : En studie över alternativa viktningsmetoder av OMXS30 under tidsperioden 2004-2010

I denna uppsats undersöks hur alternativa viktningsmetoder av OMXS30 har presterat mellan 2004-2010. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i teorierna kring Capital Asset Pricing Model och Effektiva Marknadshypotesen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida ett kapitalviktat index är effektivt i enlighet med dessa teorier. I studien konstrueras fem stycken index, ett kapitalviktat, två fundamentalviktade, ett riskviktat och ett kombinationsviktat index. För att avgöra indexens historiska prestation analyseras de utifrån utvärderingsmått som mäter riskjusterad avkastning.

Ro iland RO : En studie om användandet av reala optioner i Sverige

Bakgrund: Länge har paybackmetoden, nettonuvärdesmetoden och andra diskonteringsmetoder haft en ledande ställning när företag gör sina investeringsbedömningar. Metoderna har fått kritik för att inte ta hänsyn till beslutsfattarnas flexibilitet och på så sätt underskatta värdet av en investering.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda i vilken utsträckning svenska företag använder sig av reala optioner och förklara varför metoden inte används i större utsträckning. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att förklara varför användningen skiljer sig mellan USA och Sverige. Ytterligare ett syfte är att undersöka vilka kapitalbudgeteringsmetoder som används i Sverige idag .Metod: I uppsatsen har främst en kvantitativ metod använts i form av en enkätundersökning. Metoden kompletterades senare med den kvalitativa metoden, då i form av en intervju med en användare av reala optioner.Slutsatser: Payback- och DCF-metoden dominerar fortfarande bland de svenska företagen.

Baklava och baguette : En studie av handelsutvecklingen mellan Turkiet och EU

In this study we examine trade patterns between Turkey and 13 member states of the European Union and how these have developed over the time period of 1983 ? 2006. To represent the industrial and agricultural goods included in the study we look at the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Following, we investigate internal differences in the EU by selecting four countries each to represent the Northern and Southern countries of the EU. Internal differences were studied in relation to the amount of trade occurring between Turkey and the Northern and Southern countries.

Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar

This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.

Nobel och August på biblioteket ? Bibliotekariers attityder och förhållningssätt gentemot litterära priser

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine attitudes and standpoints amongst librarians at the Swedish public library towards literary awards and awarded literature. The questions posed in the study are: What attitudes are expressed amongst these librarians towards the Nobel Prize in literature, the August Prize and literary awards and awarded literature in general? What significance do the Nobel Prize in literature, the August Prize and other literary awards have concerning purchase and display at these public libraries? How is awarded literature perceived and how do they talk about it concerning quality and are questions of quality significant? Qualitative interviews with seven librarians at four different public libraries have been done. Theories regarding J?rgen Habermas the bourgeois public sphere and Pierre Bourdieu?s terms habitus, field and capital have been used as to explain the library as a public sphere.

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