

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 59 av 69

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling.

This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools? role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels ? since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg?s stages of moral development (with teachers? evaluations of students? capacity as a reference point of the students? actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan?s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different ?shapes of understanding?).

Målstyrning som motiverar : En studie om hur chefer motiverar medarbetarna i målstyrningsprocessen

Socialt arbete i Sverige bedrivs inom offentlig samt privat regi och är underordnad politisk styrning. Inom de offentliga förvaltningarna finansierar politikerna förvaltningarna som bed-rivs utan vinstintresse och arbetar för att implementera politiska idéer och visioner i arbetet. Alla verksamheter under politisk styrning arbetar efter olika samhällsuppdrag där olika mål ska implementeras för att vidareutveckla verksamheterna och anpassas efter de förändringar som sker i samhället.Studiens syfte var att ta reda på hur enhetschefer inom Socialtjänsten motiverar sina medarbe-tare att arbeta med de politiska verksamhetsmålen. Studiens empiriska material samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra enhetschefer inom Socialtjänsten i Halmstad. Därefter tolkades empirin genom en hermeneutisk ansats för att få en förståelse för materialet.

Den auktoriserade redovisningskonsulten : I skuggan av revisorn?

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

IT-implementering inom svenska banker : En flerfallstudie med fokus på användarna och önskade effekter

The society of today is overflowed with information and commercials. There is a thick media noise that the marketers finds hard to penetrate. Bearing this in mind, we can see that Event Marketing, witch is marketing through events, has grown to be a popular form of communication as it has an ability to work its way through the existing media noise. Through events a company can strengthen its brand and image as well as form a lasting relationship with its consumers. What other functions does Event Marketing possess? In what context is Event Marketing an appropriate marketing strategy to use? These are two questions that we aim to answer through this essay.To be able to answer these questions we interviewed the marketing manager of two different companies, L´oréal and TeliaSonera.

Hur projektledare påverkas av att arbeta i multiprojektmiljöer. : En studie om multiprojektmiljöers inverkan på projektledares inner work life.

Att bedriva projekt som projektledare har genom tidens gång haft olika innebörd. Förr kunde det exempelvis handla om att bygga pyramider, medan det i dagsläget istället kan handla om implementering av IT-system hos organisationer. Under de senaste decennierna har projekt blivit den vanligaste formen för utförande av organisatoriska aktiviteter inom både industrin och offentlig förvaltning. Cirka 90 % av alla projekt som bedrivs i dagsläget sker även under parallella förhållanden, där en organisation utför fler projekt samtidigt, något som har gett upphov till så kallade multiprojektmiljöer. Tidigare forskning vittnar om ett flertal negativa konsekvenser som uppstår i multiprojektmiljöer, med fokus på tre karaktärsdrag: tidspress med dess snäva deadlines, fragmentering då en och samma projektledare har hand om flera projekt samtidigt, samt resurskonflikter då resurser inom organisationen delas av flera projektledare och linjeenheterna. Studiens syfte är att tillämpa Amabile och Kramers (2011) koncept om inner work life, för att utforska hur projektledare påverkas av att arbeta i så kallade multiprojektmiljöer.

Piratkopiering - en oändlig historia?

Abstrakt (svenska)Bakgrund: Piratkopieringen bara ökar och ökar. Program-, spel- och musikbranschen har idag stora problem. En i stort sett okunnig användare kan fixa en nyutgiven skiva innan den nått butikerna på grund av piratkopieringen. Detta problem möjliggörs genom att ingen bra lösning finns i form av fungerande kopieringsskydd samt att fildelningstjänsterna får stort spelrum. Vi går in specifikt och undersöker musikbranschen.Syfte: Fördjupa oss i begreppet piratkopiering.

Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie

With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.

Participatory public art projects in run down residential areas - a discussion on how to run the process

Participation, public art and participatory public art as phenomenons and subjects have been studied and discussed. With interviews and observations as a base, we have studied projects and discussed participation, effect and quality in relation to these. Furthermore we have looked at how the participatory art processes work in Sweden and England. This essay seeks to discuss the process of participatory public art and to emphasize the elements contributing to the quality of this process. It is up to us as planners to recognize the possibilities for a qualitative place. To mediate between different interests, for example between politicians and stakeholders, between economics and quality, between the place and its users, between individuals and the community, and in our case between artists, users and the municipality. Public art has gone from being about the product, an art piece, to becoming more of a process, from non interactive to interactive. Participation ranges from receiving information to play an active part in the process. Four cases have been studied, taken both from Sweden and England, showing the diversity of processes connected to Participatory Public Art. From interviews conducted in Sweden and England information and thoughts have been received and they show a higher degree of use of participatory public art in England, and also a higher consciousness.

Distribuerad öppenhet : En studie av konceptualiseringen av öppenhet inom open access-rörelsen

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Mervärdeskapande i traditionell livsmedelshandel : En fallstudie inom den svenska dagligvaruhandeln

Background: It has been shown that companies that lived under protected conditions for a long time have had difficulties to adapt to major changes. With that in mind an even more extensive low-cost competition in the Swedish grocery market will make a threat for the traditional grocery stores' long-term survival. The question then becomes, which strategies will be successful and lead to higher customer loyalty.Problem: Are the traditional grocery stores using strategies that can compete in addition to pricing and will those strategies lead to long-term survival?Objective: Is to analyse and evaluate two traditional grocery stores' strategies and to examine whether these are consistent with customer demand.Approach: First we have created a more fundamental understanding of the situation in the Swedish grocery market. Then we have implemented two interviews in each grocery store.

APPLE : Abnormala avkastningar på Apple Inc av diverse händelser?

This paper treats the question about how the internationally established company, Apple, is affected by intern or extern events when it comes to the trade market. The purpose of the study is to investigate if chosen events create abnormal return on Apples stock market. The chosen research area is Steve Jobs three sick-listings, It-bubble and the purchase of the search engine company Siri. The reason of writing about this is the big interest for the stock market and its function.This study methodological starting position is quantitative done by an event study, with qualitative feature done by an interview with an expertise within this area. When analyzing the empirics, we have used the efficient market theory that says that information should not affect the stock market in the degree that abnormal return creates.

Voluntary Redundancy - A tool for restructuring or a temporary pain reliever?

This thesis has two aims: The main purpose is to describe and illustrate how a large Ltd. company can use voluntary redundancy as a tool for restructuring. The additional purpose is to challenge the concept of voluntary redundancy trough outlining alternative ways of reaching the intended achievements of the voluntary redundancy programme. The theoretical framework that has been used primarily contains knowledge assets theories. The chosen theories are intellectual capital and knowledge management theory to approach and analyse the empirical findings.

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions:? Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic?? How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test?In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts.

En kvalitativ studie om vad chefens utländska bakgrund har för betydelse i arbetet som första linjens chef inom äldreomsorgen

Med bakgrund till den tidigare forskningen som pekar på en ojämlik arbetsförutsättning och en stark underrepresentation av människor med utländsk bakgrund som intagit chefspositioner har intresset till denna studie väckts. Det är ett viktigt område att studera med tanke på den stora andelen människor som invandrar eller invandrat till Sverige och som ska ta del av det nya landet och samhället. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka personliga erfarenheter från första linjens chefer som arbetar inom kommunal äldreomsorgen och hur de upplever att deras utländska bakgrund kan ha betydelse i rollen som chef. I föreliggande studie har antidiskriminering och intersektionalitet använts som teoretiska ramverk för denna uppsats. Antidiskriminerande arbete hjälper oss att förstå innebörden av diskriminering, inkludering och exkludering medan intersektionalitet hjälper oss att förstå sambanden i hur olika maktordningar samverkar i ett samhälle. Genom att kombinera dessa teorier får vi en bredare förståelse för uppsatsens frågeställning. För att komma närmare syftet i studien har kvalitativ metod använts och det hermeneutiska perspektivet varit en utgångspunkt, där intervjuer varit förutsättningen för denna studie. Sex chefer med utländsk bakgrund har intervjuats. Resultaten från studien visar att den utländska bakgrunden som chef har betydelse i vissa fall.

"Mer chef än ledare skulle jag säga" : En studie om ledarskap och motivation som är präglat av en trepartsrelation.

Syfte: Syftet med studien var att skapa förståelse för hur konsultchefers ledarskap blir präglat a trepartsrelationen som uppstår när det är två parter som är ansvariga för en konsult. Vi ville skapa oss en inblick i hur konsultcheferna leder sina konsulter och hur de arbetar för att motivera dem. Vidare ville vi skaffa oss en uppfattning över hur konsulterna upplever situationen.Metodik: Studien har genomförts i form av en fallstudie på två bemanningsföretag med utgångspunkt i en induktiv forskningsansats. Data har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer på fallföretagen har genomförts.Slutsats och slutdiskussion: Genom studien har det framkommit att trepartsrelationen är ett komplext fenomen där chefen inte ses som den traditionella ledaren utan snarare som en administratör. Genom trepartsrelationen har det framkommit att problem kan uppstå då konsultchefernas roll blir likt medlare istället för chef.

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