

1031 Uppsatser om Shape Manager - Sida 58 av 69

Kons fertilitet : kostnader och åtgärder

To get a good economy on the dairy farms the fertility control of heifers and cows is a crucial factor. It is also important to know which key parameters that should be tracked. In this work well established routines for heat detection have to be applied. When the dairy farmers use technical aid in estrus control it is important not to forget that technical aids can not replace the human eye. Approximately 50 % of all opportunities to inseminate are missed because clear signs of estrus have not been displayed and/or recorded. The cattle fertility has been declining over recent years. During the same time the cow?s proceeds have increased, consequently applying a higher pressure on the cow and the manager.

Kostnader att ta hänsyn till i samband med implementering av nytt ERP system

Abstract ? ?Costs to consider in connection with the implementation of a new ERP system?Date: January 8th 2013Level: Master thesis in business administration, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Sanna Hellblom-BjörnTitle: Costs to consider in connection with the implementation of a new ERP systemTutor: Cecilia LindhKeywords: ERP-system, business system, implementation, implementation costsResearch question: What costs and issues should companies take into account in order to  establish a realistic budget in connection with the implementation of a new ERP system, and increase the chances for a successful implementation?Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to investigate the hidden costs that may arise in connection with the implementation of an ERP system that companies should take into account in order to establish a realistic budget. The paper will also examine how companies can reduce their costs and affect the outcome of the implementation. It should be investigated by means of interviews, reports and articles.Method: In order to answer the question in the paper secondary data is collected in the form of articles, books and reports. Primary data was collected through interviewing a company that has implemented a new business system, a company that performs implementations and a Senior manager of ERP Services.

Analys av linjetaxering i samband med gallringsinventering med avseende på kvalitet, tillförlitlighet och framtida utformning

Modern forest owners are very familiar with forest management and forest economics. Therefore they have high demands for quality in forest operations. Guarantee of quality in the shape of self-checking activities is an important tool to guarantee a well managed forestry operation. To meet the forest owners? demands on guarantee of quality and the entrepreneurs wish of an easy method for self-checking, the forest owners association, Södra skogsägarna, has developed a new method for thinning inventory. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the method that is used for self-checking and to find ways to develop and improve of the method. The data has been collected by inventory in a number of stands with circle-area survey and with strip survey, which is method that is used for self-checking. The results show that the strip survey does not diverge more than ±10 % in measuring values of basal area, number of stems, roads share, thinning quotient, outtake of basal area and total volume compared to circle-area survey.

Formgivning av funktion : De potentiella skydden

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Prestationsmätningar och Realtidsvisualisering på Sectra Mamea

Sectra Mameas is a medical technology company in an expansive phase that is planning to increase its volume capacity with 50 % in the beginning of 2009. This to be able to deliver the increased number of systems that the customers request. To be able to produce more units the takt time of the assembly line needs to be shortened. This could only be done by identifying and solving recurring problems. To be able to find the problems, create a common knowledge of which these are and eliminate them the production department of Sectra Mamea needs to visualize certainKey Performance Indicators (KPI) in the organization.

Stress i hemtjänsten : En studie om enhetschefers hantering av stress hos vårdpersonalen

Abstract A qualitative study of stress management within geriatric care Authors: Hildingsson, Emelie & Magnusson, JessicaSupervisor: Hjorth Aronsson, Christina Essay topic related to stress and stress management in the geriatric care. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the unit managers, within care of elderly, in their role as manager and leader handle possible stress reactions among its nursing staff. Our purpose will generate the following issues;         How does the employer discover stress among the employees?        In what way is the stress taken care of among the geriatric care staff?What opportunities are there to prevent stress?The study is based on a qualitative research method. As a data collection method we've used semi-structured interviews and we have implemented them in five female heads in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden.

Om att bygga landsbygd - ett ruralt planeringsexperiment i Botkyrka :

I have studied the suburban municipality of Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, from a rural perspective. Through that I`ve compared how countryside comes into being with the planning and building of suburbs. I have looked for a definition of Countryside, and found that it is often explained or defined in negative terms, as what it is not. In that it says nothing about what it really is, or about the qualitiies it has to it. Botkyrka is a suburb, but it does in large parts consist of countryside. Apart from defining countryside and rural I´ve been searching for a definition of suburbia, of it´s structure and the mental picture we have of it as a cultural phenomena. In order to understand the role that suburbs have in planning I describe their history from Italian renaissance villas to sprawl. By opposing urban and rural, modern urban planning and how rural areas are created, I´ve come to a definition of rural planning and the making of countryside. To make countryside, planning and building should come from individual needs and desires. A relationship to the surroundings based on continous interaction between the human beeing and it´s environment, a constant process of shaping and reshaping. To put my thoughts to the ground I have collected examples of projects and ideas, that fits into my view of what rural planning and making countryside is all about. They are put in different categories according to the possibilities of influence and to what degree it is put into private hands. The first category is ?allemansrätten?, every mans right. That is the rigt to use private land as long as you don´t disturb or destroy.

Korttidssjukfrånvaron Vård och Omsorg Öster : vad kan den bero på och hur skulle den kunna minskas

The health care sector Öster has the highest average absence due to short-time sickness in Örebro. It is the short-term absence that has the highest costs for the organisation, not just in money, but also in quality disturbances and administrative work. Health care sector Öster is divided into four areas with a manager for each. We have chosen to conduct our research within the special housings in area one and four, since these two had the lowest and highest short-term absences.The purpose with the research is to examine short-term absences among the health care personnel in the health care sector Öster, see what the absences depend on, and what can be done to solve the issue. We will compare the absences in the area with the highest respectively lowest short-term absences in order to see if there are any prominent differences between the two.

Egna varumärken inom kött- och charkuteribranschen :

Many grocery stores have products marked whit there private brands. The information about these brands is poor. We wanted to find out what the stores own brands stand for and what the manager of purchase thinks it stands for. We choose to concentrate on meat and cured meat and limit our study to ICA, Axfood and Coop because they are the three main actors in the Swedish branch of grocery. The supplier has traditionally manufactured products and made there own brands. These products have been distributed and sold to the consumer thru stores.

Arbetsuppgifter och ledarskap hos en första linjens chef i kommunal äldremsorg : a single case study

?BAKGRUND: Antalet multisjuka äldre personer ökar och ett omfattande vårdbehov kan skönjas. Vårdens organisation och hur den fylls med innehåll påverkar relationen till patienten. Ledarskapsstilen påverkar upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse och den kultur som vårdpersonalen skapar tillsammans avgör livskvalitet och vårdandets kvalitet för patienten. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att utifrån semistrukturerad observation beskriva arbetsinnehållet och ledarskap för en första linjens chef inom kommunal äldreomsorg.

Släng inte maten - ge bort den!

Every year, thousands tons of edible food are discarded by the grocery stores. This is food that could have gone to people that?s in need of it. In many countries, so called food banks are established in order to supply welfare organizations with this kind of food. Today there is no equivalent system existing in Sweden.

Fornlämningskategori: : Fornborg - en diskussion om terminologi, forskningstradition och variation med fokus på de gotländska höjdanläggningarna

This thesis concerns the Gotlandic hill-forts (sw. fornborg) situated on a cliff or in an elevated position and which traditionally have been referred to as cliff-forts (sw. klintborg/höjdborg). The study derives from the notion that these monuments, diverse in size and shape, by archaeologists have been viewed and treated as a homogeneous category of ancient remains. The author?s key aim is to challenge this perception by identifying various subcategories from the 28 cliff-forts on the island.Ever since the archaeological discipline initiated the study of cliff-forts in the late 1800s and more or less to present day, the interpretations have been almost solely dominated by explanations of the military and defendable nature of them.

Analys och utveckling av inbyggda GPS-applikationer f¨or anv¨andning inom fordonsindustrin

This thesis is a part of the DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive System)project which has the overall purpose of creating a middleware for the electronics in an automotive environment. The thesis has been made with collaboration with ENEA AB who is a member of the DySCAS project. ENEA AB has developed a demonstration platform to test the fundamental ideas which the DySCAS project is built on.The purpose of this thesis was to design and implement a GPS application to be added to the demonstration platform. This was done by adding a GPS receiver to the original DySCAS demonstration platform and designing and implementing an application to be able to extract the information from it. The resulting application is able to present cur- rent position and absolute time to the DySCAS networks as services to be used by other applications or by the network it self.

En undersökning av miljöbedömning för RUFS 2010

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Socialt stöd, krav och kontroll den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på ett bemanningsföretag

AbstractComing to new job is not that easy, sometimes the feeling of insecurity appears. Working for recruitment agencies includes constant changes of colleagues and places of work and at the same time one has two different managers. Who does the individual turn to when problems occur and who do the employed see as his/her manager? Why do people search for work in recruitment agencies? How does it feel not having a fixed place of work or colleagues and how do the aspects of this affect the employed psychosocial work environment? This is a few questions asked when we tried to find answers on the employed feelings about his/hers psychosocial work environment in a recruitment agency. The purpose of this study was to find a deeper understanding on employees working in a recruitment agency experiences their psychosocial work environment on the basis of social support, demands and control.

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