5208 Uppsatser om Sexual experience - Sida 19 av 348
????????????Pedagogers syn på utomhuspedagogik
The purpose of the research is to find out how the teacher of the pre-school looks at the value of the nature Pre-school. To get an understanding of what the nature pre-school enviorment can bring, we are talking about learning, knowledge, and experience combined with the everyday lessons learned from the natural world. The research is a stepping stone on the pre-school teacher?s thoughts and reflections of what a nature pre-school is. This is grounded in a view of how having options for alternative schools lead to wider research, and all conclusions where formed after multiple interviews and analysis.The results showed that the teachers involved are very positive to the nature pre-school environment and learning process.
Utveckling och lärande genom fri lek i förskolan
Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.
Hokus Fokus - gestaltning och utformning av rum för barn i sjukhusmiljö
In this project I have worked with creating a new kind of room in a hospital enviroment for children. The main purpose of the project has been to form a secure and positive experience for the patient while visiting a specific room at the department of childrens physiologi, at Drottning Silvias Children- and youth hospital in Gothenburg.The project was based on questions like how it is possible to move the focus from the unsecure and scary, to something secure and positive, when the patient is going through an testing situation.The target gruop included a wide age span (0-16 years old), therefore I have worked with a theme, H2O, that works for diffrent ages. In the room, I have applicated the theme in different levels that is changeable depending on the age of the patient.During the project I have presented my ideas for the staff at the hospital. We have discussed their problems, what they wish in their working enviroment and how they experience the situation for the patients. I have also asked the patients how they experience the specific room today.The result of the project is a visual idea of how you can create a room, that you don?t exepect to find in a hospital..
Elevers stress : En studie på grundskolans senare år om elevers upplevelser av stress och hur de tror att man kan reducera den
Students? experience of stress is generally considered to be an isolated problem, caused by school work. Students? experience of stress at school can also be affected by exterior influences.This research aims to discover what factors Swedish students, age 13 ? 16, experience as stressful. It also aims to describe how students believe this stress can be reduced.
Föräldrastress hos föräldrar till förskolebarn med och utan en funktionsnedsättning: Upplevelse av barnets påverkan på familjesituationen
Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.
?Roll up! Roll up for The Magical Mystery Tour!? : om upplevelseindustrin i The Beatles Liverpool
During the 19th centaury Liverpool was an industrial city of great magnitude owing to the well-established communication and infrastructure in the area. During the 1950?s the industry decrease swiftly - and although Liverpool as a city gain interest as a result of the sensation of the Merseybeat and The Beatles - the reduction continued through the 70?s and during the 80?s the people of Liverpool suffered from great unemployment. Today Liverpool is a post-industrial city with a growing experience economy that mainly benefits from The Beatles tourism and the Merseybeat-era. The focus of these studies is the experience economy in Liverpool as a result of globalization and production in the late modernity.
"Man får mycket gratis med en öppen attityd" : Projektledarens upplevelse av kundrelationen i kundorderprojekt
The purpose of this paper has been to describe the project manager's experience of the customer relationship in customer order projects. A qualitative interview study has been conducted in which seven project managers were interviewed. A thematic analysis resulted in four overall themes. The results showed the importance of a clear, responsive and open communication as well as a large degree of customization to meet the customer the best way as possible. The experience was also characterized by a dynamic relationship and the importance of the customer's expectations.
Bedömningsmatriser i Idrott och hälsa : En studie av läraresuppfattningar
In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.
Yippie Kay Yay Motherfucker : En uppsats om den manliga protagonisten i amerikansk 80-tals actionfilm
For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.
"Vi etniska svenskar tänker att det här är ett importerat problem": en kritisk granskning av RFSL Rådgivningen Skånes arbete med ungdomar som utsätts och riskerar att utsättas för hedersrelaterat våld på grund av sin sexuella läggning.
This study has dealt with a phenomena that is regarded as new in the Swedish context of social work called honour related violence because of sexual orientation. The purpose was to critically examine a project that offers a variation of assistance for individuals between 13 and 25 years of age who suffers from the above. The project mentioned is run by an organisation called RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne. The aim was to examine the practice and to gain knowledge concerning the target group and relate it to that described by the project. Another aim for the study was to look into how the employees and the author of a report that is commonly used as background material in the practice used the complicated terms involved in the field and how that may effect the individuals that are the target for the resources.
Upplevelse av stress och lärande relaterat till KASAM och fysisk aktivitet : en enkätstudie till gymnasieelever
Public health is important to many areas of society. It is important to have different goals to focus the work with health promotion in different sectors, one such area is the school. In the society of today there are a lot of public health issues like stress, overweight and physical inactivity. To experience well-being physical activity, sense of coherence (SOC) and the individual experience of stress have important functions. School is an important part of the student?s learning, development and socialisation.
Skolsköterskans arbete med fysisk aktivitet.
AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.
Lev fort och dö ung. En litteraturstudie om unga män och sexuellt riskbeteende
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att problematisera det faktum att unga män söker till landets ungdomsmottagningar (UM) i mycket mindre utsträckning än unga kvinnor. Genom att analysera 12 vetenskapliga artiklar på området unga män och sexualitet söktes det svar på hur de unga männen själva ser på sin egen betydelse för att minska STI och oönskade graviditeter. Det undersöktes också om det finns stora könsskillnader eller skillnader mellan olika grupper när det gäller inställning till preventivmedel, samt hur man som barnmorska på UM kan tydliggöra sitt arbete med unga män utifrån deras behov. Det som framkom var dels att preventivmedelsanvändningen är ett komplext område och att hormonella preventivmedel kan se som ett hinder för killar att använda kondom, att kunskaperna om STI är varierande och ofta bristfälliga, att riskbeteende var större i vissa grupper och att ungdomsmottagningen är en viktig arena för ungas reproduktiva och sexuella hälsa och att det krävs kunskap och engagemang av personalen för att nå killarna. Titeln på arbetet ? Lev fort och dö ung ? syftar till den undergrupp av unga killar som inte bara utsätter sig för stora risker vad gäller den sexuella hälsan utan som också uppvisar ett återkomande riskbeteende vad gäller trafik, alkohol, tobak och droger.
Representationen av genus : En semiotisk studie av Tom Fords Gucci kampanj 2003 samt Frida Gianninis Gucci kampanj 2013
Title: The representation of gender: A semiotic study of Tom Ford's Gucci campaign 2003 and Frida Gianninis Gucci Campaign 2013.Number of pages: 73 (79 including enclosures)Author: Sara AndréassonTutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communication Studies D (2IV091) Period: VT 2013 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.Purpose/ Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the representation of gender in advertising that has both men and women as the primary audience. The aim of the study was to investigate how Gucci has chosen to represent men and women in their advertising campaigns 2003 and 2013.Material/ Method: A semiotic analysis was performed by using three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Tom Ford in 2003, and three images from Gucci's spring/ summer campaign for Frida Giannini in 2013.Main result: The results showed that there was a clear difference between Ford and Gianninis ways of representing women and men in the two advertising campaigns. The women in Fords campaign 2003 are presented as sexual objects and represented by the male pornographic imagination and portrayed as sexual eye-catchers while the men are portrayed as addicted to sex. Frida Gianninis advertising images is a contrast of Ford pornographic portrayal of women. Giannini presents women as confident individuals while the man is represented as feminized and androgynous in his appearance. .
"Jag är bättre än så" : En studie om hur stimatisering- och stämplingsprocesser kan påverka föredetta kriminella mäns anpassningsmöjligheter i samhället.
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to look into how ex-offenders experience that stigmatization and labeling- processes might affect their possibilities to create an integrated and adapted life in society. It is also of interest to study how and if the interviewees experience their self-image to be affected by these processes. Our research-questions are:- How do ex-offender males experience stigmatization and labeling-processes to impact their possibilities when trying to re-integrate into society?- Do ex-offender males experience their self-image being affected by stigmatization and labeling-processes? If so, how are they affected? In order to achieve this we interviewed members of the organization KRIS in Örebro, where we selected males over 23 years of age with a prior prison sentence. The study is based on the labeling-theory of Howard Becker as well as the stigma-theory by Erving Goffman.In the conclusions derived from the results we found that the interviewees experience a more distinct and obvious stigmatization and labeling from authorities such as the police and the legal system, than that from other people in society.