

8373 Uppsatser om Selling process - Sida 29 av 559

Effektivare produktionsarbete med BIM som arbetssätt på Skanska Väg och Anläggning region Stockholm

The author of this report has created a Web-based invoice system and CRM at therequest of the company Webhouse.se. The purpose of the System is to makeeveryday tasks in the company easier. The system also needed to prevent mistakesand errors by managing orders and invoices.The system has been created with the company?s requests in focus. During thedevelopment of the system information security and interaction design have beenimportant aspects that have been taken into consideration.The system has been created using techniques such as PHP and MYSQL.

Hållbara projekteringsverktyg : Från byggnadsinformationsmodell till simulering ? en utvärdering av Revit och Virtual Environment

This study examines the use of building modeling and energy simulations in the design process  of  a  building.  The  take-off  point  is  the  notion  of  energy  simulations  being needed early and throughout the building design process, and that the lack of energy simulations may be explained by the fact that they are time consuming and therefore often too expensive. A greater interoperability between software tools used by relevant disciplines,  such  as  the  architect  and  the  energy  specialist,  would  create  smoother workflows, which would reduce this cost and open up for more frequent and iterative energy  simulation  processes.  The  study  is  an  assessment  of  the  modeling  tool  Revit and  the  simulation  tool  Virtual  Environment  and  whether  they  can  create  smoother workflows, and make leeway for a more frequent use of energy simulations throughout the  design  process.  It  also  investigates  the  limitations  of  what  can  be  examined  by simulations in Virtual Environment. This will hopefully help clarify the future role of energy  simulations  in  design  processes.  The  method  is  a  trial  by  error  approach  of testing the two software tools by building and simulating a model. The results of these tests  show  that  the  workflow  is  not  optimal  (and  therefore  time  consuming)  for frequent  and  iterative simulations  throughout the  design  process,  but  it  also  reveals some  great  possibilities  of  what  can  be  performed  with  these  two  powerful  tools  at hand.  Further  development  with  regards  on  platform  independency  of  the  building information  model,  including  seamless  exporting  and  importing,  seems  necessary  to strengthen the future role of energy simulations..

Reverse engineering : En processkartläggning på reverse engineering

Alstom Power Sweden AB in Norrköping isexpanding their business in the presentsituation and has implemented aprocedure for reverse engineering as apart of this work. Reverse engineeringat Alstom is an extensive procedurethat is calculated to be performedunder very time demanding conditions.This thesis is a continued exertion ofthe implementation process in order toidentify and describe the mostimportant process steps in purpose to beable to manage and improve theprocess.This thesis was written with twoprimary objectives. The first was todescribe and map out the procedure torecreate technical data of a turbineblade, based on a validation of thereverse engineering process that hasbeen performed at Alstom in Norrköping.The second purpose was to describe thekey factors to achieve successful usageof reverse engineering that have beennoticed in the literature study.The work is based on a literature studyon the subject reverse engineeringwhich produced the theoreticalknowledge of the method to reproducetechnical data to a product. Theliterature study has also led to adescription of reverse engineering froma legal perspective to clarify how farit is allowed to apply the methodaccording to the patent laws. With theliterature study as support and furtherhelp and guidance from individualswithin the reverse engineering unit atAlstom, a complete picture andunderstanding of the process has beenproduced and documented..

Betjäningskostnader i olika distributionskanaler: En fallstudie av ett svenskt bokförlag

In a time of economic turmoil and financial crisis profitability matters rise higher and higher on company agendas. Many companies are pressured to find profitability to avoid layoffs or even bankruptcy. Profitability essentially depends on the margin on the product or service sold and the costs associated with selling these products or services and hence these areas are of vital importance if companies are to improve profitability. Previous research has focused, for the most part, on product profitability while customer profitability has received less attention. This study is based on a case study of a Swedish publishing house and aims to investigate how the company?s Cost-to-Serve varies between its distribution channels.

Integrering av ekodesign i produktutvecklingsprocessen hos Blå Station

Eco-design is all about improving products environmental performances throughout the products lifecycle by including the environmental aspect into the product development process. There are a large number of different tools that can be used for this, but there are several factors that can affect which one will be the best to use. Some tools for eco-design takes comprehensive studies and can only be performed by experts, while some tools can be used more time- and cost efficient and with basic knowledge. The choice of tool should be based on the company?s situation.This report describes the research of how the design and furniture company Blå Station could include a tool for eco-design in their product development process.

Positionering av industriella tjänster

This thesis aims to investigate the positioning concept of industrial services. We chose to identify the reasons why positioning is used as well as to describe the positioning process. The research strategy chosen for this thesis was a case study of a consultancy firm Benima AB. This firm was chosen due to the fact that a new positioning concept during the latest year hade been implemented and therefore seemed like a good choice for our study. Of the six available theoretical reasons for positioning, we found that Benima AB had two of them: namely change in target market or their needs and demands and renewed company identity/personality.

Produktionseffektivisering av arbetsmoment inom byggsektorn En tidsstudie för standardisering av arbetssätt

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Från ax till limpa : Verksamhetsprocessen vid framtagande av applikationer till handdatorer på Fazer Bageri AB

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a broad discipline that studies different concerns regarding interactive systems? development. One of the major interest points within the discipline is the reasoning behind building specific functionality into computers and the long-term effects that usage of systems will have on humans.Within Human Computer Interaction there are theories and frameworks how to involve a user in the process of developing new systems. In this paper focus is applied to the development process within developing applications for Enterprice Digital Assistants (EDA) and to what extent the end-users are involved in the process. Fazer Bageri AB has been choosen to represent a business corporation that uses handheld computers in their everyday tasks.The method used to gather information for this study has been by performing interviews and observations with key stakeholders at Fazer Bageri AB and MobiOne AB.

Hur tillgodoses barnets bästa på bästa sätt i svensk rätt?

This is a qualitative study which purpose is to examine the experiences of the recovery process after a treatment for eating disorders.                                                         The questions we have decided to examine are; how did the women adapt to a healthier life after treatment, what are the women's perceived experiences of the aspects related to identity and identity work, and what external social influence was seen as important for their adjustment process to a healthier life?Methods: We have used computer-supported and semi-structured interviews. There were a total of nine women who took part in the study.                                                                                                                    Results: Majority of these women have been recovered from their eating disorders, but some still have major or minor problems. They found it rather difficult to adjust their life's without an eating disorder.Conclusions: Increased self-awarness led to greater control over the eating disorder. The women could begin to confer the new features that they identified with.

Konstbok med känsla för Norrland

Norrland - en vacker, harmonisk plats med öppna vyer, fjälltoppar, ljusa sommarnätter, industrier och metertjock snö. Men hur kan man visa upp detta på ett nytt sätt? Syftet med vår konstbok är att visa upp Norrland på ett sätt som inte tidigare gjorts i hopp om att inspirera andra att se möjligheterna och skönheten i en del av Sverige som ofta är underskattad. Vi kommer under följande sidor guida er igenom en långdragen process, från start till mål, vid skapande av något nytt. En process fylld av samarbete, inspiration, fotograferande, illustrerande, poesi och glädje.

Standardiserat utförande och förbättring av avropsprocessen : En fallstudie på Balco AB

Course: Degree project in logistics, 4FE05E, spring 2013Author: Maria WennbergSupervisor: Petra AnderssonExaminer: Helena ForslundTitle: Standardization and improvement of the outbound process execution Background: Transportation represents a critical part of companies? logistics. Special management and control is needed when using a third party logistics. Balco uses a third party logistics for their deliveries of balcony parts and before it takes place the outbound process is executed. Currently, Balco experience difficulties with the process? many ways to be performed by the project managers and logistics department.

Effektiv kunskapsöverföring : Utredning av en avdelnings situation på ABB Robotics

The pace of product development is increasing. It is important to keep high quality in theproducts even though the time for product development decreases. Those companies whichcan utilize previous experiences are positioned with a significant competitive advantage. ToABB Robotics it has become evident that the knowledge transfer process within the productdevelopment department is inadequate. This study was a result and an attempt to address thisunsatisfactory insight.

NATO 1989-2015 : NATO:s säkerhetpolitiska arbetsprocessfrån 1989 till 2015 sett utifrån Berlinmurensfall och konflikten i Afghanistan

The main purpose with the essay is to look into NATO and annalise how the organisation haschanged it´s security policy work process today 2015, seen from two different world eventsduring the period 1989-2015, the collapse of the Berlin wall and war in Afghanistan. Purposeand issuses also apply based on two theories Anarchymodel and World society model. In orderto highlight two different ways to see NATO:s security policy work process over time untilthe present day.Issues:? How did the fall of Berlin wall in 1989 change NATO:s security policy work process?? How did the war in Afghanistan in 2001 change NATO:s security policy work process?The essay is a qualitative method literature review describing NATO as an organisation andworld events that had impact on NATO over time.The result show that NATO has shifled it´s borders further fast because ?new? membercountries from the former Soviet Union are party members. NATO has moved closer toRussia, and increased in momentum.

Triangeldrama: Samarbetet mellan bibliotekspersonal, högskolerepresentanter och arkitekter i planeringen av högskolebibliotek.

This study investigates the planning process of a university library building. The study s major concern is the cooperation of the main participants in this process: librarians, architects and representatives of university colleges and universities. First the authors present the readers with an overview of the litterature concerning this subject. Then follows a presentation of the three case studies. The authors have interviewed representatives of the three different occupational groups at three different library-building projects: Malmö University, Halmstad University College and the department of social- and behavioural studies at Lund University.

Fastighetsmäklartjänster på nätet : en fallstudie av Adirekta, A-mäklarna och HemOnline

To purchase a house or an apartment is often one of the major personal financial commitments for a person. In 2005, 84% of the homeowners sold their homes using a estate agency. During 2006 several new opportunities appeared on the market, giving the homeowners more of a choice in what way to sell their homes. Media describes the alternatives in general ?as the agents on the Internet?.

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