

640 Uppsatser om Second-parent adoption - Sida 16 av 43

En studie av två invänjnings-modeller i förskolan. :  3-dagars och två-veckors modellerna 

I have made a research about two different methods for introducing small children to Nursery School/Kindergarten. I choose to do this as I have found very little about this in the literature we have studied during my education to become a pre-school teacher.This period in the life of very small children and their parents is a big change in their daily life. The more traditional way to start pre-school is to do it very gradually during two weeks, the two-week method. This means that the parents visit the pre-school together with their child for a very short time, about one hour the first day. After one week they leave their child with the staff for about an hour and at the end of that week they try to leave it full time (6-8 hours).

På vilka grunder väljer föräldrar skola?

The study is made in Nacka, a suburb of the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, and focuses on ?the parental school choice" that takes place when children start in first grade at the age of six. New differences in the number of pupils attending various municipal schools have appeared after reforms in the early 1990s giving parents free choice of elementary school for their children. Some schools are located in areas where most children have a middle class background, while others are placed in less attractive surroundings where the parents have a lower educational status, and are more often immigrants. Parents living in the latter kind of surroundings can now send their children to schools further off, but located in more attractive areas. This leads to some schools get an increasing number of pupils and others gets a decreasing.

Informationsasymmetri och redovisning till verkligt värde - en studie av nordiska fastighetsföretag

This thesis aims to investigate the information effects of fair value accounting in Nordic real estate companies. As a consequence of the mandatory IFRS adoption in the European Union in 2005, listed Nordic companies are allowed to recognize investment property at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. Theory suggests that fair value accounting should lower information asymmetry. Therefore, this study aims to examine correlation between fair value accounting of investment property and information asymmetry on the stock market. To investigate this, we use bid-ask spread as a proxy for information asymmetry and examine Nordic real estate companies before and after the implementation of IFRS.

Jag är inte från mammas och pappas mage för jag är kines ? Förskolepedagogers resonemang kring adoptivbarn som förlorat sin anknytningsperson

BAKGRUND: Adopterade barn med anknytningssvårigheter är vanligare än mantror, numera är det lagstadgat att dessa barn har rätt till trygghet, bådei hemmet och på förskolan. Pedagogernas roll har fått större betydelsei barns utveckling och lärande, detta gör att vi bör vara medvetna ombarns olika uppväxt och bakgrund.SYFTE: Vi vill undersöka hur pedagoger i förskolan resonerar kringadopterade barn som förlorat sin primära anknytningsperson. Hurarbetar lärarna i förskolan med adoptivbarn som upplevt tidigaseparationer?METOD: Vi har i vår undersökning valt att använda oss av kvalitativaintervjuer.RESULTAT: Vår studie visar att vi har i våra intervjuer upptäckt att pedagoger iförskolan under sin utbildning inte fått någon information angåendeadopterade barn som varit med om tidiga separationer och därmedförlorat sin primära anknytningsperson. Sina kunskaper har de fåttfrån föräldrarna till de adopterade barn som de mött..

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Samverkan för barnets bästa : Yrkesverksammas erfarenheter kring samverkan i mottagandet av ensamkommande barn

Children and adolescents without a parent, or other representative, annually come to seek asylum in Sweden. In the work with unaccompanied children there are many actors who have different responsibilities and interaction between these actors is essential to meet the unaccompanied children?s needs. Our purpose with this study was to generate knowledge for professionals for a possible development in the receipt of unaccompanied children. We have conducted a qualitative study, through interviews with eight professionals.

Undersökning av självspridning av contortatallen i norra Sverige

Over the past 40 years 600 000 ha of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchf.) has been planted in Sweden (280 000 ha on SCA's forest land alone which represents about 15% of the company's total forest land area). In the early 70's SCA situated a number of experimental stands in order to investigate different aspects of the exotic tree, primarily growth rate. To be able to compare the two species plots with scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), this species was also planted at the same time and under the same conditions. A number of questions should always be raised when exotic species are introduced in an ecosystem. Invasiveness, the pathogen situation and purely ethical issues should be discussed.

Sociala interaktioner hos katter i grupphållning på ett svenskt katthem

Many homeless and private owned cats are relinquished to cat shelters. Shelters are often a very stressful place for cats and their welfare may be endangered. Today it is common that cats are housed in groups at cat shelters and there are some perceived problems in housing cats in groups. The social structure of the cat is very complex and although cats are basically solitary they can be kept in groups under the right conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate how cats in groups interact with each other at a cat shelter.

Ungdomars syn på könsroller : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur ungdomar uppfattar vad som är manligt respektive kvinnligt

This paper presents a study of the attitudes and values related to gender young people have. Five people, four women and one male, all about eighteen years old, were interviewed about their attitudes and values related to gender.Although the study is relatively small, the results are compatible with other published studies and indicate that young people, without consideration to their sex, has a very traditional view on gender. The study also indicates that the attitudes seem to be established very early in life. Probably the most important factor to determine the attitudes and values of the child is the parent's opinions. The result show that the interviewed persons did not think their attitudes and values towards gender where influenced by media, TV etc...

Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?

Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment toGNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name ofOpenSolaris. The business model of OpenSolaris belongs to the new and more commercially viable OpenSource, referred to as OSSg2. This survey was based on articles on the adoption of Open Source in organizationsand István Orci?s publication Kritiska IT-System.

Rengöring, desinfektion och förvaring avendoskop i djursjukvården

With a starting point in the legislation for organic production set up by the Swedishcertification organization KRAV, the reasons to why these regulations are important isexplained and how pigs are affected by these rules. The study also shows how well the pigscope in the organic environment considering the origin of the genetic material; from theconventional pig population. The conclusion is that pigs do function fairly well in the organicproduction environment and the traits affecting their functionality involve: motheringabilities, strong legs, good meat quality, good sow durability and longevity, capacity to eatmuch roughage and dark skin color. There are however still many ways of improving theorganic population of pigs to make them more adjusted to the organic environment; forexample different traits brought into the breeding goals and the choice of good parent animals..

Ett andra förstaspråk : En adopterad flickas språkbytesprocess

Den här studien undersöker en språkbytesprocess hos en 4-årig adopterad flicka några månader efter flytten till Sverige. Studien fokuserar på vilka strategier barnet använder för att kommunicera. De undersökta strategierna utgår från de Geers forskning (1992), där kommunikationsstrategier och inlärningsstrategier samt sociala strategier behandlas. Med utgångspunkt i resultatet diskuteras hur barnets språk kan relateras till modersmål eller förstaspråk respektive andraspråk.Vid sex tillfällen har barnets spontana kommunikation observerats och spelats in med hjälp av videokamera. Därefter har detta material transkriberats och analyserats.

?BARNETS BÄSTA? OCH DEN ?GODA FAMILJEN? : - en lokalhistorisk studie av adoptioner i Östersund, 1925-1934

Avsikten med denna studie är att undersöka meningen bakom ?barnets bästa? i adoptionsärenden under perioden 1925?1934 i Östersunds stad. Detta görs genom en arkivstudie av barnavårdsmannaakter och domslut kring adoptionsärendena. Adoptanterna framställs genomgående positivt och representerar den ?goda familjen?.

Is the modern pig suited for organicproduction environments?

With a starting point in the legislation for organic production set up by the Swedishcertification organization KRAV, the reasons to why these regulations are important isexplained and how pigs are affected by these rules. The study also shows how well the pigscope in the organic environment considering the origin of the genetic material; from theconventional pig population. The conclusion is that pigs do function fairly well in the organicproduction environment and the traits affecting their functionality involve: motheringabilities, strong legs, good meat quality, good sow durability and longevity, capacity to eatmuch roughage and dark skin color. There are however still many ways of improving theorganic population of pigs to make them more adjusted to the organic environment; forexample different traits brought into the breeding goals and the choice of good parent animals..

Bolibompa-draken behöver inte springa hem längre : En studie i hur anställda på Barnkanalen upplever anpassningen till det nya medielandskapet

Today?s media consumption and viewing behavior has led to an expansion in the marketand resulted in a media convergence. The competition gets fiercer with each player andthe outcome for the linear TV channels has to be to change in some way. This is aqualitative interview study with producers at Sweden?s leading children channel?Barnkanalen?, how they experience the adoption to this new media landscape.

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