
En kunskapsöversikt över psykologiska interventioner till föräldrar med cancersjuka barn

The purpose of this essay is to compile interventions for parents of children with cancer in a literature review based on 13 peer-reviewed articles. The objective is twofold: to describe the aim of the interventions, and to investigate their effectiveness. Results indicate that the aim is to reduce stress, prevent the development of posttraumatisk stress, improve problem-solving skills, improve coping behaviour or increase parents? knowledge of childcancer. Some of the interventions have intended effect, others have effect but not intended effect, and finally some show no effect at all. The main conclusion is that the forthcoming studies need to focus more on developing interventions that are flexible and can satisfy multiple needs.


Elisabeth Granseth Elin Wallner

Lärosäte och institution

Stockholms universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbete - Socialhögskolan


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