

12566 Uppsatser om Second language students and ways and methods of working. - Sida 28 av 838

Matematikundervisning i Waldorfskola respektive kommunal skola : En kvalitativ undersökning av två olika grundskolor

The purpose of this study has been to compare teachers' differing methods of teaching mathematics and their perspectives on the learning process in a municipal school to a Waldorf school. The study has examined which approach best promotes student engagement and learning in mathematics in the first three years of schooling. The study is based on four interviews. The informants? accounts are interpreted using theories from previous research.

Undervisning i en mångkulturell skola En kvalitativ studie om lärares förhållningssätt till flerspråkiga elever

Abstract We are two teacher students with an ethnic background and we thought that it could be, exciting to work with subjects, like a multicultural environment in schools and the challenges within this environment for students, but also teachers. In this study, we focus on how the teachers work with bilingual students in a multicultural school. We wanted to get an understanding of the subject and to be able do so, we conducted some qualitative interviews. These interviews went through with teachers currently working at the same public school, teaching in classes from 1-5. Through this qualitative research, we were able to analyse, what the teachers attitude towards multilingualism is and what kind of methods they use organizing their teaching.

Livet är så kort och böckerna är så många - En studie om svensklärares syn på elevmotivation kring läsning av skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

The aim of this study is to examine Swedish teachers? role and attitude in the Swedish subject towards motivation and reading fiction at upper secondary school. We are also interested in investigating whether or not there are any differences regarding the way teachers motivate students? depending on their choice of education or not. The method we chose in order to achieve this was interviews with teachers.

Att byta grupp : En studie om elevers och studenters perspektiv på icke självvalda grupper

The purpose of this research is to investigate the group constellation that is, what thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise when students and pupils change groups. The study will also affect students and pupils knowledge of why they should work in groups. Their perceived security will also be something that this study is looking for.The main questions of this study are:How does students and pupils experience the phenomenon of "group replacement"?What is considered to work or not work in the new group formations?The method that is used in this study is based on six qualitative interviews with students and pupils from three different levels of education. The target groups are college and high school students.

Användandet av poesi i undervisningen : effekter på barns språkutveckling

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

"Hej, jag heter..." -en diskursiv studie om svenska för invandrare (sfi) i integrationsprocessen

The aim of this paper is to make an investigation of how authoritative conceptual framework about immigrants as a group is being constituted in the discourse regarding Swedish language for immigrants. I will also examine what connections there are to the overarching integration discourse. While doing this I try to establish the contrasting relationship between the ?Swedishness? and ?the Other?. My theoretical framework consists of discussions regarding groups and the relation to homogeneity or heterogeneity in various ways and how We tend to construct the discourse in relation to the Other.

Nyhetsanvändning på Karlstads Universitet : -En studie av vilka nyhetsmedier som är mest använda och har högst förtroende bland studenterna på Karlstads Universitet

This essay deals with the subject of the use of news medium amongst the students inKarlstads University. The presentation of the problem is about illustrating the or thosemedium that is the most used amongst the students, and also which one, ore which onesof the news medium the students puts largest trust in. This subject was chosen with thepurpose to illuminate patterns and attitudes of and to news medium, to make it easierfor eventual research in the future to connect these patterns and attitudes with theparticipation in political elections. The subject in question is interesting because of thefact that the news medium is one of the largest sources of information for the citizensknowledge?s about the society, and the citizen?s attitude to the news medium mightpossibly have the ability to affect people?s commitment in politics.

Estetiska läroprocesser i de svenska och norska läroplanerna för förskolan

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Kan jag be och få potatisen? : Två förskolor och två olika sätt att organisera måltiden. En studie av måltidssamtalen och pedagogernas tankar kring måltidens språkutvecklande möjligheter

The purpose of this study is to investigate the lunchtime from a language development perspective. It will compare two preschools with different ways of organizing mealtimes and observe the conversations between teachers and children. It will also study the ways in which a meal is served and how it affects the conversations. In one of the preschools the children eat in a proper dining room where the food is served as a buffet while in the other preschool the children eat in the preschoolarea and the food is served in bowls on the tables. I also want to investigate how two of these preschool teachers reflect on the mealtimes as part of the language development plan.

Pedagogers arbetsmetoder kring elever med dyslexi : en kvalitativ studie av pedagogers syn på hur man arbetar med elever med dyslexi

Dyslexia is a disability faced by an extensive amount of students in the current educational system. No medical alternatives have been found to improve the cognitive processing challenges presented with dyslexia. Therefore today?s educators are required to make instructional adjustments in their schooling, to ensure dyslexic students an academic future. The purpose of this qualitative study was, firstly, to discover how teachers work with dyslexic students, and secondly, to find out which practices are being used in this field.

Det blyga ägget och den utåtriktade spermien : En språksociologisk studie av hur gällande könsnormer påverkar högstadieungdomars upplevelser av kränkande språkbruk

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Entreprenörskapscenter eller takeaway pasta? : Bilden av Science Park Jönköping bland studenter

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of Science Park Jönköping, how they want students in Jönköping to perceive them. Further we would like to compare thatinformation with how students in Jönköping actually perceive Science Park Jönköping. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used.Two interviews with the managers of Science Park, and five focusgroups with students havebeen conducted.Main Results: The main result from the focusgroup interviews shows that the students perceived image of Science Park correlates in many ways with Science Parks profile. But the study also shows that Science Park do not apply many of the relevant theories that would benefit their marketing..

Att ge bra bilder eller inte - Ett arbete om olika sätt att kommunicera med elever

To give positive visualizations or not - A study about different ways to communicate with students. Our brain is creating visualizations. In goal settings this visualization can be helpful or obstruct the way to the goal. There are exercises to help people create as good visualizations as possible. As a teacher I wish to give my students positive and creative visualizations.

Svenskdidaktik i (o)jämlikhetens landskap : en studie om språkutveckling, rasifiering och klass

Symbolic resources transform in to social power and material resources through the educational system. This entails that all students should have equal access to it.The essay compares Swedish didactics in ?immigrant? and ?white? schools, all situated in socio-economically underprivileged areas, analysing interviews with eight Swedish teachers about their didactics regarding restricted and elaborated language code.Understanding teacher?s work in the class room requires attention to the intersections between race and class, and of both to the distribution of symbolic resources in general.The essay finds that the practice of the? immigrant? school teachers differs from the ?white? school teachers?. The former are active, providing intellectual tools, scaffolding and driving force while the later choose a more passive attitude, letting students decide for themselves what to do and what goals to reach. Consequently ?white? schools allow the reproduction of unequal distribution of symbolic resources while practice in immigrant schools aim to compensate for disadvantages.Practice seems to win legitimacy by different sets of conceptualisations.

Att använda skönlitteratur i skolan : En studie om hur och varför åländska lärare i åk 4-6 använder skönlitteratur i sin undervisning

This essay is about how and why teachers use fiction litterature as a teaching method. It´s based on a study among eight teachers in year 4-6 at a school in Mariehamn in the Åland Islands. The results show the high importance of using fiction litterature in education. Fiction literature is highly valued in all subjects as it stimulates the students development of language, empathy and fantasy. The curriculum´s aim of using fiction litterature is to stimulate the pleasure of reading.

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