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The purpose of this studie was to use qualitative methods to find out how teachers perceive what a good classroom environment means for students with ADHD. Know the teachers what to do with the physical environment for students with ADHD? My research questions I wanted to answer was how support or hinder classroom environment children who have ADHD? What can educators how classroom environment to be adapted for students with ADHD? I have presented three different themes based on my interviews, Structure / classroom environment, placement and traditional teachings. Has compiled my answers from informants and analyzed the responses by prior research and theory. The results show that teachers have good insight into what is good for students with ADHD, but what is it that goes wrong?.

Förstår barnen innebörden av sin tvåspråkighet och i så fall vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns de enligt dem. : En studie om tvåspråkiga barns uppfattning om sin egen tvåspråkighet.

This study aims to find out what students think about bilingualism as well as whether there are advantages and disadvantages of it, based on the children's perspective. All children in this class are bilingual, is thus a mother tongue other than Swedish. All were born in Sweden but has parents who are originally from / born in other countries in addition to having mom who was born in Sweden but originally from another country. In my study I have chosen to use qualitative methods in which I used semi-structured interviews and non participant observations. In the study, I have come to interview the children think that being bilingual is good, they mean that there are some drawbacks to this except that it can sometimes be a bit hard when someone does not understand.

Målbeskrivning eller självbild? : Bilden av eleven bakom kursplanens mål i svenska i grundskolans senare år

The purpose with this essay is to find out which demands the syllabus for the Swedish language make on the pupils in compulsory school compared to some active teachers? point of view. The method I have used to find out is a qualitative interview, where I have interviewed four Swedish teachers of various professional experiences.After the change of government in 1991, the new curriculum committee had a mission where the goal was to develop the best school in Europe. A national target was introduced and the goals were proposed to be of two kinds; goals to strive for and goals to achieve. A problem in this is that the knowledge that pupils in ninth grade will acquire, is formulated in such a manner so that not even experts in each subject would live up to the demands placed on the students.

Vad sker i elevers parskrivande vid datorn? : Observation av fyra elevpar i årskurs ett

The aim with this study is to explore if and how linguistic learning takes places when four pairs ofstudents in grade one writes on the computer. Observations of eight students took place duringtwelve lessons to investigate what happened during their writing processes. This study isimportant because students? computer writing is a relatively new phenomenon in the Swedishprimary school.It is clear that the peer collaboration creates a complex interaction that becomes the platform, andalso the prerequisite, for successful language training. The method can clearly give students profitsin their linguistic development.

Arbeta med åtgärdsprogram : Två lärares uppfattningar om arbetet med åtgärdsprogram

The aim of this study is to describe the variation in two teachers perceptions of their work with individual developments. The study begins with a review of the Swedish National Agency for Education?s guidelines for working with individual developments. With this I want to give the reader an insight into the teachers working conditions and the responsibilities the school authorities have against their students. Using phenomenography, I have examined the differences between two mathematic teacher?s perceptions in working with individual developments for student?s in need of special education.   My questions are: How do mathemathic teachers perceive their work with individual developments? What support and what information do the teacher?s feel that they have been given in order to use individual developments as a tool? How do the teachers perceive that their work situation has influenced their work with individual developments? The two teachers I have interviewed showed different perceptions both in how they understood the guidelines for working with individual developments and how they chose to work with them.

Spelar språkresan roll? : Fyra individers upplevelser av språkresans betydelse för deras karriärval

The objective of the study is to examine whether the experience from language courses abroad has had any impact on the career choices for four individuals. Based on a qualitative research methodology, four semi-structured interviews have been executed. The two research questions have been answered by letting four people recount their experiences from language courses abroad linked to their self-images and career choices. The outcome is that the experiences from the language courses contributed to a more or less altered self-image. Most of all, the interpersonal abilities were fostered, which led to the formation of a self-image characterized by improved confidence in social settings.

TAKK - Tecken som Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskolepedagoger arbetar med TAKK med barn med Downs syndrom ur ett språkutvecklingsperspektiv och vad de anser om att använda TAKK med barn utan särskilda behov

The purpose of this study is to examine how two educators at a preschool that is located in a neighborhood south of Stockholm works with TAKK with children who has Down syndrome in a language promotion purposes. The aim is also to investigate what teachers think about using TAKK with children without special needs and children with Down syndrome.In this study, I used qualitative research methods. I've used both observations and interviews to get answers to my questions. The theories which I have used in this thesis is, socio-cultural perspective, including integration and segregated integration.In order to find out how the educators work with TAKK I have asked these questions:How do the educators work with TAKK with children with Down syndrome from a language development perspective?What do the educators express about using TAKK with children without special needs and with children who has Down syndrome?My conclusions to these questions are that the literatures I have read in many ways are consistent with how they work.

Berättandets roll för språkutveckling

Since storytelling is a growing form of teaching we wanted to interview teachers to see what their experiences and opinions were on the subject. Therefore the purpose of this study is to use interviews to examine teacher perceptions and experiences about storytelling and its effect on language development. I will investigate both the use when the teacher is telling a story but also when students are telling stories. With help from my supervisor I was able to come up with interview questions that would help me answer my research question. After the interviews I reviewed the answers and analyzed them.

Läromedel i spanskundervisningen : Hur spansklärare och spansklärarstudenter använder, ser på och väljer läromedel.

Little research has been done within the field of the use of textbooks and teaching aids in Spanish asa foreign language (SFL) teaching in Sweden. This study attempts to find answers to how teachersand teacher students use, view and choose SFL teaching aids. To accomplish this, qualitativeinterviews were carried out with Spanish teachers and Spanish teacher students in a city in northernSweden. A survey was also sent to all current SFL teachers in the central coastal region of Norrland.The study indicates that SFL textbooks are of great importance to the participating teachers andteacher students. Furthermore, a wish to enhance the level of interest of Spanish and Spanish/LatinAmerican culture, provide a varied teaching experience and improve their students? self-esteem arefactors influencing teachers in their use and choices of teaching aids..

Lär man sig något av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lärande i Idrott och hälsa A

The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished.

Att arbeta med tolk vid bedömningar : sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kvalitén

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

Reflektionssamtalets möjligheter och begränsningar : En undersökning om det stöttande reflektionssamtalet som skrivutvecklande metod inom Sfi-undervisning

Writing is a critical element for many of the second language learners that I?ve encountered in my work as a Swedish teacher. Therefore, on the basis of Jerome Bruners theories of reflec-tion and learning, was the purpose with this study to examine the scaffolded structured reflec-tion conversation as a method for writing development. Bruner says that the knowledge be-comes deeper when we consciously reflect over it (Arfwedson 1992:110 f).I have used a qualitative method where I let five students write a text in Swedish on the subject "application for internship". After that I held a conversation with each of the pupils.

Dark Side of Wonderland - en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

Låt inte maten tysta mun! : En kvalitativ studie om samtal vid måltider i förskolan

 The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.

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