

4780 Uppsatser om Safe care and nursing - Sida 8 av 319

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Att delta eller inte : En enkätstudie om elevers icke deltagande i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda barn med palliativt vårdbehov och att växla mellan att vårda barn med palliativt och kurativt vårdbehov : - En kvalitativ studie

Caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs arouses different reactions in nurses and depends on what prior knowledge and experience nurses have. To besides shift focus from to care children palliative to care curative is further a strain and an emotional changeover. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurse?sperceptions about caring for children at hospital with palliative care needs, and how they shift focus of care between children with palliative care needs and children with curative care needs. The study has a qualitative approach and data were collected with interviews from two focus groups.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser kring omvårdnad : En intervjustudie

Aim: To find out what nurses at a hospital in central Sweden are experiencing as good care and what they believe is needed to achieve good care. To examine what barriers exist and how the work environment plays into good nursing care. Method: Descriptive and exploratory qualitative design with semi-structured interviews as the data collection method. Seven nurses, all women between the ages of 25 and 52 were interviewed at a hospital in central Sweden. An interview analysis model was used to analyze the results.

Faktorer som bidrar till sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt gentemot patienter med HIV/AIDS : en litteraturstudie

HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease that has increased and will continue to increase. Most health care workers will one way or another come into contact with it. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors contributing to nurses' attitudes towards patients with HIV/AIDS. Sixteen articles were analyzed and quality assessed. The results revealed gaps in knowledge among nurses.

En meningsfull tillvaro för äldre personer på särskilt boende/ A meaningful existence for elderly residing in nursing homes

Since the care for the elderly is a low priority there are shortcomings. One of these shortcomings are that the elderly living in nursing homes do not feel that they have a meaningful existence. The aim of this study was to identify which factors could give the elderly residing in nursing homes a meaningful existence. The study was conducted through a review of existing literature with a systematic literature study. Scientific articles were found, read, analyzed and condensed.

Kliniskt handledarskap med hjälp av Informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) : -         En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to describe senior nurses? expectations concerning how a digital information and communication technology systems (ICT) can contribute to the improvement of care leadership and how it can strengthen ties between the school's theoretical world and the practical clinical work-based training (WP) in nursing. The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study involved seven leading care nurses. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

Stöd och support till patienter med diabetes typ 2. Vilka faktorer påverkar i omvårdnadssituationen?

Diabetes is a widespread disease, which is increasing in the Western World and even in the developing countries. This entail an increasing strain on the medical service when to nurse and treat patients with diabetes type 2. To support and empower the patients in their choices, which will affect them for life, is a challenge to the nurse. The nurse is an important character in nursing care when patients take a more active part in treatments. The aim of this literature review was to exam the factors, which influence diabetes care.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Handläggning av intrauterin fosterdöd : En kartläggning av vårdprogram vid Sveriges kvinnokliniker

Background: Parents that loose a child in connection to labour are in great need of support.Health care provider treatment and support is of great importance to how the parents will experience something that is doomed from the beginning to be one of the most tragic events the parents will ever experience. For care givers to live up to this it is incredibly important that there are worked out guidelines to follow at these situations.Aim: To chart and describe Swedish maternity wards care program with reference to ?IUFD?.Method: All clinics in Sweden have been questioned regarding care program for handling of ?IUFD?. Care programs has been gathered, charted and described.Results: 87% (29 of 33) off the maternity wards has a plan for treatment and guidelines for ?IUFD?.

Ser ni mer än bara min kropp? -Patienters upplevelser av trygghet under operation

ABSTRACTIntroduction: An increasing number of patients undergo surgery under local anesthesia and are thereforeawake during the procedure. Nursing care that is provided to these patients can differ from those thatreceive general anesthesia. Previous research has focused on patients? general experiences of being awakeintraoperative. But there is no research that focuses on patients perceptions of security.

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.


Forensic psychiatric care is a complex business. Patients who are cared for in forensic psychiatry are usually in need of care for a long time. The forensic care is a major intrusion into a person's life and the nurses and caregivers are the people who spend the most time with patients. They have a difficult mission providing a good and personalized care while patients are deprived of their liberty. Previous research demonstrates that patients experience forensic care as uncertain, insecure and punitive but that there are also glimpses of "good care".

"De vet ju inte vems säng de ligger i" : En studie om vårdpersonals tolkningar, bemötande och hantering av demenssjukas sexuella uttryck

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how nursing home staff at dementia care facilities interpret, treat and manages sexual behavior of patients. Four group interviews were made with a total of thirteen participants from three different dementia care facilities. The collected material was processed and thematized in pursuance of the research questions of the study. The results were analysed using three concepts from queer theory; heteronormativity, the heterosexual matrix and power, as well as an article about how nursing home staff constructs actions of patients. The results showed that staff member?s assessments about the patient?s sexual behaviours depended on their posture towards the norm of what is considered to be acceptable.

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastikPatients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through knee- or hiparthropasty.

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