

677 Uppsatser om Room acoustics - Sida 7 av 46

I förfallet speglas staden : om det övergivna rummets betydelse

The Essay starts with studying the time after the Second World War and its boom, the force behind many of the abandoned locations we see in our city today. Thereafter the idea of place is looked into, its importance for the individual and how the own individual experience affects the experience of place. It is about how we can create own places and through that recapture the city and give it meaning and contents again. The social aspects are being discussed as an important component of creating a feeling of reality. Further studies the abandoned rooms historical values since the past have an ability to raise the experience of a place. How decayed depends highly of economy and how we have gotten so used to changes that we accept capitalism as a driving force to decay is also being discussed. Thereafter the planers roll for the abandoned places in the city is being raised.

Ett "gott föräldraskap" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på föräldraskap och hur de hanterar sitt handlingsutrymme i barnavårdsutredningar

The aim of this study was to get a greater comprehension of social welfare secretaries? notion of "good parenting" and furthermore how this is expressed in evaluations of investigations regarding care of children. The empirics in this qualitative study were collected with the help of a vignette containing relevant questions. Moreover interview questions were answered at seven occasions. The interviewees were social welfare secretaries that worked with evaluations of care of children.

Ljudreducering av värmepump

This degree project handles acoustic measurements of the heat pump EcoAir 107, made by Enertech CTC AB. The sound from the three sound sources of the heat pump, fan, compressor and four way valve, have been measured to find out how they affect the total sound level of the product.Measures to attenuate the sound level have been developed and tested. By comparing these with the sound of the heat pump, in its original state, we have found out the measures which have best effects.The best attenuating measures came to be: taped openings and holes around the compressor space, isolating the top and the bottom of the whole construction, support of the fan bottom part and shielding of the sound source with a screen at a distance of 110 mmThese measures have been tested together and an average attenuation of the total sound level with 3,9 dB have been accomplished. In the front of the fan where the continuous sound is the strongest, the attenuation was 4,7 dB.This project is meant to be used as a guide by Enertech CTC AB:s during their future developing process..

Standardisering och kalkylering av maskinhallar

This thesis has been carried out onbehalf of Lindborg & Sons in Örsundsbroand is a concluding part of the Bachelorof Science program in ConstructionEngineering at Uppsala University. Theaim of the project is to make a plea fora database of good examples of themachine room types using Revit drawingprogram, and work out a correspondingworksheet .At the start of the process it becameapparent that there were somedifficulties in using Revit to creatingmachine room types of the variety whichthe company builds. For modelling ofoblique, curved and irregular lines, Ihad to use my AutoCAD Architecture andthen import them into Revit.The creation of calculus in Excel wastime consuming. On the other hand, it isa one-time work to create the template.The advantage of Excel is that there isno need for a re-calculation at the costof various types of machine hall. Allthat is needed is to replace the variousparameters.

Skolans utformning, ett hinder för lärares eget lärande? : En studie av den fysiska arbetsmiljöns påverkan på lärares eget lärande

This essay is written about how the physical environment affects teachers? own learning. The purpose is to see how the teachers? work is affected by various factors, such as the uses and placement of the teachers? offices, common room, or any other places where a meeting may occur. The survey was conducted using both interviews and observations of the teacher?s office.

Hur bra är kulturskolans lokaler? : En undersökning om vad musik- och kulturskolans lärare anser om sina undervisningslokaler

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how teachers in the municipal Music schools Schools of arts (kulturskolor) estimate the quality of their teaching rooms, which factors that are significant for their opinion, and if they have experienced any tendencies of improvement in the quality of their teaching rooms. The examination is built on a questionnaire, which was sent to a number of music- and ?culture schools? in Sweden. From the answers you can read that the majority (66%) of the teachers are satisfied with their teaching rooms, even if a relatively large part (33%) seems to be unsatisfied. The single factor that are of most importance for their opinion are how much of their teaching they spend in rooms that doesn?t belong to the music- or ?culture school? and also are used for other kinds of education.

Går det att säkerställa ljudmiljön i en träningslokal? - en studie om ljudnivåövervakare på träningslokaler i Göteborg

In Sweden, exercise takes a great part in people?s lives. Health and a good conditioned body go hand in hand. Many Swedes exercise in groups, with aerobics or a similar form of workout at a training facility. A regular workout lasts for about an hour and is accompanied by music.

Vad tycker Mario om bibliotek? ? Onlinespelares användning och uppfattning av bibliotek

The aim of this thesis is to fill a knowledge gap regarding how online players use libraries, their attitude towards libraries and what they want out of future libraries. We see it as a problem that the library world of today does not have much knowledge about an audience that is so prevalent in society.The theory used in the thesis is Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Rasmussen Hvenegaard & Dorte Skot-Hansens model that divides libraries into four functions. The four functions are meetings, knowledge, inspiration and experiences. In the analysis we added a suggested fifth function, a digital space, giving the digital interaction and information needs of today´s society. The method was focus groups on online forums for gamers.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk.

The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition.

Barns tankar om älven : Förskolebarns förståelse av älven och vattnets miljö

AbstractThis research is about pre-school children?s conceptions of the river and the water environment. The aim of this study was to apply a new teaching method based on the outside learning, as well as to test the method and see if it works, i.e. if children get more knowledge this way compared to ordinary methods like teaching in the class-room which involves showing pictures and discussion of them.The main questions in this study were how children get new knowledge through outside learning and how effective this learning method is, i.e. how much they noticed and learned about the river and the water environment as a result of that outside observation.

Dämpning av fläktljud i diskmaskin

Detta examensarbete omfattar akustiska undersökningar utav en desinficerande diskmaskin av typ Getinge 8666/8668 och har utförts på Getinge Desinfection AB i Växjö. Vi har undersökt hur man med enkla medel kan sänka ljudtrycksnivån i maskinens närhet. Mätningar har utförts på diskmaskinens torkprogram, där torkfläktarna är de mest dominerande ljudkällorna och ljudet främst är luftburet. En systematisk analysmetod bestående av införandet av successiva dämpningsåtgärder visade att de dominerande ljudvägarna går via taket, golvet samt till viss del spalter i maskinens väggar. Genom att isolera både tak, golv och spalter kunde ljudtrycksnivån sänkas med totalt hela 5,9 dB.

Nattaktivitet hos Afrikanska elefanter (Loxodonta africana) i fångenskap med olika kombinationer av miljöberikning

African elephants (Loxodonta Africana) are kept all over the world in different kinds of enclosures. The enclosures are however often unsuitable for the elephants. Research has shown that elephants are nocturnal animals. Therefore it is important to keep elephants occupied, for instance by using enrichments, also at the night. Five elephants were studied at Borås djurpark, four elephants in one room and one elephant, named Nyoka, in one room.

Ett väntrum med identitet : En studie i hur väntrummet kan skapa en tydligare länk mellan besökare och myndighet

Ma?let med detta examensarbete har varit att studera Migrationsverkets va?ntrum vid Asylpro?vningsenheten i Flen och hur det anva?nds. Detta fo?r att identifiera rummets brister och fo?rba?ttringsmo?jligheter. Syftet har vidare varit att ta fram ett gestaltningsfo?rslag som skapar en tydligare identitet fo?r rummet och som bidrar till en starkare la?nk mellan beso?kare och myndighet.Genom metoder, sa?som observationer, platsanalys, notationer, intervjuer samt omva?rldsanalys, har en o?kad fo?rsta?else fo?r va?ntrummet skapats och det har konstaterats att det finns en brist vad ga?ller rummets igenka?nning och identitet.Med hja?lp av litteratur och resultatet fra?n metoderna har ett gestaltningsfo?rslag sedan utvecklats.

Instrumentbordets sterilitet

Background: Postoperative infections are a serious patient safety problem and affects about 3 % of all patients undergoing surgery. The consequences are prolonged hospital stays, high social costs, increased use of antibiotics and impaired quality of life for the patient. It has been shown that postoperative infections may be caused by contamination already in the operating room. Today we know that there is growth of microorganisms on the instrument table´s top, but there is a research gap about the instrument table's edges.Aim: To examine if the sterile drape on the instrument table´s edges are sterile after finished surgery.Method: Contact plates are printed on strategically selected areas on the sterile drapes top and edges. In the pilot study, a total of 51 cultures were taken at the end of three operations which lasted over three hours.Results: Growth on the top surface and the edges of the sterile drape were detected.


The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.

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