

677 Uppsatser om Room acoustics - Sida 6 av 46

Rationell produktion av platsgjutna stommar för flerbostadshus

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

För kunskap och kultur : En studie om folkbibliotekariers inköpsstrategier av utländsk litteratur

This bachelor thesis? purpose is to investigate how purchase librarians work with foreign language collection management. Since about 15% of the citizens of Sweden are born abroad or have a foreign background, the subject of investigation becomes relevant because it touches a wide user group of the public library.Interviews were conducted with four librarians responsible for purchasing of foreign literature. The purpose of these interviews was to investigate which underlying strategies and thoughts are used as a basis for purchasing.Since the library act does not include guidelines regarding the content of the foreign literature collection, how is the literature chosen and to what purpose?As a theoretical framework a self-developed model was used to categorize the foreign literature into its different functions.

Att illustrera en känsla. Fyra bilder - Fyra känslor

My goal with this Project was to create four pictures which de¬scribed four different emotions. The purpose of the project was that the pictures would be placed in a psychology department and they could use them as a starting point for a discussion about the patients? emotions. My personal purpose was that I wanted to create pictures in scale 1:1 in an analogue fashion, and try to learn more about how people see and feel about pictures. What kind of thoughts can a picture give you? Can I create a picture which can be used as a platform for a discussion? Can I make a picture which describes an emotion? The making of the pictures started with developing ideas and then I took photographs of my friend Joel, in different situations and moods, which I used as reference for my paintings.

Kartläggning av order- och leveransprocessen för höghastighetsseparatorer hos Alfa Laval Tumba AB

The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.

Det offentliga rummets dragningskraft : En gestaltande fallstudie om offentliga rum i Hässleholm

The thesis is a case study that deals with public space based on how people use them. Public spaces are an important part of our city life and everyday life. Quality public spaces and places are due to its design and use, which are the primary aspects of this study. Hässleholm has been the location for the case study inventory items. Five different methods have been the basis for the study, and through them it has been possible to study what makes a room usable and unusable and what criteria is necessary for people to want to stay in the public rooms.

Patienters beskrivning av att vårdas på isoleringsrum -en litteraturstudie

Background: Every day patient´s get isolated in hospitals as a consequense of infection control purposes. Physical isolation can result in lack of human contact and a new unknown environment for the patient. Those two factors can easily cause stress within the patient and create anxiety for the future. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patient´s experience of being nursed in an isolation room. Method: The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read and put together.

"Dom är ju också människor. Precis som du och jag." : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på långvarigt narkotikamissbruk

The aim of this study is to investigate a number of social worker views on long -term drug abuse and how they feel that this group of individuals should be treated. Our purpose is also to examine these social worker discretion in terms of decision-making under the Socialtjänstlagen (SoL) and Lag om missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM ).We conducted two focus group interviews and assumed a number of open questions. Our empirical data have been categorized by the study's purpose and issues and by recurring themes in our individual stories.Our results shows that all social workers believe that one should always look at the big picture in estimates related to drug users. They also believe that the process of long -term addicts occasionally feels hopeless. Social workers felt that their room for maneuver in terms of decision-making was fairly limited.

Sjuksköterskans arbete på en akutmottagning,sett ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv : en litteraturstudie

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the nurse?s work at an emergency department trough a perspective of caring.Method: A literature review has been made of twelve studies published between the years of 2002 ? 2012. The focus of all the studies was on Swedish emergency departments.  Results: The researchers found four themes that they choose to use as a way of describing the nurses work in the emergency room as detailed as possible. These themes were: ?The emergency room?, ?the nurse?s job assignments at an emergency department?, ?the patient?s experiences? and ?lifeworld and communication?.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients? needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle.

Tillbyggnad, Nationalmuseum

The project description is to draw an extension or annex to the existing Nationalmuseum building from 1866.The annex is designed to complement Nationalmusems activities and contain internal and public functions. Artentering the building must not be crossed by public visitors. Art and staff must be able to seamlessly move betweenthe extension and the main building. The new building includes a public study room for scholars working withthe collection of art on paper, workshops, conservation studios, art spaces and warehouses. Additionally, theannex is designed to host a large number of office spaces.With the renovation of Nationalmuseum they intend to open up the today built in south atrium.

Kontrollerad interaktion för kreativare möten : Summit Flexiwall

During the spring semester 2012 Robin Westlund has accomplished ?Controlled interaction for more creative meetings - Summit Flexiwall? with the individual focus on social communication based on visual interaction in future office. The project was a part of the course Degree Project for degree of Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design Engineering (MSGC12) which includes 22,5 ECTS Credits. The course is a part in the program Innovation and Design Engineering program within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University.Assigner of the project was Moelven Eurowand AB with their head office in Örebro. The company manufactures and assembles entire room solutions for offices.

Folk och land hör nära samman : En analys av stil, politisk berättelse och normalisering i Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram

This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.

Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

Suggestion for a new operahouse in stockholm, förslag på nytt operahus i stockholm. Stockholmsoperan..

Från vägg till canvas : Värderingar kring Banksy´s bilder genom byte av omgivande kontext

This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.

Det medeltida Fårö : en empirisk studie av tre husgrunder på en medeltida ödegård

The aim of the study was to through empirical studies interpret the relation between three partially investigated house foundations, on an abandoned farm in Langhammars on northern Fårö. This relation focused upon two main questions; the time of use and the spatial distribution of the archaeological finds.Trough comparative analysis two of these houses can establish to have been contemporary, the third one is too roughly examined. A discussion about the hypothec idea of two or three contemporary farms was made with a negative result.In house 1 smaller processing of tools of flint has taken place near the fireplace in the larger room. A concentration of pottery was also visible near the fireplace, likely to be connected to cooking and eating. The smallest room in the northeast part of the house could have functioned as a storeroom and/or held workshop activities.The archaeological finds and the distribution of it, strongly indicates that house 1 mostlikely consisted of a dwelling house and house 2 functioned as a workshop; linked to activities with handicrafts.

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