679 Uppsatser om Room acoustics - Sida 19 av 46
I Staffan Wermes skugga : I maktens korridorer med en hegemonisk kommunstyrelseordförande
In this essay I try to find out how the local political climate in the Swedish Municipal Örebro looks like through the eyes of Michel Foucault. I?ve been focusing on the concept power, knowledge and politic. I?ve been applying the discourse theory on the study and the founder of that theory is Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, the discoursetheory is a refinement of Foucaults thoughts about discourse.
Könsligt minne : Ett kvalitativt receptions- och minneskvasiexperiment med killar och tjejer
The purpose of this study was to see if there are any differences between high school girls and boy?s reception ability and memory after reading two Swedish lifestyle magazines.9 boys and 9 girls from ages 17-18 were chosen to participate in the study. They were placed in a room one by one where they had to read one women?s magazine (Cosmopolitan) and one men?s magazine (Café). They did not know this was a memory and reception test until after they finished their reading.With help from former reception studies and the magazines, questions were selected so the interviews would give as much information as possible.The study gave some unexpected results, for example both genders seemed to remember numbers very well even if they didn?t remember the article itself.
Samspel i förskolan : - Mötet mellan barn och pedagog
This essay has it purpose to view the assessment and grading in physical education in the Swedish school. Recently published reports from skolverket prove that boys have higher grades in the physical education than girls. Some mean that the reason of this is that the teachers don´t follow the curriculum. The problems we chose to examine are how much do teachers know how to use and connect the curriculum to their teaching? How much of the information and criterion in the curriculum do the teachers use to grade their pupils? And most importantly we wanted to examine why boys gets higher grades then girls, when the curriculum doesn?t seem to suit boys any better than girls.We have interviewed teachers in a certain district and our study shows that the teachers have good knowledge about the curriculum.
Ljussättning av det lilla trädgårdsrummet :
Eftsom kalla Sverige blir mörkt ganska tidigt på kvällen på höst, vinter och vår ville jag se hur man kunde förlänga användandet av det lilla trädgårdsrummet både i tid på dygnet och i tid på säsongen. Jag tycker att ljussättning är en viktig del av gestaltningen, belysningen gör trädgården levande. Mitt syfte med arbetet var att skaffa mig grundläggande kunskap om ljussättning och ljuskällor, för att sedan skissa på koncept för det lilla trädgårdsrummet.
För att lyckas med detta behövde jag ta reda vad ljus är och hur det fungerar. Ljuset har många olika egenskaper, t ex olika våglängder, och färger.
Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas i ett flerbäddsrum på en vårdavdelning : En litteraturöversikt
Bakgrund: Vårdmiljön har stor betydelse för hur patienter upplever sin hälsa och sitt välbefinnande. En del trivs med att vårdas i flerbäddsrum medan andra inte gör det. Som sjuksköterska bör denne vara lyhörd för den enskilde individens behov.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa patientens upplevelser av att vårdas i ett flerbäddsrum på en vårdavdelning.Metod: En litteraturöversikt valdes och materialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Studiens resultat visade att patienterna upplevde såväl fördelar som nackdelar med att vårdas i flerbäddsrum. Fördelarna var att de upplevde stöd och sällskap samt att de kunde dela erfarenheter med andra patienter. Nackdelarna var upplevelser av störande ljud samt bristande sekretess och integritet.Konklusion: Att vårdas i ett flerbäddsrum påverkar patienten både positivt och negativt och detta beror på att upplevelser är subjektiva och är individberoende.
Effekt av myrsyra och beta-laktamas på penicillin- och S. aureus-halt i mjölk till kalvar :
A sample of milk inoculated with S. aureus was treated with penicillin, and Antipen (a new commercial product containing penicillinase) was added. To another sample with S. aureus and penicillin, formic acid to pH 5 was added, and to yet another sample, a combination of formic acid and Antipen was added. Controls with no penicillin were treated in the same way.
Skalans betydelse vid utformning av stadsrum
When one experiences a place, it is a complex composition of both social and spatial factors.One of these spatial elements, is scale, which is influenced both by the room size and itsproportions. This paper aims to explore both large and small scale concepts and thus increasethe understanding of how scale directly and indirectly affects the experiences and uses ofurban space.First, is a theoretical discussion of scale in relation to aesthetics and the differencesbetween real scale and perceived scale. Next, is an analysis of spatial perception usingexamples from two existing sites. One, which is understood to have been planned in a largescale and one which is understood to have been planned in a small scale.When preparing this paper, the focus quickly became the importance of scale as itrelates to street spaces. The perception of a street usually takes place while in motion, whichforces it to be perceived in sections.
Bemötande av anhöriga vid traumatiska dödsfall - En litteraturstudie om omhändertagandet av de anhöriga och deras behov
Traumatic deaths hit relatives hard and a fast and professional encounter can make crisis management easier. The purpose of this literature review is to find partly how relatives after traumatic deaths are taken care of and how nursing staff fulfil the relatives' needs and also how nurses prepare themselves before this encounter with the realatives. The method in this study consists of a literature review. This was done through critical examining a number of articles within this area. The result shows how a nurse could encounter relatives after traumatic deaths.
10-13-åringars önskebibliotek - Vad kan det lokala biblioteket göra för sina tweens?
The aim of this study is to investigate the needs and wishes of 10-13- year old children, so called tweens, when it comes to their local library. What kind of library do the children want? How does the mission and different functions for the children's library of today correspond to the needs of the children? Children of this certain age have been interviewed in focus groups where they have had freedom to ?create? their own library and discuss what they consider important in a library. Skot- Hansen, Rasmussen & Jochumsen's model (2011) with four important spaces for a library - performative space, learning space, inspiration space and meeting space has been part of analyzing the result. These four different areas for the library have been divided into threefunctions: a place for being, a place for learning and a place for creating.The result of the thesis shows, among others, that even though many of the aims of the libraries and the results of research correspond to the ideas and needs of the children, one of the most important functions for the children is the library as a place to relax, a quiet room, where they can dive into their books and other media, which has not been discussed in the research I have taken part of.
Adaptiv nivåreglering : Dynamisk expansion av ljudsignaler i en reell arbetsmiljö
Fo?r att implementera en adaptiv niva?reglering av ljudsignaler i en industriell miljo? kra?vs ha?nsyn till ma?nga faktorer info?r en reell implementering. Rapporten avser identifiera dessa faktorer, bedo?ma deras betydelse, samt presentera en grundla?ggande o?versiktlig implementeringsmetod. Fo?rutsa?ttningarna a?r ett verklighetsbaserat scenario, i form av ett nyinstallerat larmsystem i ett kontrollrum pa? ett pappersbruk, da?r ett av huvudma?len a?r att fo?rtydliga ljudande larmsignaler fo?r personalen.Da? fysisk tillga?ng till implementeringsmiljo?n var begra?nsad, samplades ljudmiljo?n sa? att analys av pa?verkande bruska?llors betydelse fo?r niva?regleringen kunde utfo?ras.
När det personliga blev politik : Grupp 8:s väg mot feminism studerat ur kvinnobulletinen 1971-1979
The main purpose of this essay is to look closer at how and when the Swedish women?s organization Grupp 8 changed their initial socialistic ideological approach and turned it into a feministic one during 1971 to 1979. By 1979 the group was referring to them self as a feministic movement. This is done by analyzing the way Grupp 8: s discussion in the areas of women in relation to work, family and society changes. The primary information is represented by the groups own magazine Kvinnobulletinen.
?Det är så integrerat i mitt tänkande? : fem arbetslags resonemang om matematikens roll i förskolan
The background to the study was that the school agency published a report stating that students, after completing school, did not meet the criteria to receive the grade ?Pass? in mathematics. The study presents the reasoning of work teams from five different preschool departments?, about ways to work with the subject with children in the ages four to five. The study may help future teachers to develop new attitudes regarding mathematics in the preschool, by letting them take part of others pedagogues? thoughts and experiences.
Framtagning av analysmetodik för uppslutning av kemiska produkter
The purpose of this thesis was to develop and optimize a method of analysis for combustion of organic chemical products, followed by an ion chromatographic quantitative analysis. This was to be achieved with the decomposition equipment IKA AOD 1. The aim was to receive a precise and repeatable method that would be able to be applied to the process of qualification and technical marking of chemical products at the company, OKG AB in Oskarshamn. A complete instruction for the decomposition equipment and the method of analysis was written. A number of parameters were chosen from the general method of the combustion equipment, which then was tested parallel with a simultaneous development of an appropriate ion chromatographic method.
Vem får höras? : En undersökning av lokalpress kring makt och kön i fyra Landsortstidningar
2 (45)AbstractAuthors: Gunnel Forssell Ehrlich & Alexandra WinbergTitle: Gender in local press ? a quantitative study of four local newspapers Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 50The report shows a quantitative study of balance in gender and position of power in the local press. The study aimed to shed light on the distribution of space in the newspaper between men and women, those within power and those without in Swedish local press. The study was conducted with four newspapers, during a month of time with local editorial news material. In our study, we have assumed Lippmann?s and Strömbäck?s theories of pseudo-reality and distribution of gender and position of power in Sahlstrand and Jarlbro.
Det goda mötet : En studie av pedagogers syn på goda möten i förskolan
This essay has it purpose to view the assessment and grading in physical education in the Swedish school. Recently published reports from skolverket prove that boys have higher grades in the physical education than girls. Some mean that the reason of this is that the teachers don´t follow the curriculum. The problems we chose to examine are how much do teachers know how to use and connect the curriculum to their teaching? How much of the information and criterion in the curriculum do the teachers use to grade their pupils? And most importantly we wanted to examine why boys gets higher grades then girls, when the curriculum doesn?t seem to suit boys any better than girls.We have interviewed teachers in a certain district and our study shows that the teachers have good knowledge about the curriculum.