679 Uppsatser om Room acoustics - Sida 20 av 46
Användarorienterad design av anestesisystem
In inhalation anesthesia life-support systems are used to provide gases to the patient and to monitor important parameters. These systems are used in dynamic and stressful situations where the information-load on the operators often is significant. This thesis presents a design concept of an anesthetic system. The design goal has been to keep the information-load on the operator low with the objective to minimize confusion and error.A number of contextual inquiries were made in the operating room during surgery at four hospitals in Sweden. The goal was to understand the actual use-situations when anesthetic systems are employed.
Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?
This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..
Enskild väg till Tolleredsskog
This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..
Anestesisjukvårdens säkerhetsarbete, en litteraturstudie
Inom hälso- och sjukvårdsområdet såväl som inom många andra yrkesområden förs idag en diskussion om säkerhet och hur denna kan upprätthållas. Anestesisjukvården är inget undantag. Den största delen av debatten ligger på en lednings eller chefsnivå, där man pratar om hela system som måste omarbetas för att finna en säkrare miljö för patienter och yrkesverksamma. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa och beskriva de metoder som de kliniskt verksamma inom anestesisjukvården kan använda sig av för att ge en så säker vård som möjligt till patienten i samband med anestesi. Metoden var en litteraturstudie som bygger på tio vetenskapliga artiklar.
Pappors närvaro under förlossning - Barnmorskors upplevelser och erfarenheter
First during early 1960s fathers got access to the labor room in Sweden. Theirparticipation are a relative new trend and it`s not thoroughly described in theliterature. Midwives? responsibility is to give a good and medical safe care, and tocreate a positive childbirth experience for the woman and her partner. No previousstudies have paid attention to midwives' experiences of fathers' presence duringchildbirth.
Vem läser vad och varför i bibliotekets tidskriftsrum?: En studie av tidskriftsläsandet i Västra Frölundas bibliotek.
The purpose of this study is to determine who visits the V Frölunda Library, Gothenbug,what magazines they read and why. The data presented in this thesis are collectedusing four methods: general observation and counting numbers of visitors, interviewswith 202 magazine readers, the completion of 1308 questiomaires regarding approximately350 maghes and interviews with more than 100 library visitors.The data indicates that men are significantly overrepresented among magazine readersas compared to the female visitors. These men are primarily from the white collar sectorof the community. This leads to a pronounced underrepresentation of the blue coIlarworkers. Young people visit the magazine room in the library at a rate about twice thatexpected from the population distribution.Women are primarily interested in magazines dealing with the home whereas men aremore interested in business, cars, boats and sports.
Spegel, Spegel på väggen där : spegeln som inredningsobjekt under den gustavianska tiden och under funktionalismen
The aim of this thesis is to examine how mirrors were hung and used in decorating a room during the gustavian period (1770-1810) and the functionalistic period (1930-1939) in Sweden. I have compared the two styles and the way of decorating with mirrors. Based on the comparison I deduced the differences and similarities. The material which the thesis is based on are three drawings and one painting depicting four gustavian rooms containing mirrors. To illustrate the functionalistic period I used four photos from the catalogue from the Stockholm exhibition in 1930.
Värdet bakom våldtäkten : En diskursanalys av fyra rättsfall
This paper seeks to explore how victims of crime and defendants are portrayed in sexual assault cases. Lately, more and more voices have been raised in appal against values demonstrated in court decisions and we?ve seen the implementation of a new sexual assault legislation in attempt to increase people?s sexual integrity. Yet, at the same time, there is still a tremendously low amount of reported sexual assaults that go to trial and even fewer result in conviction. This paper is not an attempt to scrutinize the legal system, but to draw attention to what values are portrayed in sexual assault cases.
Kontorsanställdas psykiska välmående i relation till deras fysiska aktivitetsnivå
Background: There have been doping usage as far back as as ancient Greece and around the early 1900s started the doping we have today. In 2008 it was 22,000 men aged 15-54 years old who had any kind of experience with doping in Sweden. The problem of doping use are all over the world and to overcome this problem, we need to work across borders.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any connection between the use of supplements and attitude to doping. The study is based on the questions: is there any connection between the use of supplements and positive attitude to doping? is there any connection between the use of supplements/doping substances and high training frequency? and is there different use of supplement/doping substances between girls and boys?Method: A survey in form of a cross-sectional study and a waiting room survey was conducted with 63 respondents of whom 57,1% were women.
Produktutveckling av mobil förstahjälpenstation
This thesis is about a part of the marquetrytechnique, scorching. Scorching is made by heating up something, put a veneer into the heated substance and make a controlled burning. This technique is old but still used today and have according to me great potential for development. In my work I wanted to give the scorching greater room then I earlier have seen. I wanted the scorching to be the dominant ingredient for a decorative element in a piece of furniture or an interior.
Genomförande av e-handelsdirektivet i svensk rätt
Along with the development of technology, the cross-border trade is increasing and therefore there is a need for greater consumer protection. A good consumer protection creates a feeling of safety for the consumer and that by itself may help to increase cross-border trade. This is one of the reasons for why the EU has established regulatory framework for electronic commerce, for example the Directive2000/31/EC. The direc-tive strives to create a similar law for electronic commerce within the European Union. This paper?s main purpose is to ensure that the directive is implemented properly in Swedish law, and if there are other possible ways to achieve the objective, other than the ones that the Swedish legislator has chosen.
Wiki på skolbibliotek ? En fallstudie om användningen av wiki som stöd i informationssökningsundervisningen
The purpose of this Master?s Thesis is to examine and describe how a wiki can be used in the information seeking education. We believe that the preconditions for education and learning are changing; technology and Internet has introduced new tools for the learning situation. To examine this we will describe how the wiki technology can be used in the information seeking education, describe how the goals of the information seeking education are reached when using a wiki and lastly investigate the school librarian?s pedagogical role in wiki-based education.
Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen
A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.
Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city
Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to
defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care
about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a
discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many
opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of
you is the result of this project.
As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is
necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes.
They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established
perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see
that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change.
This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates
the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.
Bris - ett golv
The aim with the project was to portray something to step on. Its purpose has been to experiment and explore the interaction between pattern, structure, material and colour for something to be applied on a floor. Focus has been on esthetic expression and not the creation of some¬thing for a specific environment or audience. My goal was also that this project would illustrate the importance of the floor to create a certain atmosphere in a room.The project was divided into three phases. The first one was the experimenting and exploring phase, where the goal was to find an expression.