

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 49 av 98

Pussy Riot - Hur teori och praktik kan förenas genom feministisk aktivism

The purpose of this essay is to examine how theory and practice intertwines through theactivism of the feminist punk performance collective Pussy Riot. I have also focussed on the political tools with which the activism is performed. Within the academic context of gender studies, I believe there is a need for research that aims to reduce the gap between scholarly and activist feminism. The theoretical framework for the analysis in this essay consists of material feminist theory and postmodern theory. The empirical material is a diversified assemblage of images, court excerpts, newspaper columns, interviews, lyrics and videos.

En studie i historiebruk : Analys av reseguider från Estniska SSR

The use of history is the concept of people using and analyzing history in the society for various purposes. Study in this area has largely emerged because there are many different reasons for people and societies to be interested in history. To investigate the use of history, a historical material needs to be present in some form. With this study, I intend to show how older tourist guidebooks can provide such materials of study and therefore I use travel guidebooks about Tallinn released under the USSR (Estonian SSR) between the years 1960 to 1990. The analysis is based on Klas-Go?ran Karlsson's (Professor of History) typology of seven different uses of history: scientific, existential, moral, ideological, political, educational, non-use of history and a commercial use of history.

GIS - ett interaktivt läromedel för grundskolan : En studie som ser på möjligheter och hinder med GIS som läromedel i grundskolans SO-ämnen

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is about presentinginformation with the map as a base. This is increasingly being used on internetsites and in mobile apps. With a GPS it is possible to see where you are andhow to reach a destination or check if the bus is in time. A question to ask isif this technology is possible to implement in ordinary primary schooleducation. If it is, learning history, geography, religion and so on with a GISlearning tool might be possible.

Hälsa och välfärdsteknologi i tredje åldern : En explorativ marknadsundersökning kring teknik och hälsa inom äldreomsorgen

This report is a market research for the company 4 Body and Mind, a start-upcompany that works with personal training online. They wanted to know if themarket for elderly care could be interesting for them to enter. This report is hence aresearch of the market for health and welfare technology in elderly care within thepublic sector in Sweden. A general fact is that the world's population is getting older.This combined with rapid growth of individuals in the age 65+ changes the demandson the elderly care in Sweden?s municipalities.


This thesis has been made in cooperation with Forsheda Stålverktyg AB which develops and manufactures injection moulds and diecasting tools. The main concern has been their Trading-system which provides them with considerable amount of quality lost function.Focus has to however be put on the analysis of the Trading-system due to the fact that this has previously meant various quality issues for the company.This thesis treats quality assurance of the Trading-system, identification of the problems in the process and improvements of these problems.Quality assurance is carried out when a company detects that their quality based costs become too high. Quality based cost are? the costs that would disappear if a company's products and its different operational processes were absolute? (Sörqvist, 2001 p.30, free translation from Swedish). High quality based costs often result in increased quality problems, which can lead to substantial economic loss for the company.This work has resulted in a thorough review of the Trading-system whereupon problems have been identified.

Multilateral och unilateral säkerhetspolitisk praktik och strategi för hantering av Syrienkonflikten

This security study attempts to explain the dynamics of international conflict management of an intrastate conflict, through a combination of three theoretical frameworks. The conflict in Syria is shown to be managed mainly through strategies using coercive diplomacy, and some main contributions within the research field relating to strategies of coercion are used for guidance, to important factors which could affect coercive international conflict management, as well as to additional theories which could enhance the study?s explanatory power through a combined theoretical framework. The two added theoretical frameworks are Power Balancing and a Multidimensional concept of Power. With the aid of analytical tools derived from this combined framework the conflict management is analysed within both a multilateral and unilateral setting, offering some explanation as to why international conflict management (practiced by UNSC multilaterally and USA unilaterally) has shown so little progress in regard to the conflict, as well as why one significant, though limited, result could be achieved regarding the destruction of the Syrian regime?s chemical weapons arsenal..

Det upplevda rummet ? en studie om tillgänglighet på bibliotek

This thesis addresses the library environment and how it affects the accessibility for the library users. A study is made of the public library in Eslöv. We wanted to find out how the library staff, the senior librarian and the architect discuss the library environment, considering:? The accessibility for the library users.? The possibility for the users to orientate themselves in the library.We also wanted to see how we as users experience the library environment and compare these experiences with the results from the interviews. The material used consists of qualitative interviews, observations of users and our own experience studies.

Vederbörliga justeringar vid internprissättningsfrågor : Analys av om gällande rätt är tillfredställande för lösning av tvister som uppkommer till följd av justeringar av internprissättningar

Today adjustments on the pricing of internal transactions between multinational enterprises can lead to economic double taxation for the involved companies. This circumstance will result in an obstacle for private enterprising on the international market. Rules regarding corresponding adjustments and the mutual agreement procedure, that is used to eliminate economic double taxation, are today not sufficient tools to achieve this purpose. Consequently, changes regarding these rules should be implemented.The main reason for why economic double taxation is not put right is the competent authorities? inability to reach a suitable solution for the dispute.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och säkerhetsklimat: en explorativ studie på mindre flygplatser i Sverige

The aim of this paper is to examine the psychosocial work environment and safety culture in minor Swedish airports. The purpose is also to investigate the relationships between these two. The paper deals with theories regarding psychosocial work environment, organizational culture and safety as well as safety culture and safety climate. The participants are air traffic controllers working in minor airports in Sweden. The psychosocial work environment was measured with Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire (COPSOQ) and the safety culture with the safety culture assessment questionnaire (SCAQ).

Upplevelsen av att delta i stödgrupp : Barn och ungdomar med en psykiskt sjuk förälder

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study the experience of participation in support groups for children of mentally ill parents. The research questions dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the knowledge, that they believed having assimilated in the support groups. The knowledge concerned mental illness and the possible impact on children when having mentally ill parents. The research questions also dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the meaning of being in a group. Qualitative semi structured interviews were used in order to capture the respondents? subjective experiences.

Mindfulness - att tillämpa medveten närvaro

In this multistudy the aim was to measure the effect of mindfulness and yoga in negative stress. Is it possible for yoga and mindfulness to increase awareness and acceptance to inner and outher circumstances? Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has shown good results in how to cope with negative stress and how to stay calm in a stressful envirorment. The qualitative study where Visby Yoga Center and Stockholm Yoga Shakti attended in a survey. Correlation showed no relationship between stress and mindfulness and no significant value, n=20, Cohens d=0,16.

Sjuksköterskans undervisande funktion i det förebyggande arbetet med diabetespatienter : en litteraturstudie

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that brings great changes in every individual's way of living. The goal in diabetes treatment is that the individual will be able to live a normal life, with normal length. To achieve this there is need to avoid complications, both acute and long-term. To be able to do this this the patient need knowledge about the illness and how to adjust pharmacological treatment to diet and exercise. In this, patient education is an important part.

KBT-gruppbehandling av bipolär sjukdom : En pilotstudie

Bipolar disorder is a chronic affective disorder, characterized by episodes of mania and depression. Previous studies have shown beneficial results for CBT in conjunction with pharmacotherapy over pharmacological treatment alone. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a CBT treatment in group for patients with bipolar disorder, run by Norrlands universitetssjukhus. The treatment group consisted of pharmacologically stabilized patients (n=12) who received group CBT. They were compared to a control group (n=5) who received pharmacological treatment only.

Bring your own device i små och medelstora företag inom IT-sektorn

The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of resource schools 1 as a human services organization and institution, based on teachers and principals? perspectives. The purpose of resource schools is to provide the students tools and resources to enable them to return to the regular school within two years. The study also aims to examine more closely how this objective applies to the studied resource schools in the studied municipality, as well as highlighting the success factors and barriers that exist to achieve the goal. Previous studies show that this kind of differential practice tends to become a permanent solution.

Customer delight genom informationsspridning av juridiska kunskaper : En fallstudie av en hemelektronikbutik

Denna kandidatuppsats är skriven i syfte att analysera hur väl företaget ONOFF i Södertälje informerar sina kunder om deras konsumentköprättigheter och hur missnöje vid okunskap kan förebyggas. Uppsatsens problemformulering är därmed hur väl informerar företag sina kunder och hur de kan klara av diskussionen med kunder om deras rättigheter enligt konsumentköplagen.Genom enkätundersökning mättes kundernas kunskaper om konsumentköplagen samtidigt som ONOFFs chef intervjuades för att få information om hur ONOFF informerar sina kunder om deras rättigheter. Dessutom undersöktes informationskällor från ONOFF som broschyrer och deras hemsida.Genom undersökningen har det framkommit att kunder inte alls är speciellt medvetna om vilka rättigheter de har. Personalen utbildas för att kunna informera korrekt men informationskällorna är inte fullständiga och kunder verkar inte angelägna att vilja ta emot juridiska kunskaper. Genom bland annat använda sig av teorier om Word of mouth och Customer delight kan ONOFF eventuellt minska missnöje..

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