

1463 Uppsatser om Rhetorical tools - Sida 40 av 98

Särskilt utsatt situation : om skyddet för den sexuella integriteten i våldtäktsparagrafens utnyttjandefall

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Att vara en vara : En studie om att kommunicera sin identitet på Internet med bloggen som verktyg

The users of social media channels are today increasing rapidly. Because of this it has become more important for individuals to be seen and stand out of the crowd. The concept of personal branding has become more widespread and is today an important factor for individuals who want to communicate their personality on the Internet.The purpose of this study is to examine the role of personal branding in today?s society and to find similarities in how established bloggers use communication tools to increase their visibility. This has been done through qualitative interviews with individuals who write and shape their blogs depending on how they want to be seen on the Internet.By analysing our findings we came to the conclusion that personal branding is becoming more important in a world that is becoming more and more digitalized.

Surfplattan tar plats i förskolan : En kommuns tankar och pedagogernas verklighet

Undersökningen handlar om en kommuns arbete med implementering av surfplattor i förskoleverksamheten samt pedagogernas upplevelse av den nya tekniken i förskolan. I studien belyses pedagogernas syn på surfplattan som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. I undersökningen användes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Valet föll sig naturligt då det är en primär metod för att få fram den information man söker. I resultatet visar det sig att kommunen inte hade någon plan på hur arbetet med surfplattor i förskolan skulle se ut.

Shareadox : -The paradox of service quality assurance in Sharing Economy businesses

The purpose of the Sharing Economy is to exploit unused resources between people, as an alternative to buying new and owning themselves (Gansky, 2010). Gansky (2010) argues that a major reason why the Sharing Economy has grown in recent times is, besides from the recession and people?s increased environmental awareness, the urbanization which has made people move closer to each other and in to the big cities. This in addition to an increased use of GPS technology in smartphones enables people to be constantly connected to an ever-changing network. People now share and exchange services and products from each other.

Knowledge management på en dagstidning

The purpose of this study was to describe how journalists do research for their articles and whether there is a need to create a knowledge bank of the material that journalists use for writing these articles. I also looked at how knowledge management could be used at a daily newspaper to add value to the information used by the journalists. The thesis is based on four interviews with journalists, a literature review and a practical project. I helped a journalist with his information seeking and later tried to organize the material. This project gave me an understanding of how varying the material that journalists use is and how difficult it would be to try to organize it in order to create an organizational knowledge resource of the material.

Tingens stilla liv. Ett utforskande projekt om relationer mellan ting och människor

We are surrounded by things. They have their own personalities. Some evokes our emotions. We want to own them. We develop strong relationships to each other.

Beatrix Potters kaniner : verklighet och fantasi

This master thesis deals with questions concerning facts and fiction in the world of Beatrix Potter's rabbits. The purpose is first and foremost to find the connections between the pet rabbits, that she used as art models, and the rabbits that came to life through her "tales".The method has been to gather facts through biographic reading, and to analyse Beatrix Potter's rabbit tales, using tools developed by Swedish picture book experts. The rabbit characters are thoroughly examined and so are the settings where the tales take place. Matters concerning Beatrix Potter's painting technique and illustration style as well as her literary and pictorial inspirations are dealt with.Conclusions are, that the fictive rabbit characters have indeed a lot to do with the fact that Beatrix Potter was interested in natural history and studied animal behaviour and anatomy in detail. For a long time rabbits, both wild and domesticated, were her favourite study objects which provided conditions for her rabbit fantasies.

Byggproduktionsplanering : En studie av metoder och verktyg

Examensarbetet redogör för byggproduktionsplanering med en fördjupning inom tidsplaneringsmetoder- och verktyg, vilka kan användas som hjälpmedel inom området.  Inom fördjupningen gjordes två praktiska försök och intervjuer genomfördes för att få en verklig bild av hur planeringen fungerar, samt för att få feedback på försöken.  Arbetet resulterade i slutsatsen att olika planeringsmetoder bör användas i olika skeden av byggproduktionsplaneringen, samt att de olika planeringsmetoderna är till olika nytta för de varierande arbetsrollerna i en byggorganisation.  Man kan med fördel använda sig av en kombination av planeringsmetoderna, CPM, LOB och den relativt okända ?Kontinuitetsmetoden? när man planerar och styr sin byggproduktion.

Elektroniskt tillgängliggörande : En komparativ utvärdering av Google scholar och Summon

Electronic availability of information resources has increasingly become an important part of academic libraries everyday vocation. This is a fact that puts impetus on the libraries to know more about the way in which electronic information is being dispersed and handled. This thesis aims to comparatively evaluate Uppsala university library´s own metadata system Summon with the publicly available equivalent Google scholar. The evaluation is based on Péter Jacsó´s theories on database evaluation which concretely puts focus on Summon and Google scholar via the use and application of ten different criteria. The uses of precision and relevance criteria were also implemented as additional evaluation tools.

Finanskrisens påverkan på konkursprediktion

Prior research on the ability of financial ratios to predict bankruptcies has shown a significant difference between the companies that went into bankruptcy and those that survived. This paper investigates whether there is a difference in the prediction ability of financial ratios during the last financial crisis compared to relatively normal macroeconomic environments in which most previous studies have been conducted. We use univariate analysis to compare companies that went into bankruptcy during 2010 and 2011 with companies that remained active. Our dataset consists of 51 failed companies that are matched with 102 companies that remained active. All companies were Swedish limited companies with more than 50 employees and the comparison is made with 26 financial ratios.

En knuten näve i silkeshandske - Kan statliga informationskampanjer stärka samhället och medborgaren?

Public opinion can be shaped as well as transformed in a number of ways. Government authorities occasionally make use of public information campaigns to educate and steer the public. In this thesis the balance between public and private, the individual and the society is analysed in terms of dimensions of individualism and communitarianism. These dissimilar theories on how the society ought to be constructed can be used when analysing many different policy areas, however, they also pinpoint the controversies seen in the public debate regarding Swedish information policy. Based on this analysis an empirical study identifies what kind of knowledge the state wants the citizens to possess and public information campaigns can be problematic.

Malmö konsthall i tid och rum ? en fallstudie om visuell identitet och platsmarknadsföring

This thesis examines how techniques from place marketing, developed to market places, can be used in the process of designing a visual identity for an institution. The thesis is a case study of the development of a new visual identity for the public art institution Malmö konsthall. The essay presents Malmö Konsthall, defines the term visual identity and describes the main principles in place branding. I then define target audiences and key values, discuss the application of place marketing principle and go through the design process of the new visual identity. The process showed that theories about flagship buildings, signature design and signature districts have the biggest influence on the design.

Mannen och kvinnan i reklamen. : En studie av annonserna i tidskrifterna Café och Elle.

Men and women in advertising - a study of the ads in the magazines Café and Elle is an essay in media and communication studies covering 15hp. The author examines what is considered masculinity and femininity in a variety of advertisements, and which products are linked to masculinity and femininity. Besides this, the author also examines the production of happiness, and how this may differ between men and women. Although stereotypes, myths and metaphors are examined. The essay is examined on the basis of gender theory, and theories about stereotypes and myths.

Attributanvändande vid sagostunder på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate what attributes were used in story-time activities, why attributes were used in story-time activities and what functions they have. The study is based on qualitative methods in the form of a literature studies, observations and interviews. The interviews were undertaken with two storytellers from the same public library. The story-time activities were adapted for children from three to six years of age. The study suggested that there was a connection between story-time activities and a social and cultural perspective.

Prototyputveckling i SharePoint

This report is about intranets and SharePoint. It explains how user?s expectations can affect an implementation of an intranet and what companies want to get out of an intranet. It?s also about risks that may occur when an intranet is developed and how to avoid these problems.SharePoint is a collaborative platform and publishing system from Microsoft that assists developers in the implementation of an intranet.

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